The People That Time Forgot
The People That Time Forgot
PG | 06 July 1977 (USA)
The People That Time Forgot Trailers

Major Ben McBride organizes a mission to the Antarctic wastes to search for his friend who has been missing in the region for several years. McBride's party find themselves in a world populated by primitive warriors and terrifying prehistoric creatures, all of whom they must evade in order to get back safely

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
FlashCallahan Major Ben McBride organises a mission to the Antarctic wastes to search for his friend who has been missing in the region for several years. McBride's party find themselves in a world populated by primitive warriors and terrifying prehistoric creatures, all of whom they must evade in order to get back safely to their ship.....The Land That Time Forgot was a funny throwaway bit of fluff that had a funny soundtrack and great monster effects. It was a success, so it was a given that some sort of follow up would be made.This, however isn't the way to follow up a fun ninety minute adventure movie. Imagine Jurassic Park with an hour of the group on a boat, and then thirty minutes of them on foot, and then twenty minutes of dinosaurs? Sounds rubbish doesn't it.Well this is that film, twenty minutes on a boat, ten minutes on a plane with cinemas most annoying pterodactyl, and then lots of walking.The rest of the film is just Doug McClure trying to win the film from everyone else, and Ursa from Superman with Princess Leia buns.It all ends with a glowing volcano, and not much else.A pointless movie, devoid of the awkward charm the first film had.
SanteeFats Nice follow up to "The Land that Time Forgot". In this one Patrick Wayne is searching for his long lost friend, Doug McClure, who disappeared several years ago. They come to the ice in a ship, take off in a float plane, of course with a female reporter along and a mechanic who turns out to be decently funny. The encounter with a pterodactyl while in the air causes them to land short with a chewed up prop. Most of the group proceeds on, leaving the mechanic alone to try and fix the plane. They find out that the friend has been captured by some caveman type tribe. They find Doug McClure, rescue him and his friend, get them safely back to the plane and, with some difficulty manage to take off and get back to the ship just before it has depart.
Michael_Elliott The People That Time Forgot (1977) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Sequel to THE LAND THAT TIME FORGOT finds a group of people going to the mysterious island after the letter written by Tyler (the survivor of the first film) is located. The group finally make their way to the island where they encounter all sorts of prehistoric creatures and cavemen while at the same time trying to locate Tyler. Edgar Rice Burroughs' novel is turned into a fairly entertaining movie but I think PEOPLE falls well short of LAND for a couple of reasons. I think the biggest reason is that the characters here aren't nearly as interesting as the ones in the original film. It seems like these characters are just the typical cardboard characters that you'd expect to see in a movie like this and there was very little attempt to make them more interesting. I think it's also fair to say that this sequel just seems like the first film made over without as much energy or passion. With that said, if you did enjoy the first movie then it's pretty safe to say that you'll at least be entertained by this one. As with the first one we're given some pretty good action scenes and as long as you don't take anything too serious you should at least be able to smile. The special effects of the creatures are somewhat better here but there's still no question that the dinosaurs are a long ways from what we'd eventually see in something like JURASSIC PARK. The performances aren't that bad with Patrick Wayne leading the way with Sarah Douglas and Shane Rimmer offering nice support. Doug McClure makes a very brief cameo but Dana Gillespie clearly steals the film as a cave woman. Speaking of Gillespie, the greatest special effect in the film is her costume and how amazing it is that her breasts never come popping out. THE PEOPLE THAT TIME FORGOT is a step down from the previous movie but fans of this type of thing should still be entertained.
Dave from Ottawa The Land That Time Forgot was a surprisingly decent entry into the lost world of cavemen / dinosaurs adventure genre of the 70s, but this paint- by-numbers follow-up is nothing special. Block of wood celebrity offspring Patrick Wayne leads a band of rescuers in search of first movie survivor Doug McClure. The resulting chases, fights, narrow escapes etc. are the usual stuff of adventure movies, but the stunt choreography comes off as ordinary and uninspired. Oh-so-British Sarah Douglas is along as one of Wayne's crew but she has little to do here other than stand around looking uncomfortable. And the Lost Land itself, an important and colorful presence in the first film, is less imaginatively conceived this time around. Not a bad time waster when you have nothing better to do for a couple of hours, but try not to expect too much in the way of visionary fantasy. It isn't here.