The Hive
The Hive
| 17 February 2008 (USA)
The Hive Trailers

When ants, displaying never-before-seen behavior, seize an island, the controversial Thorax Team is called in to stop the massive threat, only to discover that the ants are controlled by something beyond this world.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Leofwine_draca THE HIVE is another in a long run of creature features that premiered on the Sci-Fi Channel. A low budget TV movie adopting the same kind of rubbishy effects that marred the likes of VIPERS and IN THE SPIDER'S WEB, THE HIVE is actually something different. It starts off as a typical monster-on-the-loose flick but then turns into a science fiction movie, complete with guys in hazard suits firing plasma guns at the enemy and obliterating them in great swathes. The fact is, these aren't just ants – they're alien ants that somehow can build computer systems (!) in their cave system and turn into floating, writhing tentacles kind of like the water alien in THE ABYSS.Despite these novel plot elements, the film is as mundane as many of its kind. The acting is of a low calibre, although kudos for casting more individual looking actors and actresses rather than just relying on blonde bimbos and wooden hunks as many of these movies do. I enjoyed the fact that this was filmed on location in Thailand, as that at least means the locations are nice to look at. Despite the alien angle of the story, it's business as usual – people fight ants, win, then the ants regroup, then there's another fight, etc. until the story ends on a predictable twist. There's even the huge 'queen' ant making an appearance at the climax. The CGI effects are pretty poor and the movie is virtually devoid of gore, with only two scenes of interest to the horror fan. The first is a nice moment at the beginning in which a villager is stripped to the bone by the marauding insects, and the second is when a guy gets his visor cracked and the ants swarm into his helmet and strip the flesh from his skull. More of these bits would have made a more enjoyable, spot-the-effect type film experience.In the end, though, despite being a nice try, this is nothing more than a low rent creature flick. I liked plot elements such as the guy with the ant in his ear canal, but nothing much is made of them. For the definitive treatment on killer ants, try the Charlton Heston flick THE NAKED JUNGLE or alternatively read Peter Tremayne's The Ants or the excellent short story Leiningen vs. the Ants.
GL84 Following an epidemic in Brazil, a team of specialists investigating the voracious ant colonies discover the creatures are from outer space intending to colonize the planet and launch an attack against the insects to stop their plans.There was some decent stuff to this one when it tried to. One of the best parts here is pretty much the whole first half as there is some really great action scenes which is really fun and enjoyable. It's a fun story to see this kind of struggle going on all pretty much the first half of the film, and it's really fun and entertaining the way it plays out that the beginning has a lot to enjoy about it. This becomes quite fun as the two different sides are engaged in war, which allows for some really fun moments of the military getting the upper hand with the plasma rifles when it wipes out a huge swarm in an intense blue-light, and a later scene when they use it to blast a humongous swarm straight off a fallen victim is a visually-impressive sequence. The very first encounter on the outskirts of the town with the tactics to keep them at bay looks really great, and seeing the retaliation from the ants being really nice as well, including the film's top kill watching one of the peasants get swarmed by the creatures and completely stripped down to bones seconds later. Others, such as the battle in the factory leading to the trap is impressive as there's a fair amount of tension brought up from the gradual realization of the trap, and there's also the scene where they form an offense and attack leading to some really great battles. As well, there's the tense, action-packed finale in the cave, which has a gigantic ant-made-of-ants interacting with them and features a lot of nice action to get the colony under control which gives this some great work and ends it on a high-note. These are all that really work for this one as there wasn't a whole lot really wrong. This is all pretty much in the middle of the film because the film throws in the really lame and quite unnecessary plot-twist by making the ants aliens. This is completely lame and idiotic, as the scenes which showcase this, from the ants in the colony and the repeated attempts at trying to understand them, manages to undo the rather enjoyable war-story-like- battle with the ants. Also, this one has a much lower body count than it should as this one manages to have not even a half a dozen deaths, an incredibly paltry number for a creature feature, and none of the ones in here are even gory. The last flaw here is the really weak CGI, which is typical of these kinds of films that rarely looks anything at all that realistic, and really is quite easy to determine when and where it's used, though it isn't as detrimental as expected. These are the film's few problems as there's a lot more to like here.Rated R: Violence and Language.
Zoooma This may have been independently financed and then picked up for broadcast on the Syfy Channel or Syfy is totally guilty of paying to produce this dreck. But then what else do you expect from Syfy? The story here is about an elite group of exterminators who are called in to get a pretty serious infestation taken care of. Ants swarm, they kill people and they are smart enough to actually hold people hostage. Ay caramba. Poor Tom Wopat (Luke Duke) -- he must need money or something to have signed on to be in this. Terrible acting, terrible writing, total junk! Out of 96 movies I watched from January 1st to April 12th in 2013, this was the third worst! 2.8 / 10 stars --Zoooma, a Kat Pirate Screener
Geeluc I'm giving this a 5 coz it did make me laugh out loud on a number of occasions.The basic plot, killer ants. It sounded like the kind of cheap sci-fi B-movie I like, so I though I would watch it. And I was entertained for all the wrong reasons.The acting was OK, not the worst I've seen, but I've seen a LOT better. The story was ridiculous! I mean, even to the point where; you know in Bond movies, how the bad guys does a plot exposition to Bond? Well, the 'ants' do this to the good guys of the movie...yes, the 'ants' actually tell the humans what they want! I'll not tell you how, but it is ridiculous! It made me laugh out loud.The direction was taken from the 'how to film every camera cliché in the book' school of filming.The end was really disappointing. They try to have a 'twist' ending, but it's more of a 'we couldn't be bothered to think of anything, so we'll resort to an obvious answer' ending. After I saw this, I read a review that said this film has 'credibility', lol, really, it's only credible if you've never seen the 'moving image' before. If you like B-movies, that make you laugh, then you will enjoy this. If you're looking for a sci-fi/horror/action film, then this isn't for you.