The Adventures of Huck Finn
The Adventures of Huck Finn
PG | 02 April 1993 (USA)
The Adventures of Huck Finn Trailers

Mischievous Huck Finn is unnerved when his father, reemerging after years away, kidnaps him in an attempt to take away a $600 inheritance from his late mother. Fearing for his life, Huck fakes his own death and escapes. He soon runs into his friend, Jim, a slave fleeing his master. Together, the pair embarks on a raft journey down the Mississippi River, staying ahead of pursuers who blame the slave for Huck's alleged murder.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
GazerRise Fantastic!
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
David Lawanson THE ADVENTURES OF HUCK FINN This movie was set in the 1800's in St. Pitturgburghs Mississippi. It is about a boy named Huckleberry Finn (played by Elijah Wood), who lives a very rebellious life. He had a slave friend named Jim (played by Courtney B. Vance), who escaped. Huck and Jim set on a journey to Kayrow to try and free Jim, so he can raise money to get his family out of slavery. In the beginning of the movie Pap Finn (played by Ron Perlman) was a drunkard who tried to kill Huck, but he ending up dying on a boat later in the story. Huck however, faked his death caused by Pap so no one would know his identity, while he was on the road. During Huck and Jims journey they meet Duke (played by Robbie Coltrane) and King, they were thief's that were on the run from stealing a lot, the Duke and King (played by Jason Rebarbs) capture both Huck and Jim and force them to with them to get Mary Jane Wilks (played by Anne Heche) fathers money as they pretended that they where the brothers of Peter Wilks, if they refused, they would in Jim as he was accused of being a murderer and a runaway slave. Later in the story, the village actually finds out that Duke and King are impostors, so Huck uses this chance to free Jim as he was arrested during this event. As Huck and Jim running away from the village, Huck gets shot. They capture Jim again but Mary Jane sets them free because she knows Huck and Jim are on the run for a good reason. In the end Miss Watson (played by Mary Louise Wilson) wish came true, Jim became a free man but Huck still continued his rebellious life, which Widow Douglas (played by Dana Luey) was not very happy about. One aspect of filmmaking that I want to talk about is the costume and set design. It corresponded well to when and where the movie was set. The poor dressed like the poor and the rich like the rich in those actual times. Costume and set design is very important in this movie because it shows the audience of the movie when and where the movie was set, also it gives the audience a feel of how life was back then. The stereotypes I would like to talk about are the actual use of realism in the movie. Every character in the movie has a last name apart from Jim, this is because he is a slave, another stereotype is that Jim is a tall, black strong man who is inferior to a small, short white kid, and this is a stereotype because adults are not inferior kids, but Jim is to Huck. Another stereotype is that Jim performs some magic tricks in the beginning of the movie, and this was surprising for others because they thought slaves could not be taught anything else but to work. I really enjoyed this movie, it had funny, sad, adventurous, heart pumping and thrilling moments, I recommend it to other classes because of the morals it teaches, I give this movie 7.5/10. David Lawanson.
meku6109-378-402758 The Adventures of Huck Finn is an adventure movie based off the classic story "Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain. Elijah Wood played the adventurous young boy Huck Finn. Huck runs away with a slave, Jim, Courtney B. Vance, and their goal is to make it to freedom for Jim. This is a dangerous journey through Mississippi for a slave in the 1950s.Huck Finn is a young boy who lives with two old woman because his father, Pap, is not a nice man. Pap decides to take him out of his home one night and brings him to his own house. While at his dad's house, Huck has to be careful because Pap is scary when he is drunk. In order to escape from Pap's life, Huck fakes his own murder. He starts out on a journey but on the first day he comes across Jim in the woods. They decide to travel together but they have to be extra careful who they run into because Jim is blamed for Huck's murder. Eventually, they run into two thieves, Duke and King, who bring them along with them to pretend to be people they are not. Their lies finally catch up with them and they have to carefully find their way out of the situation. Watch the movie to find out what twists this movie takes at the end.This movie does an excellent job of staying in the 1950s time period. The way the slaves are treated and enslaved was really how they were treated. The two boys get stuck on a plantation and Jim is enslaved. Huck sees how Jim is treated and wants to leave. The dialects of the people tell that they are from the South. The way the people dress also keeps with the time period. The ladies wore big dresses and men wore suits and hats.I thought that this movie had excellent acting. Elijah Wood is a young actor and is really great for his age. The other actors are good at playing the roles that they got. They are very realistic and act with the time period.I found this movie really enjoyable and it even had some humor in it. I would defiantly recommend this movie for an age of person because it is classic literature but has a Disney spin on it. I give this movie 7 out of 10 stars.
