The Incredible Hulk Returns
The Incredible Hulk Returns
NR | 22 May 1988 (USA)
The Incredible Hulk Returns Trailers

Dr. David Banner meets a former student, who has a magical hammer that summons Thor, a Norse god who is prevented from entering Valhalla. When the two superheroes stop feuding long enough to breathe, they are a team unmatched by any of their enemies.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Wuchak RELEASED TO TV IN 1988 and written & directed by Nicholas Corea, "The Incredible Hulk Returns" is the first of three movies in the wake of the TV series that ran from 1977-82.PLOT: Bill Bixby stars as Dr. David Banner, who is working incognito at a research facility in Southern California and on the verge of curing his gamma radiation-induced curse. Meanwhile Banner reunites with younger colleague Don Blake (Steve Levitt), who has found a magical Norse hammer, which can summon Thor (Eric Allan Kramer), an ancient Viking warrior. When a vital piece of technology is nearly stolen and David's sweetheart is kidnapped (Lee Purcell), the Hulk (Lou Ferrigno) and Thor must team-up to save the day. Jack Colvin returns as nosy reporter Jack McGee.Despite the TV-budget limitations, this is a very entertaining Hulk movie, even better than the pilot movie from 1977. This is mostly due to the inclusion of Thor, who's pretty close to the Marvel Comics version (Stan Lee was a consultant), albeit with a brown costume rather than dark blue. This is because Thor here is (evidently) NOT the god of thunder from Asgard, but rather a mighty Viking from the distant past aided by the mystic hammer. His personality isn't like Thor in the comics (i.e. one-dimensionally noble and boring), but rather like Marvel's Hercules, where he's hearty, loves a good fight, women & brew. Kramer knocks the role out of the ballpark with his merry & mighty charisma.The biker bar episode is a highlight with Peisha Arten standing out as one of the "Whoa, Mama" biker babes. The ending is kind of sad accompanied by Joseph Harnell's melancholic piano theme.THE FILM RUNS 93 minutes and was shot in California (Malibu, North Hollywood and Los Angeles). ADDITIONAL DIRECTING: Bill Bixby. ADDITIONAL CAST: Charles Napier, Tim Thomerson and Jay Baker.GRADE: B+
Leofwine_draca Although it's hidden behind a nondescript title, THE INCREDIBLE HULK RETURNS actually turns out to be something of a gem of a superhero movie. It's a TV movie spin-off from the classic late '70s TV series which starred Bill Bixby as Bruce Banner and Lou Ferrigno as his hulked-out alter ego, and both actors return in a tale which pits the Hulk against that Norse god of legend, Thor.Yes, it's Thor and Hulk, in the same movie, some twenty years before Marvel became popular again with the likes of THE AVENGERS flick. Obviously, THE INCREDIBLE HULK RETURNS is an entirely different kettle of fish, packed full as it is of cheesy '80s-era special effects, camp costumes and even camper acting, but at the same time it's a lovable film with plenty to enjoy.I don't know, I do appreciate these older comic book adaptations which play up the camp - they're somehow more endearing than the new, po-faced, wisecracking superhero flicks. THE INCREDIBLE HULK RETURNS feels a little like the BATMAN TV show of the 1960s, with a couple of erstwhile heroes working their way through various criminal types as they battle to bring down some thieving foes. Bill Bixby's calm presence centres the whole thing, but Ferrigno is the scene-stealer as ever; as for Eric Kramer's Thor, well let's say his acting is an acquired taste. The familiar B-movie faces of Charles Napier and Tim Thomerson round out the cast of what is a surprisingly entertaining and action-packed superhero outing.
Philip King OK let me get the negatives out of the way 1st, what did they do to The Hulks face? he looks odd and not like the Hulk we loved in the series. I know they had to change his hair to cover Lou's new hearing aid but it seems the teeth they used were too big. Plus what happened to the trademark changing into Hulk music? its all some lame orchestral version and talking of the music, it was pretty awful and too loud. Finally whats this Viking posing as Thor all about? No one should be summoning the mighty Thor this way. You'll see what i mean when you see in the movie a guy used Thors hammer to summon Thor like the genie in a lamp.You wouldn't think so by the above comments but i loved this movie, 1st of all after the premature ending of The Incredible Hulk TV series its a big welcome back to David Banner (Bill Bixby), Lou Ferrigno (The Hulk) and Reporter Jack McGee (Jack Colvin), 2nd it's great to see The Hulk moving at normal speed, i mean the slower scenes in the TV series were good but to see him running towards that bad guy, grab him and throw him through the air in real time looks real good.This movie seem ahead of its time, doing what the recent Hulk, Thor, Avengers etc movie are doing, thats bringing together Marvel characters to maybe form a super hero group. This movie has Thor (It also feels like a pilot for maybe a Thor series) and future Hulk movies had plans to feature more Marvel characters.This is the last time we see Reporter Jack McGee. During the series i thought Jack was a pain in the butt to start with then the further we got into the series the more it seemed that Jack was coming around to seeing who the Hulk truly was, after being saved a few times by The Hulk Jack returned the favor by saving The Hulk too (knocked the arm of a policeman who was going to shoot the Hulk and drove his car in front of the Hulk to shield him from getting hit by a bazooka are a couple that comes to mind) and it would have been cool to have finally seen Jack and David sort things out between them.Overall this movie is on par with the best episodes of the series, it may have got 10 out of 10 if it wasn't for those few things i mentioned at the beginning of this and it really was so much a welcome return to the small screen for The Incredible Hulk.This is followed by The Trial of The Incredible Hulk.
mack3175 When I heard about this in 1988, I was excited, But I was not expecting Thor, the other superhero from Marvel Comics. The story begins With David Banner(always well played by Bill Bixby)who takes on another identity. Finds work has a research scienctist. Builds a machine called the Transponder, That cure from becoming the hulk. And just when about to go ahead with it, he is interupted by an old friend named Donald Blake(Steve Levitt) who tells David a big secret of his own. He has a magical hammer that can summon a mighty warrior named(played with a lot of charm by Eric Kramer). But they both soon realize that a bunch of bad guys want to get their hands on the transponder, and they will stop at nothing. Its up to the Hulk and Thor to defeat them. The best hulk movie in years, It beats out The Trial Of The Incredible Hulk and The Death Of The Incredible Hulk. Lou Ferrigno is always good has the Hulk. Eric Kramer is also good has Thor. Why don't they another superhero team up. Like one day they could do a live action Spider-Man teaming up with the X-Men. The most interesting T.V. movie in years. Its a Marvel classic.
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