Mega Piranha
Mega Piranha
R | 10 April 2010 (USA)
Mega Piranha Trailers

When a science experiment goes horribly wrong, gigantic fish gain appetites for human flesh.

JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
gavin6942 A mutant strain of giant ferocious piranha escape from the Amazon and eat their way toward Florida.What made this film so great? Tiffany? No, she was less than average (even compared to her other SyFy appearances). The gem of this film was Fitch, played by Paul Logan ("Aliens on Crack"). The way he delivers his lines makes every single thing he says unintentionally funny.And that is the only way to watch this movie -- with a great sense of humor and a tolerance for terrible movies. I have seen more bad movies than 99% of the people in this world, but I recognize the "bad bad" and the "so bad it is good" difference. I daresay this one falls in to the latter category.
donnajpierce Oh,why did I record this? Maybe I thought it would be good but it was not.Boy what came upon me of WATCHING this?I mean they have this guy, right, who can kill the piranha by kicking them! Whats up with that?And the helicopter shoots 20 foot bullets at the river that kill 50 foot piranha, but I still see ducks.How do they survive?And it is not even titled right it should be Mega Horrible . And big,big piranha jumping OUT of water, in the city, and EXPLODING? Exploding? Really, wow.but they do tell how the fish' size comes about, the science experiment. This movie makes a new genre, Horr-able. But, there are 50 foot and up piranha killing people, right? That is very entertaining!And, besides, who cares if they're animated, can you do better?
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain Scientists genetically modify piranhas. They start killing. People doubt it's the piranhas. They find out it is, the hard way. The is SciFi (or SyFy now) killer animal stuff. The growing piranhas and bad CGI gave me a few smiles, and the awful dialogue was memorable. But since The Asylum have already done Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus, you kind of wish this Mega Piranha had a sea-folk to battle. Maybe, Mental Mermaid? Tiffany isn't much of an actress, in fact I don't think she was much of a singer. Paul Logan offers the muscles, and when he goes man-on-fish with a piranha in a knife fight, you believe he could win. In the expanding world of killer animal movies, this is one you can easily skip. I'm gonna wait for Piranha 3D.
ithinkmyemailaddressis This might come as a HUGE shock, but I've never even watched the movie! But after the last few movies SPACE has run up in Kanada, with titles like Megathis vs Megathat, just call it a hunch...Tiffany?!? The chunky broad from Mega Shark Vs. Crocosaurus or was it MegaPython vs CrocoSaurus? I can never keep these celluloid gems straight.It's the same plot as the rest of the crap! I know! How about MegaPiranha vs MegaShark Vs Crocosaurus!? The permutations of the fermentations are limitless!Puh-leeze! I think I'm alone now, Tiffany, so just go take off your clothes again! But from 20 years ago! I think I'm going to be sick now, if I watch any of this movie.Don't bother to thank me, but I think I just saved me and you 2 hours of our lives from fame whores like Barry and Tiff there, who just can't seem to have the personal integrity to fade into the sunset on their past glory.No, these movies are not campy, or cool-funny. They are huge wastes of time, that good people get suckered into putting good money into and that's where their money goes to die.Did you really need to read this to figure out this is one big, steaming pile, after you read the title of the movie?!They should have donated their time and money on this monstrousity of a movie to a good starving orphans charity, rather than make this stinker.