R | 09 August 2000 (USA)
Python Trailers

Sleepy New Haven California is a small town with a big problem. A sixty foot slithering horror has arrived and shattered the town's tranquillity on it's path of death and destruction... Growing violent and more savage with each attack the gigantic creature soon becomes an unstoppable feeding machine raging beyond control of it's creator, leaving only the stripped bones of it's victims in it's wake.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Walter Sloane Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
TheLittleSongbird It is not as if I immediately hate on low-budget movies, I have enjoyed and been entertained by some. Python is not one of those I was entertained by, in fact while the beginning sets things up nicely and has all the makings of an enjoyable enough movie it was simply terrible. I have seen worse special effects, but they do look outdated and close ups(and there are a fair few of those) are not kind to them. The gore looks like jelly or at least to me it did. The editing is also rather scrappy too. The dialogue is both cheesy and trite with nothing memorable or much that adds anything to the movie's quality. The story is also a disaster, I don't actually mind predictability but it was the complete lack of suspense, thrills or excitement, bland atmosphere and lethargic pacing that I did mind a great deal, and Python has all of these. Plus the predictability was so vast that you knew exactly what was going to happen next. The characters are insufferably annoying, while the snake is not just poorly rendered but not menacing at all and we learn next to nothing about its origins. The direction has no life and does nothing to help the actors or to make the story halfway interesting. The acting is dire all-round, particularly from a woefully miscast Caspar Van Dien. Robert Englund is the best of the bunch, and he has done and deserves so much better than this. In conclusion, decent beginning but not enough to save the mess that is the rest of the movie. 2/10 Bethany Cox
Sandcooler I'm going to be frank here: I just don't get movie science. What possible benefit can there be in trying to create a giant and indestructible killer snake that just for the heck of it can also spit acid? And even if there's a proper use for that sort of thing, would you really try to transport said snake by merely shoving it into a wooden box and putting it on a plane? Didn't anyone notice a tiny flaw in that plan? Anyway, this movie mostly consists of pseudo-clever tongue-in-cheek moments, which all in all is pretty lame. When the makers are in on the joke, making fun of horror movies just isn't that great anymore. Some scenes do manage to be entertaining though, like the decapitation scene and pretty much every bit that involves Robert Englund as the crazed professor. My absolute favorite sequence is the shower attack though, how the hell does that towel stay on? Also the death scenes are hilariously crummy, and the crummyness is so funny that it just has to be unintentional. I can't believe how much these actors suck at pretending they're being attacked, they're about as convincing as UFO footage. I liked parts of this movie, it was better than I expected it to be, but that just says I had very low expectations.
Michael_Elliott Python (2000) BOMB (out of 4) Robert England plays a mad scientist who created a huge python that spits acid. I'm terrified of snakes, which means I usually have a good time being scared with snake movies but this one here was downright awful and ranks as one of the worst films I've seen the past twenty years. The acting is atrocious, the screenplay laughable and the special effects are terrible looking.Python 2 (2002) BOMB (out of 4) The American government brings home an eight-five foot snake, which eventually escapes and starts eating people. This is another horrid, direct to video horror movie but it's slightly better than the first film since this one here runs ten minutes shorter. Is that any kind of recommendation?
dayzeea This movie ROCKS! What more could you ask for? Robert Englund dressed as Panama Jack for some reason. Random sex scene in a tent. A crazy mutant killer snake chasing a truck. The proverbial shower scene - the towel NEVER falls off! Jenny Mcarthy as a skanky (oddly old looking) real estate agent. It's priceless! It ranks right up there with "The Snake King" and "Dagon" (which by the way is about mutant killer fish people). If you LOVE cheese this is the movie for you! And if you haven't had enough check out "The Snake King" with Stephen Baldwin in all of his acting glory! Python Rules! This has to be ten lines long so I'll finish this by giving praise to another excessively cheesy movie: "Cherry Falls" Oh, yeah: Jay Mohr as a psycho cross dressing serial killer and Brittany Murphy asking her boyfriend to bite her toes!