R | 14 August 2009 (USA)
Grace Trailers

In the wake of a horrific car accident that kills her husband, Michael, expectant mother Madeline Matheson discovers that her daughter, Grace, has died in the womb. Ignoring her doctor's warnings that the fetus must be removed from her body, a grief-stricken Matheson demands to carry the child to term -- even if it endangers her own life to do so. Curiously, little Grace emerges undead -- and with a craving for human blood.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Paul Magne Haakonsen I sat down to watch "Grace" without knowing anything about the movie, aside from it being a horror movie. And that usually is sufficient enough to have me interested.I read the synopsis and must admit that it seemed like the movie could prove to be something unique. Well, it wasn't all that unique. Sure, it stood out in the sense that it was indeed a creative and alternative storyline, but not so much as in terms of it being an outstanding movie in and by itself.The storyline here was a bit morbid, but not to the extend where it became too much. I guess it depends on what aspects of the movie you focus on here; the fact that the child was dead and had returned to "life" and needed blood to survive, or if you focused on the mother's gradual breakdown in psyche as her suffering went on."Grace" managed to stay morbid and dark without passing into an overly gore category or without it slipping into being such a disturbing movie that you will have nightmares. I was actually adequately entertained, although I found the movie to somewhat slow paced, which held back the movie.The movie has a relatively small cast, so there was additional pressure on the lead cast. But I will say that the actors and actresses in the movie were holding their own quite well and were doing good jobs with their given roles and characters. In particular Jordan Ladd in the lead role carried the movie quite well, and also Samantha Ferris although she only had a supporting part."Grace" is not your average horror movie. It is enjoyable and watchable for sure, just be prepared for a somewhat prolonged and dragged out storytelling. And that is the reason why I am rating it a mediocre 5 out of 10 stars.
fedor8 An amoral lesbian couples up with a heterosexual man (who is so smitten with her he is unaware she's bored during sex), just to have a baby. Very fittingly, a blood-seeking demon spawn plops out of her frontal hole, blessing us with yet another useless horror flick.This unexploded bomb is a great example of how the "mind" of a vegan Hollywood tard works, plus a typical example of left-wing propaganda. "Traditional" western medicine (called that way in spite of having a very short history) is portrayed as inadequate and professional doctors as incompetent yet arrogant, while New Age hocus-pocus witch-doctors are shown as highly capable goodie-two-shoes i.e. NOT charlatans looking for ways to scam you out of your hard-earned money, which is what all of them are.Very early on we are informed that the blond bimbo is… well, just that: yet another dumb blond bimbo. She leads a vegan (that is to say bird-brained) lifestyle; she feeds her cat veggie foods; she wants to have a "natural" birth because she actually believes that dipping her vagina plus newborn into warm water is the solution to all potential medical problems; she (along with the movie's writer) believes that western medicine is bogus; she is a sucker for homeopathy and considers any product heavily diluted with water to have miraculous powers. Yes, she is the dictionary definition of a modern-day imbecile – and this imbecile wants to continue her low-grade DNA by making even more imbeciles like herself. Unfortunately, it's cretins like her that make far more babies than people with intelligence (which is why we are all already waist-deep in Idiocracy, but that's a different story).To all those blithering idiots and others of nature's unfortunate nincompoops who scowl at "modern medicine", I've only got one wish: I would love to transport them back to the 19th-century for a 5-year period (or any century before the 20th), and then ask them afterwards if they still think modern medicine is overrated, or even harmful (as this dumb movie implies to some extent). The modern western man is much like a spoiled preppie brat, totally unaware of how lucky he is to be living in an age in which dentists actually know what they're doing (well, some of them, at least), and doctors are there to actually help rather than hurt you. But suck your vegan pills and pop that Chinese rhino foot up your nose or into your veins, by all means! Be my guest: I am all in favour of idiots hurting their chances of survival by making all the wrong health-related decisions.Watching this vampiric infancy unfold, one can't help but eagerly anticipate the moment when the blood-sucking vegan-spawned Hell-beast finally shoots its fangs into the dumb blond's protein-devoid flesh. The makers of this turkey are so confused i.e. sending conflicting signals, that it's perfectly impossible to guess into what direction they wanted to guide the viewer. I mean, one can guess, but one can't know for sure. There is plenty of irony in the fact that a vegan gives birth to a blood-sucking demon. And yet, the writer of this trash is so daft that I wouldn't put it past him to not even be aware of the irony – the one he himself created.Is there anyone out there so stupid that they couldn't foretell – well in advance – the obvious, cliché plot-"twist" of the doctor being murdered in the vegan's house and then feeding his blood to demon-seed kid? The less said about her mother-in-law's obsession with getting her boobs to start dripping milk, the better. Speaking of which, it was highly unrealistic and retarded that she'd pop up for a surprise visit of Lady Vegan months after the birth. Apparently, she was too stupid to think of doing that earlier – rather than make all these far-fetched plans of forced adoption.But as dumb as the first hour or so are, the ridiculous, cliché-laden finale will leave you in stitches. It is that dumb. The New Age lesbian "doctor" gives up everything – and goes on the lam - just to be with her ex-lover and her dopey blood-suckling infant. It is an ending worthy of this trash.