amy_hermosillo Elijah wood plays Huck Finn in the movie as a young boy who likes adventure and meets a runaway slave. Courtney B. Vance plays Jim as a runaway slave who is looking for freedom. They go and try to get Jim freed, and as they go they encounter multiple problems throughout the movie. Ron Perlman plays Huck's father, and in the movie he is the reason on why Huck goes on the adventure. He goes on this adventure to try to get away from his alcoholic dad. This movie was in the 1850's and the place is in Mississippi. The film is comedy mixed with adventure. In the movie the adventures of Huck Finn, Huck is a young boy in the 1850's who runs from home to get away from his alcoholic dad. He meets a runaway slave named Jim and from there the two undertake a series of adventures throughout the movie. Jim gets caught up in Huck's problems as he drags Jim into them. Huck and Jim meet two men who are pretending to be the Wilro brothers and once again Jim gets involved in this situation. When the real brothers arrive in the town, it creates a problem that Huck and Finn get involved. The towns people ask questions, like who are the real brothers and the four guys start asking each other questions about England and that doesn't help because the towns people have no information about England. Jim on the other hand is in jail because he is wanted for murder. When Huck helps Jim escape from jail they are running for their lives when one of the towns people shoots Huck and they miss their chance to escape from that place. You will have to watch the movie to see what happens next. One aspect of filmmaking that I want to talk about is the background. Throughout the movie the background is one of the most important piece to make a movie. I think it is that because the background has to match the problem/plot of the movie to make it more interesting. It gives it image and it plays a big part in filmmaking. I haven't really thought about the background being an important aspect in filmmaking, but now that I researched bout it I do believe that it is very important. I can actually guarantee that if you take out the background movies wouldn't be that exciting to watch.Next I'm going to compare stereotypes of characteristics of the age of realism. Each character in the movie has a last name except for Jim. I think its because he is a slave and during that time period slaves weren't that important. Another example is in the beginning of the movie Jim was performing a magic trick to other people and many people were surprised because they wouldn't think that a slave would be educated. Also when Huck and Jim arrive to America, there is a fight that breaks out and an American pulls out his gun and shoots the guy and says "welcome to America". That's a stereotype because the movie us tying to portray that all Americans are stubborn and arrogant. This movie shows a lot of stereotypes and these are just a few examples I talked about. I think the movie did a good job showing what was going on in the 1850's. There was abolitionism and stereotypes. The movie actually showed optimism instead of realism. People didn't really overcome racism in a short period of time, in the real world it took hundreds of years to overcome and in the movie racism is overcome in the end of the movie. My overall reaction to this film is, it was a good and interesting movie. I loved it because it had some funny parts that made me laugh. It also had drama in it, which makes it interesting to watch. My mood was overall the same, I loved it. I would recommend people to watch this movie. I rate this movie 5 gold coins.
kuhn3216 Michael Kuhn 5/23/12 My view of Huckleberry FinnThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written by Mark Twain during the realism era. The story kicks off with Huck Finn (main character, very mischievous) messing around with some other boys when he sees his Pap's shoe print. This really scares him and he runs to tell his friend Jim. Jim is a slave that is about thirty-five years old and he tells Huck that he should go and hide from his Pap. Huck runs off to his house where he lives with two older women who appear to be his foster parents. His pap comes later that night and kidnaps Huck so Huck fakes his death and runs to a deserted Island called Jacksons Island and it turns out that his friend Jim ran away to become he was going to be sold, and so the adventure began.Huck and Jim were discovered on the Island shortly afterward and grabbed a few supplies as they made their way out of the town. On the way to Cairo (a fictional city where the Ohio River meets the Mississippi) they ran into a few issues. Huck and Jim were traveling mainly at night so it was hard to tell where they were going and to see. One night a ship ran over their raft and they were forced to climb aboard. They decided to loot the ship for supplies and Jim came across Huck's Pap, but he was dead. He decided not to tell Huck because he was afraid the he would run back to their town if he did. They boarded another raft and set off towards Cairo once again. They traveled further south and ran into a couple of strangers who told them they were south of Cairo. They traveled with the strangers to St Petersburg where the townspeople were waiting for the arrival of two brothers to listen to the will of a rich man in the city. The strangers claimed that they were the brothers and inherited all the money but are later discovered to be frauds.The acting in this film was spot on. I think the director made an excellent choice for all the characters, especially the leads. I don't know how the characters relate to the characters in the book but I reckon they are similar. Huck reminds me of a kid who causes a lot of trouble and it shows perfectly in the first scene of the movie when he gets in a fight with the other boy.I really liked the plot of this story. It was funny and adventurous but also showed some really good morals. Jim showed us just because everyone is doing something that doesn't make it right. Huck is adventurous and funny throughout the whole movie. The story flowed very nicely and didn't waste time with useless information and got straight to the point.I was surprised that I actually learned something from a silly Disney movie. The lesson that was taught in the story was very valid and important to everyday life. For example just because everyone in high school drinks and parties every weekend doesn't make it right so I think everyone can learn a lesson by watching the movie. My rating on the film would be five out of five stars because the acting, script and plot were all excellent. I'm glad that I watched this movie and plan on reading the book soon!