| 26 October 2000 (USA)
Sanctimony Trailers

A handsome, brilliant stock trader, bored with his existence, becomes a serial killer.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Chicky5150 You may not believe this, but when the credits to this movie rolled, I looked for the director's name. When I saw it, I burned it into my memory and I never forgot it. This movie is beyond terrible. It makes Ed Wood's films look like Orsen Welles. At least B movies are entertaining, this was a soul deadening experience. The quality was so bad, I began to wonder who allowed this to happen.I hear Uwe Boll runs fourteen miles a day. This is because wherever his movies are viewed, the people must run him out of town with flame and pitchfork. The script was terrible, the lighting was like that of a high school football game, and the cinematography was just above the quality of Roger Patterson's Bigfoot video. The acting was executed by people too ashamed of the production to say their lines with any credibility. In the end was a film Alan Smithee wouldn't have put his name on. I learned that day to avoid any movie by this man despite the circumstances. From what I hear, this is not a bad thing to do.
ValerieJeanB My friend & I rented this movie and within the first 5 mins we had no idea what was going on. It felt like it should have been over within the first 15 mins. It was a terrible movie, my little brother could have been a better actor than some of the ones in the movie, and the plot (if you can call it that) was full of holes. Never would I recommend this movie to my worst enemy, yet anybody I actually like.
bskwirut SPOILERS I watched this movie on HBO at 3AM, and you know what kind of movies are on at that time.First, though, the filmography and one user's comments list the Van Dien character's name as 'Tom Gerrick'. Actually, the character was named Tom Turner.I was puzzled trying to figure out Turner's motivations, and conclude that he displayed total insanity.*SPOILERS* For his early murders, he hid his crimes. Then he went mad? Why did he destroy his brokerage firm by knowingly buying shaky securities? Why did he kill the detective when her partner knew he was with her? Why did he kill the talk show host ON CAMERA? Why did he drop the magazines from his guns at the restaurant? Why did he kill strangers in the restaurant?The movie didn't make a lot of sense, but at 3AM there isn't much choice.
joeygirl72000 Sanctimony is a movie that is not rated here the US but it is kind of scary. I think this, well, kids shouldn't see it alone thats for sure. I guess it was ok, just scary! Casper Van Dien was excellent, he is a very good actor who can play horrific characters real good! I would give Sanctimony a 7!