aliciatownshend Although I've checked the spoilers box, I'll try and spare you a synopsis--plenty of these reviews have already provided that quite well. My main reason for giving this movie a mediocre rating is that there is so much that's unexplained, or explained illogically. A few of these are: 1. It's obvious that Madeline and her midwife were once romantically involved. This begs the question of why Madeline would choose to use the midwife's services, or why the midwife would find it a professionally good idea to provide medical care to Madeline and her unborn infant. 2. Building on 1 (and the end of the film), why is Madeline married if she's in love with her midwife? There are tons of pro-whatever makes you happy/politically correct undertones, so why write a husband into the movie? Considering the success of artificial insemination, he seems unnecessary, and is in fact a bland (disposable) character. 3. Why is there a mother-in-law in the film? Granted, her freakish need to suddenly become a mother after her son dies adds to this carnival of nonsense, but overall seems to drag this movie on longer than what's good for anyone. 4. What, precisely is Grace? Vampire? Zombie? 50/50 combination of both? Neither? 5. What prompts Madeline's obsessive need to provide blood for her rotten spawn? There's not enough backstory to make her "motherly love trumps all that is good/logical/pure" hold much weight. Learning that Madeline had miscarried before, suffered an infant crib death, etc. would have made her devotion to Grace believable, if not acceptable. 6. The end seemed weak, though I can't honestly think of how it could've been made better. Felt as though it were left open for a sequel, which hasn't so far appeared--thank goodness. Not the worse movie I've seen, but definitely not the best. There was a lot of potential with this one, but it fell short.
Dylan This is a difficult movie to review because it's such a mixed bag of really good and really bad. First and foremost, the movie really disturbed me and that takes so serious doing so big thumbs up for that. The movie is also very well shot.My problems are with the abysmal writing. The movie never had a clear direction. Some really interesting plot lines never went anywhere and others were never explained. Here are just some of the problems with this movie (spoilers ahead): 1. Is the baby dead or alive? The movie indicates its normal when it is born, but then it appears to be decomposing (flies like it, temperature is too cold, skin dissolving in bath water). If it is dead, why isn't it really dead (i.e, room temperature as opposed to 93.3 degrees). Also, as a parent, you would notice when your child is that cold. It would be obvious to the touch. This mother blamed it on a broken thermometer.2. In addition to never knowing what the baby is, we never know why it is the way it is. The movie hints at lots of things like the mother's meatless prenatal diet, the animal violence she watches on TV, or the trauma prior to birth, but we never get any type of answer.3. We see way too little of the baby. I get that it's a tough subject to shoot, especially with this plot, but Christ, that's what the movie is about. I want to see this thing.4. The best parts of this movie are the scenes with the baby. As a parent with two small children I found this horrifying. But the movie abandons the baby as it spends the last 30 minutes in this short film in its crib. There were plenty of scenes where it easily could have done something cool that fit with the plot. For example, at the end where the grandmother is dying with a hemorrhaging aorta while holding the baby, how about having the baby drink the blood instead of just sitting there.5. The lack of baby actually doing crazy stuff in this movie made me suspect that the twist at the end was that the baby was completely normal and it was the mother who was trying to get the kid to drink blood. The plot was so unclear that I found myself constantly wondering such things.6. The characters behave in ways that is just out of character. Notably, the mother is an animal loving vegan, but she watches some channel on TV that is constantly showing real life killings of animals. She explains that its like watching a horror movie for vegans, but its not believable. Also, the baby is several weeks old before the obsessed grandmother goes over for a visit. I know grandmothers (who aren't obsessed) and they don't wait! 7. I never understood the relationship between the mother and the mid-wife. The movie seemed to assume we had watched a prequel with these two.8. Why was Patricia buying an RV? It fit at the end, but she had no way of knowing she'd be running off with a kidnapped monster child.9. The ending is just silly. Was it trying to be funny at the end? If it was, it failed and it didn't fit with the rest of the movie. And it was completely unrealistic. A baby drinks a lot. A human body can't even reproduce a cup of blood a day. And if you were going to give a baby your own blood, why not just put in an IV and bottle feed it. Why would you let it bite the end of your breast? Despite the many and gaping plot holes/deficiencies, I do have to recommend this movie because it really scared me.
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