Campfire Tales
Campfire Tales
R | 16 May 1997 (USA)
Campfire Tales Trailers

Anthology of famous, scary urban legends done with a modern twist.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Toronto85 'Campfire Tales' is an enjoyable horror anthology film which features three pretty good stories. It's wraparound story involves four teenagers driving back home after a concert. They get into a car accident, and are forced to huddle in the woods. A campfire is built and that's when the stories are told. The first is about a newly-wed couple driving to Las Vegas, but decide to take the back roads to get there. Their RV is stalled in the middle of the woods and both are eventually attacked by some creature lurking in the dark. Creepy little tale. The next one is way more realistic, it involves an 11 year old girl who chats online with who she thinks is a girl her age. The person is actually a paedophile, and he stalks her one night when she's home alone. Very well done The final story is a ghost tale involving murder and ends with a twist. Another creepy entry!The wraparound story with the four teens is also well put together and ends on a but of a shocking note. The first time I watched it, I had no clue that would happen. 'Campfire Tales' has an 'Urban Legend' feel to it. All of the stories actually involve well known urban legends, but I can't go further without giving away massive spoilers. The acting was well done from everyone involved, but the goods of this movie are the stories they tell. The first story about the creature in the woods was really scary and you felt for the couple. And that second story with the little girl was very realistic, not to mention there were some tense moments when the guy goes into her house. The third story had an eerie feel to it, but I only wish it was longer. A few question marks left on that one.Overall, I'd recommend 'Campfire Tales' to everyone! It was a creepy little horror anthology film that tells genuinely scary stories. 7/10
Coventry I expected absolutely nothing from this fairly unknown and low-budgeted 90's horror anthology when they aired it on TV. Let's face it…it looks bad, it sounds bad and it's pretty obvious right away that it hasn't got anything to offer that you haven't seen a thousand times before already. And yet, despite all these negative omens, "Campfire Tales" is a surprisingly effective and competently made movie that I'm sure will satisfy young horror fanatics as well as more experienced genre admirers. The formula is so incredibly simply but it feels refreshing and undoubtedly more efficient than the majority of late 90's horror garbage like, say, "Scream" or "I know what you did last Summer". It's also a lot better than the contemporary movie it resembles, namely "Urban Legends". Like the title implies, "Campfire Tales" features three (four, actually…or maybe five) little stories that we all know already since people have been using them to scare other people since decades. The cool black & white intro revolves on a young couple hanging out on lover's lane while the news bulletin repeatedly warns for an escaped lunatic with a hook for a hand. This story is just a little teaser, but it's atmospheric and it stars the ravishingly beautiful Amy Smart! After this, there's more time and effort put into the so-called wraparound story, as it features four youngsters as they crash their car on their way back from an Iron Maiden concert! Whist waiting for help, they attempt to spook each other out by telling urban legends around the campfire. The first segment is the weakest, but still enjoyable thanks to a fair amount of suspense and good acting. A couple of newlyweds traveling through the States in a motor home have a nightly encounter with monsters. Too bad we never get to know what kind of monsters because the story goes straight for the famous climax. The second segment features an old given, too, but it's shockingly up-to-date! An anonymous pervert stalks a little girl through Internet chat rooms and then goes to her house at night! The title is "People can lick too", so I guess you know already which urban legend this is. The final chapter is arguable the best and really bathes in an uncanny atmosphere. A young man meets the girl of his dreams; only he doesn't realize she's the mute spirit of a girl that got killed centuries ago. The wraparound story keeps an unexpected end-twist in store as well! And a pretty great one, I may add. Certainly worth a look!
FredWinner This was on the Saturday before Halloween this year (today, at the time of this writing) and it has to be the best horror anthology out there. I am normally not a fan of horror movies - largely due to the volume of crap that's been recently released. However, the director of Campfire Tales has the Hitchcock-esquire gift of suspense - unlike other contemporary films, it doesn't take every opportunity to scare you silly, instead using foreshadowing and 'near-misses' - incidents that seem like the instant that the climax will occur in the instant before, but turn out not to be.I didn't catch 'The Hook' or the first main segment, but from what I have read here, they were the two you could afford to miss.'People Can Lick Too' was full of suspense - this short keeps you on the edge of your seat, waiting for something to happen to the little girl as she wanders about her yard and house looking for her soccer ball and later her dog. She encounters so many near-misses that the suspense reaches heart-stopping proportions before the climax of the short, when the girl gives up and goes to bed, thinking her dog is underneath it. She reaches her hand down to let him lick it, and she feels the touch of a tongue on her hand...before noticing that on her mirror, written in blood, is 'People can lick too'. I'll leave the last few seconds for you to find out, my reader, for at this point the short could have taken any number of turns.'The Locket', however, was the unarguable masterpiece of this film. It begins with a man on a motorcycle, simply driving...towards what he does not know, but he can feel himself getting closer. As he's driving along, a storm breaks out, and he's forced to find shelter in the house of a mute girl. The two quickly cozy up to each other, but before they can do anything besides kiss, the girl reveals through writing that ghosts inhabit her house. They quickly begin packing up to leave, but they are caught in the middle of a reenactment of a scene decades past - a father, coming home to his daughter and her boyfriend preparing to elope, murders the both of them and then commits suicide. I'll have to leave you to discover the ending here as well - I couldn't hope to do the story justice in any case, and what I've said so far is just a brief summary of the story - I couldn't hope to convey the nuances and sensory details that add to it.'The Campfire', being the connecting thread between all of the stories, is a fairly interesting rehash of the car accident theme, and the girls are very much attractive - in fact, most of the girls in this film are good-looking. Anyway, despite the fact that it's chopped up, the story is given justice, and the ending is difficult to predict if you're preoccupied with the other stories. However, if you pay enough attention to the segments of The Campfire spread through the film, it's certainly possible to predict the ending, especially if you've seen movies based on the same premise. (MST3k fans, remember Soultaker? Same premise, but without the god awful writing of Vivian Schilling, and the bulk of the movie. If you've seen the first 30 minutes of that you should be able to predict the ending.) All in all, the best horror movie I've seen in a LONG time, and the only horror anthology worthy of a buy.
Mr_Ectoplasma "Campfire Tales" is basically made up of three spooky stories that a group of friends tell after they get into a car crash in the woods after a concert. The film begins with the classic "Hook" story, and then we're introduced to the group of friends driving home from the concert. They crash their car, put out some flares, and start a fire in a little abandoned chapel, waiting for someone to arrive with help as they warm themselves by the fire. To pass the time, they decide to start telling classic horror stories, about terrorized honeymooners, a girl who falls prey to an Internet predator, and a motorist who takes refuge in a haunted house. As they tell the eerie tales, each story becomes increasingly terrifying, but the real shock that awaits them is yet to come...In my opinion, the last story they tell is probably the scariest and had some genuine, frightening effects. The first story was alright, and the motorhome sequence near the end was a little creepy. The second story built a lot of suspense, more than either of the others did, but it's unoriginal plot was it's downfall. I remember watching this movie a long time ago when I was like eight years old on HBO and the third story scared the crap out of me, although it's not scary to me now. You'll probably recognize some of the cast here, particularly Amy Smart from the opening "hook" interlude story, and Christine Taylor as one of the main actresses in the film. The twist ending was kinda interesting too, I know I didn't see that coming, I thought it was all cleverly pieced together.To sum things up, if you're looking for a horror movie that is worth the while, rent this, you should be happy. It's a great anthology of some classic urban legends, and the whole film was tied together neatly. It is much better than what one would expect. 7/10.