The Midnight Man
The Midnight Man
| 19 January 2018 (USA)
The Midnight Man Trailers

A girl and her friends find a game in the attic that summons a creature known as The Midnight Man, who uses their worst fears against them.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
hasnarb Here's a huge spoiler: this whole movie is a mess. Starting out at the characters in the movie. I didn't understand any of the characters at all. They all felt dumb to me because they just did whatever they wanted without any rationalization, like no real person would do. Some appeared here and there out of sudden, and it was really confusing. They didn't have any chemistry at all to each other, especially the love story of the main characters that felt way too forced.Secondly, the plot is laughable, and there are plotholes everywhere. The story kept on jumping from one part to another and the explanation was non existing. Lastly, none of the actors nor actresses act decently. The main actress' acting is so plain. None of them delivered any good impression on whatever character they're portraying. The only reason I'm giving 2 stars instead of 1 is for the appreciation of the director's effort for at least making the atmosphere a horror-movie-like. Yeah, if only the plotholes were fixed and the whole casts were changed, it'd probably be a decent horror movie. But for now, it should probably be labelled as a comedy movie.
Filmwatcher If you like your films acted by students, filmed on a phone with a budget of the price of a coffee ... this film is NOT for you!!! I see the trolls have been on this one, unjust bad reviews, the acting, quality, visuals, budget and storyline all good. It's not an oscar winner and not a 'conjuring scare you silly film', but its a good little horror with some strong well done violence and petite scares, lovely performances from cult and familiar faces.... trolls you have your cheap student horror flicks with generic film posters that have nothing to do with the film ... and i'll stick to 'REAL' horror films !!!
stumonroe What is the mark of a good horror movie (hell, a good movie PERIOD)? Does it pull you out of your shitty reality for a while and entertain the crap out of you. That's the formula. In that regard, I have no complaints about "The Midnight Man".You have Robert Englund and Lin Shaye together again. He is mesmerizing as always and she is creepier than the titular Midnight Man himself. You can't go wrong there. Are there plot holes and times when the suspension of disbelief wavers a bit? Sure. However, they did such a good job with the atmosphere and effects, generally speaking, that you really don't get too put out by this. At least, I didn't.I have no reservations about recommending this one. It's worth an hour and a half of your life.
emholberg Why even bother making this kind of "movies"? That is as much of a review as it deserves. Laughable...
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