Braddock: Missing in Action III
Braddock: Missing in Action III
R | 22 January 1988 (USA)
Braddock: Missing in Action III Trailers

When Colonel James Braddock is told that his Asian wife and 12-year-old son are still alive in Communist Vietnam, he mounts a one-man assault to free them. Armed with the latest high-tech firepower, Braddock fights his way into the heart of the country and ends up battling his way out with several dozen abused Amerasian children in tow! Struggling to keep them alive while outmaneuvering a sadistic Vietnamese officer, Braddock ignites the jungle in a blazing cross-country race for freedom.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Marko Kovanen No point watching Missing In Action movies back to back. First two come in wrong order and last one has very little to do with first two. Similarities are Missing In Action in name, Chuck Norris, character name and movies happen in Vietnam. Whoever wrote this haven't seen first two movies.First we are hit fit fact that this is not sequel to earlier movies. Then we are hit with fact that that whoever wrote script takes pretty unbelievable way to start main story after introduction. Then Chuck hits and kicks bad guys in cool action scenes. Sound like brainless action piece. Until we get drama part and from that we get to series of boring action scenes with Chuck Norris not feeling like acting. During drama you wait action and during action you wait movie to end.Two points because there is one "I didn't see that coming" and couple nice action scenes at the beginning. Other than that there is not much to see.
Michael_Elliott Braddock: Missing in Action III (1988) ** (out of 4) To say this Cannon film was just a tad bit far-fetched would be like saying Chuck Norris was overlooked for a Best Actor Oscar-nomination. Col. James Braddock (Norris) learns that the wife he thought died during the fall of Saigon is actually alive and he has a 12-year-old son that he never knew about. It turns out the Vietnamese government doesn't like their people who worked for the Americans so the two are deep in enemy territory so Braddock must sneak back in and try to rescue them but he's got the sadistic Gen. Quoc (Aki Aleong) waiting for him. Many reviews will point out that the entire storyline for this third film goes against stuff that happened in the first two movies but I'm not going to put that much thought into a film like this. This is Cannon we're talking about after all and like most of their films this one here is high on action and short on brains. Overall I thought this was a decent little action picture but I can't help but think it would have been much better had the original director (Joseph Zito) not walked from the production. Aaron Norris makes his directorial debut here and to say it's a bad one would be an understatement. He's clearly in over his head and the perfect example of this are the first few scenes in the film. The opening takes place as we see what happens to the wife yet this scene just drags on and on to the point where you get bored with everything taking place. This sequence should have happened at a much quicker pace. The next sequence has Braddock learning the secret of his wife and son, being warned not to go by the CIA and the next thing we know he's in Vietnam and all of this happens in the matter of minutes. The CIA even manages to follow him even though you have to wonder why they waited for him to get there. I mean, why not just stop him at the U.S. airport if they knew when he was going? Norris, the director, just can't handled most of the scenes and the editing isn't much better as thing really come across cheap and ugly at times. With all that said, most people are going to be coming to this thing for action and it at least delivers that. I love those silly explosions and gunfights that you find in a Cannon picture and there are plenty of them here. Bodies are constantly being shot up and the explosions are all of good quality. The eye candy is never short but then they have to ruin things by trying to be dramatic with the relationship between Norris and his son. All of this just comes off extremely silly and it doesn't help that Roland Harrah III just can't act and his scenes of being mad at his father are laughable. Norris isn't much better but at least he knows how to throw a punch and break necks.
lost-in-limbo "I don't step on toes littlejohn. I step on necks." Chuck Norris is at it again as Col. James Braddock heading into enemy territory; Communist Vietnam to rescue to his once-thought dead Vietnamese wife and his unknown son. The third entry of the series is an agreeable slice of rough and tumble action escapism (though maybe the lesser of the three), which is just as cheaply produced but for most part very well mounted. There was probably has a little more story hanging off it than say its first sequel; "The Beginning". But it feels like its rehashing ideas from the first two, while adding its own angle involving American / Asian orphans. Nonetheless it's just as thick with its overwrought propaganda push and b-grade dialogues with the quick-lipped one-liners. Director Aaron Norris conventionally lays it out. Keeping a brisk pace, even with some blotchy action it's surprisingly lean, sweaty and fist-pumping. I wasn't expecting it to be as sadistic as it was, as I remembered seeing bits and pieces of it thinking it was rather toned down compared to the other films in the series. But it's just as raw and brutal. The performances fall on the static side. Chuck Norris gives a weathered acting performance, but still effectively breaks out those lethal head hugs and neck snapping. After showing glimpses throughout, he finally lets loose in the dying stages by breaking out the big guns. Aki Aleong is vivid, but gets a bit over-the-top as the merciless Vietnamese General who'll do anything to see Braddock admit to the crimes towards his country. Also you got the likes of Jack Rader, Floyd Levine and a tiny show-in by Keith David.
jakodah91 i'll make this short. Braddocks back in Nam to save his family and to rescue the children. along the way he dishes out a few beat downs and blows some stuff up. this is the best in the series because it has a lot of action (the other 2 were a bit light on the action) and plenty of mindless, graphic violence. this film is cheesy and not going to win awards but its fun to watch and fans of chuck Norris will love it. my only real complaint is that the song that comes on at the beginning and end is really bad, i mean terrible. in a way this adds to the b movie fun of the film. i wish action films were still like this instead of the special effects overloaded junk we got nowadays. any way, fans of 80's action should definitely pick this up along with the other 2. 9/10
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