Boa vs. Python
Boa vs. Python
R | 09 November 2004 (USA)
Boa vs. Python Trailers

After an overly ambitious businessman transports an 80-foot python to the United States, the beast escapes and starts to leave behind a trail of human victims. An FBI agent and a snake specialist come up with a plot to combat the creature by pitting it against a bioengineered, 70-foot boa constrictor. It's two great snakes that snake great together!

ChikPapa Very disappointed :(
ClassyWas Excellent, smart action film.
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Phillipa Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Uriah43 In his pursuit of living dangerously, a wealthy casino owner by the name of "Braddick" (Adam Kendrick) has managed to acquire an 80-foot python and plans to bring it into the United States so that he and a few other self-absorbed hunters can track it down and kill it. Unfortunately, an unexpected event occurs along the way which results in the python escaping its cage and getting loose close to a water treatment facility in Pennsylvania. Being somewhat hungry, it immediately feeds on a few of the workers there, which in turn gets the attention of the FBI. Not wanting to damage the precarious water supply of that particular region of the country, the FBI agent-in-charge, "Agent Sharpe" (Kirk B.R. Woller) contacts a local herpetologist by the name of "Dr. Emmett" (David Hewlett) along with a marine biologist named "Monica Bonds" (Jaime Bergman). It is then disclosed that Dr. Emmett has a 70-foot boa constrictor which he has scientifically bred in captivity while Ms. Bonds possesses a state-of-the-art surveillance apparatus that she has used on dolphins. The plan they come up with is to put the surveillance equipment on the boa constrictor and somehow lure it towards the python and hopefully kill it. What they don't count on is the presence of the big-game hunters. On that note, neither do the big-game hunters count on a 70-foot boa constrictor in addition to their intended target. In any case, rather than reveal any more I will just say that, even though I had hoped it would be worth viewing, I honestly didn't expect too much from this particular movie. For starters, neither "Python" nor "Python II" were really that good. Not bad necessarily--but not that good either. Likewise, the film featuring the first gigantic boa constrictor ("New Alcatraz") was even worse. That said, combining the two elements of these films didn't seem to be all that appealing. In retrospect, while I wouldn't say that this movie was a complete disaster, it still wasn't quite as good as it could have been either. The action scenes lacked zest and the general story seemed to plod along at a very slow pace as well. In short, if a person enjoyed any of the previous films in this hybrid series then it might be worth a watch. For what it's worth, I didn't see anything special or out-of-the-ordinary with this movie and I rate it as slightly below average.
elliott78212 I gave it a 5 out of 10, I was up late tonight and needed something to watch. Well it was Snake night on SyFy, this was one of the better movies yes its contrived and the acting was very average however I did enjoy the movie nearly can't explain it for a TV Movie made on a small budget the CGI was better than some more recent offerings for this network. Some silly dialogue and plot devices made me laugh at first I thought it wasn't deliberate and while the movie is not tongue and cheek silly it did feel like the director wanted to lift the film by going at it straight forward so that the laughs are intentional because there is no way this movie was meant to be anything else. Would I buy the movie on DVD no but if you're spending a weekend morning in, having a rain/snowday or up late this movie could fit the bill.
