Final Recourse
Final Recourse
| 29 December 2013 (USA)
Final Recourse Trailers

A wealthy high powered woman suffers a horrible tragedy after which she descends into substance abuse,turning her back on her family. She later discovers that someone close to her may be behind her subsequent abduction and kidnapping.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
ramnarine I'm not sure if they overplayed the tragedy thing or the writing was too on the nose or what it was, but I knew what was going on immediately from the kidnapping. What I find more shocking are the reviewers/commenters who are complaining about the ending gone awry. Seriously??? Then again, I apparently ruined the movie for some of the people I saw the movie with while others were noting story points that supported my claim.So, if you are the type of person who figures out whodunit pretty quickly, not the most challenging movie for you to see. If not, you might be upset by the twist ending.
mensabyhalf This was a solid movie. The performances were good throughout. One weak actor can ruin a movie, but there were none. Teri Polo was very good in a difficult role. Chaz Palminteri is always compelling. He manages to bring honesty to every role and underplays beautifully. The writing was clever, and a nice departure from what normally passes as a thriller. The screenwriter did a nice job of conveying a lot without repetition. Good use of misdirection. I thought the score could have been better - it felt inserted at times. Most importantly, though, the story flowed well and accomplishes the key task of any film - it keeps the viewer wanting to know what will happen next.
MattyGibbs I have seen some preposterous films in my time but Taken for Ransom/Final Recourse really is up there as one of the silliest. Even with the ridiculous story line this still fails to be sufficiently entertaining. The plot tries to be clever with numerous twists but they are so contrived and unconvincing that rather than being impressed you are left irritated. Everything about the film is amateurish, the acting, the dialogue, the script. Terri Polo fails to convince as the lead although to be fair to her she was the best one in this and even the best actress in the world would have struggled in her role. The bad guys were bad caricatures and the supporting cast especially the husband were wooden. The ending really does defy belief. It is so ridiculous and laughable that it falls into the so bad it's good category and the only reason I didn't rate this film a 1. I can't recommend this film to anyone other than those looking for an a laughably ludicrous film to watch. Quite how this currently has a rating of 5.6 is beyond my comprehension. Just awful.
atvbballrob Taken for Ransom/ Final Recourse is a thrilling drama about a wife (actress Tio Polo playing Brooke) who is driving her young son and gets into a car accident that results in the son's death. Brook then enters a deep depression as she can't get over being responsible for his death. She becomes unproductive at work and eventually is toxic for her young daughter and husband, who are already going through enough mourning their loss. Booke later get's kidnapped and held for ransom, until a couple of unexpected twists take the movie from good to great. Overall, the movie had the perfect amount of unpredictability and drama. I highly recommend it.