Delta Force One: The Lost Patrol
Delta Force One: The Lost Patrol
R | 05 October 2000 (USA)
Delta Force One: The Lost Patrol Trailers

An elite commando unit must rescue a captured peacekeeping force from a ruthless international arms dealer.

Executscan Expected more
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Carrie90210 All I can say is thank whatever God is out there that this wasn't produced/released after 9/11. Once again, Yoram Globus is back clawing his way back to his original fervid 1980's stature that made (Up)Chuck Norris what he is today by trying to cash in on the direct-to-DVD movie serial craze of the 21st Century! So what if cousin Menahem isn't on for the ride? So, like the action fan girl shmuck I am, I decided to skip Delta Force II since I think Billy Drago's crowning moment was in The Untouchables playing the sadistic cool cat Frank Nitti brandishing a nickel-plated pistol (by the by I saw it on Ebay for around $400), but those white suits Armani had him in made him look like the lovechild of Ed Gein and Cab Calloway. But it looks like once again, video covers are deceptive (great marketing strategies BTW) and you think well that Brit (took his cockney accent for Aussie) has some impressive biceps, Norris' son MIGHT have picked up a few pointers from dad, and Mitchum's grandkid looks like someone I could bring home to mom, and after 90-odd minutes you're left wondering why the f*ck I wasted my $3.50 on this when I could have had some Haagen-Dazs. Not even John Rys-Davies was able to woo me to say this bit of drek was mediocre! The characters were as developed as paper dolls (won't even get into the Greek actress playing the medic), the script was probably thought up after somebody finished reading Bravo Two Zero, and it makes you wonder if this is Globus' pathetic hackney attempt to bridge the gap between Arabs and Israelis and lure Hollywood to the hellish Mid East. Nearly ALL the Arabs were portrayed by Jewish people (my BF is Jewish so I know what I'm talking about). Also, you have think about these actors, I mean they must be destitute or something to take lead roles in movies like the DF and U.S. SEALs series. Or Bentley and Mike's acting attempts are that sincere w/o having to lean on their famous father and grandfather. As for our leading man, I know he's got a wife and 5 kids, but don't all California martial-arts champs open up their own dojo chains and get hired by the studios to choreograph stunt sequences? All I can say is the nuclear missile looked like the cardboard boxes it was built from, the pyrotechnics were borderline, the CGI was something a 12-year-old can put together on a PC, and the most expensive thing in the whole production had to be John Rys-Davies chess set. Also, I'm confused was this action or comedy? Because the post-battle bios made little sense to me.
lofan88 Wow! This action/adventure flick set in a mythical middle eastern country is right on target! It's like being in that part of the world and the action is non-stop. Very exotic local with plenty of action for us to enjoy. Great movie! I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys the action/adventure genre or has an interest in today's headlines. Go USA!
moviez-1 Delta Force One Rules! Dude, if you like excitement and exotic locations and cool action scenes this film has it all. Gary Daniels and Mike Norris are outstanding in this non stop action thriller. I loved this pic and hope there's a Delta Force Two on it's way.
joseayarza When watching an action movie, I don't ask much: I just wanna have a good time!!! i don't care stupid plots, bad acting, I'm long as I'm entertained by it. But in this movie, you really can't be entertained. Its action sequences are boring, since the team does not confront real action. They seem to be in a picnic. They are attacked by their enemies one by one, so they can defeat them easily. The characters can survive a long time despite being injured by a bullet, and they don't even seem like they're dying. And I won't even go into this movie's moronic plot, terrible acting, awful script, dumb characters and horrible special effects. Worst movie ever?? I think so!!
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