Paul Andrews Boa vs. Python starts as rich casino owner & big game hunter Broddick (Adamo Palladino) has a huge 80 foot Python imported from South East Asia with the intention of staging a one of a kind hunt, however just outside Phillidelphia the snake breaks free & disappears into some underground tunnels. FBI Agent Sharpe (Kirk B.R. Woller) is on the case, this guy has a pretty wild imagination because he flies in Monica (Jaime Bergman) from the Miami Marine Research Institute to help fit a huge 80 foot Boa with special monitoring equipment because they intend to release the Boa which will hunt down the Python & bingo job done. However the FBI has more to worry about than just 80 foot snakes as Broddick still wants his hunt & Pillidelphia is as good a place as any, I mean so what if innocent people lose their lives...Directed by David Flores this is quite simply an incredible film, an incredible film for all the wrong reasons of course & one that you have to see to believe. The script by Chase Parker & Sam Wells is absolutely preposterous from start to finish, this really is one of the dumbest & stupidest films I've seen & it wouldn't surprise me if the filmmakers took that as a compliment. At least it doesn't take itself seriously & I'm convinced the humour & silliness on show here is deliberate although I admit I didn't find any of it particularly funny. For a start the character's are awful, from dumb local cops to incompetent FBI agents to heavily armed soldiers who just stand there while some guy with a flame thrower turns them into human toast without firing a single shot back. The dialogue is terrible, people reactions & decision making is awful & you know your in trouble when they cast the likes of Playboy Playmate January 1999 Jaime Bergman as a brilliant marine scientist! You can't take the film seriously for a second, it's just so ridiculous & the basic premise is totally moronic. To it's credit it moves along like a rocket & provides some entertainment on a so bad it's good level.Director Flores does OK I suppose, it looks nice enough although it does resemble flashy music videos & commercials at times. There's a surprising amount of female nudity on show here, it certainly outweighs the gore side of things which is low as there's a couple of bitten in half bodies & that's it. There is also one priceless moment in Boa vs. Python the likes of which will probably never be repeated again, while having oral sex with his girlfriend a guy is dragged off & killed by the Python which then goes back & finishes the job off for him with it's slimy forked tongue! The snakes themselves aren't really in it enough & when they do eventually get to fight for all of 30 seconds at the end it's rather pathetic & poorly animated. There are numerous classic bad film moments throughout this that will go down in cinematic history & really do have to be seen to be believed.Technically the film is alright, the snake CGI computer effects aren't too bad generally speaking although some bits here & there are terrible. Set in Phillidelphia but actually filmed in Sofia in Bulgaria. The less said about the acting on show here the better I think.Boa vs. Python is just one of those cinematic experiences which almost defies explanation, it really is as ridiculous & dumb as it sounds but if you turn your brain off it might provide a few decent laughs. Impossible to recommend as it's terrible but there's a bit of fun to be had here if you look hard enough. Follows & brings together Python (2000), Python 2 (2002) & New Alcatraz (2002) which featured the 80 foot Boa.
ConservativeCat by making me truly appreciate the power of a horrible film. This was the first poor film I saw, but certainly wasn't the last."Say, Billy! I hear you want to make a movie. Well, sit back and I'll give you a few pointers about movie making: Your female protagonist should be sexy, and, if possible, loose her top at least once during the film. This will keep your bored audience at attention, waiting for another possible slip. Well, if they're male. Millionaires are idiots, all of them. Remember, they may have displayed some prowess making their fortunes by their late 20s and early 30s, but it was all luck. Leave a few questions unanswered, and try to stuff a sex scene in somewhere. Running out of money for your budget? Buy off a few minor folks to serve as actors. Models will serve. Beef up those graphics. Remember, the government is incompetent on how to deal with monsters."Seriously, this film deserves a place in your hall of fame. I originally watched it on the Sci-Fi channel, and, despite the poor quality, kept watching it in hopes that the lovely Jaime Bergman would show more of herself. It starts out somewhat believable. This rich young man (trying to pose himself as a tough guy) and his sexy, masculine girlfriend are hanging out. Eventually, the girl pulls out a gun, and the two of them hop up to boink. These two morons have a bunch of equally stupid friends who are all ready and willing to hunt a huge reptile, which is brought in from outside the country. Their posse is a bunch of clichéd, flat characters with nothing deeper than their accent and costumes. Over the course of the film, they all die, Jaime and a stupid snake raiser release a big snake to slither off and slaughter the enemy snake, the Python. Well, it ends up with one guy with a flame thrower killing some folks for no reason, getting eaten, then the Python dying in a subway. The Boa just kind of disappears.Ultimately, this film ends up being on a flimsy basis, with some crappy acting, poorly developed characters, and a more or less "by-the-book" storyline. By which, I mean, good guy gets the girl out of his league. This is all complete with the normal incompetence of FBI and government agents, since civilians are much more able to deal with a major crisis.It's all just a reason to show two snakes fighting each other. Over all, there were four valuable things I took from the film, and carry with me.1) A nice bikini shot, and some brief nudity.2) Every Sci-Fi Channel movie follows the same basic plot, and are chocked full of red shirt characters.3) A fun new game to play with my girl friend. ("Hey, how do you catch a 100 foot snake?" "Get a bigger snake!" (By the way, the Boa, who was supposed to capture the Python, was actually smaller... and the Python wasn't 100 feet.))4) An appreciation for crappy works of 'art', such as poor video games and movies. And for people who enjoy poor movies for the comedy, this gains around a 7/10. However, for the mainstream, 2/10