| 13 July 2010 (USA)
Goblin Trailers

Every Halloween, a small hamlet in the deep woods is visited by a fierce goblin, intent on capturing infants and brutally murdering anyone in it's path.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Leofwine_draca GOBLIN is a typical monster-on-the-loose type horror flick. It was made by the SyFy Channel and shot in Canada, which is never a good combination; after an elaborate set-up involving a historical curse, this turns out to be business as usual with a CGI monstrosity stalking the woods and picking off a group of characters one by one.It involves plenty of cheesy acting from the unfamiliar cast members, lots of all-too-familiar chase sequences, and some gobbets of nasty gore to spice things up for horror fans. Unfortunately the premise is better than the execution: what could have been an interesting, supernatural-themed horror flick turns out to be the usual monster guff with every cliché in the book rolled out.The CGI creation in this - a goblin, apparently, although it looks nothing like one - is fairly effective, looking more like the Grim Reaper than a fairytale sprite. The effects are quite good actually, as are those aforementioned blood shots, but the characters are dull and the situations that unfold are strictly routine. Not much to recommend here if I'm honest.
Nuno Madeira Rodrigues A script that would have been original and worked, I dare say, 60 years ago maybe. Poor directing. "Overly creative" editing (if that's even a thing) that just... fails too many times. At the beginning this film fails every other scene until it starts failing in every scene and it just turns into a comedy. But let's focus on the best part......the acting.I felt sorry for the performances from almost every single actor. I really did. It's like "awwwww... she can't act" and then "awwww... he can't act either" and finally "awww... this is such a big mess" (note: that's when the master shot comes up and you have both of them in frame hehehe ;). Seriously. It really is that bad. But it's so much fun at the same time. That's actually what kept me watching this. If the acting was slightly better it would have killed the film for me because then it would have become unbearable. But it didn't so I give it a solid 10/10 because I had such a wonderful time and actually bothered to write this.
patrick james A teenager goes to the middle of nowhere with her best friend, her father, step-mother and baby step-brother. Unfortunately, the town they go to is cursed and every Halloween a goblin comes to life and steals babies. When the goblin comes for her baby brother this 17 year old must help save his life. It's not a great movie, but it's not terrible. The girls playing the 17 year old teenagers over do it and act more like they are 13 years old, which is a bit annoying. The CGI isn't bad for a lower budget movies and if you like horror you'll like this. Nothing new here, but you won't want to kill yourself while watching it. It would be nice if horror movies could work on improving the quality of acting in their films. Directors should always be asking their actors, "Is this how you would really react if this was real?"
TheLittleSongbird To be honest, I was expecting Goblin to be complete rubbish, which is the standard I have to put with with a vast majority of SyFy's resume. But I was surprised that while not brilliant by any stretch of the imagination it was not bad either.True, there are a lot of pacing issues with the movie moving a little too slowly for my liking. Goblin also starts off rather dull and the ending is a let-down and takes a while to set up. The dialogue is better than I thought it would be, but some of it was still rather idiotic.However, the story is intriguing. While the pacing disallowed the story to do more than it had potential of doing, the idea was great and there are some scenes that have a genuine atmosphere to them. The production values are surprisingly not cheap with decent make-up and effects and atmospheric lighting and camera work. The music is also very creepy. The acting is also much better than anticipated, Gil Bellows especially manages to do something quite special with his role.Overall, a better film than I thought it would be, but part of me thought it could've been better too. 6/10 Bethany Cox