The Final Girls
The Final Girls
PG-13 | 09 October 2015 (USA)
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A young woman grieving the loss of her mother, a famous scream queen from the 1980s, finds herself pulled into the world of her mom's most famous movie. Reunited, the women must fight off the film's maniacal killer.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
sclafunk Not terrible? Angela trimbur is, however. Honestly one of the worst actresses I've ever witnessed, I'm not exaggerating, watch her and pay attn and it'll blow ur mind how consistently bad she is. Adam whatever his name is didn't seem to fit as the lead. Has some creative stuff in it which is more than I cAn say for 93.72% of movies these days. I would bump this up to a 6.5 if I could bear Angela Trimbur but she seriously ruins whatever I watch when she's in it. I hope they make a movie abdout someone shaving her ridicosuloy overdone eyebrows that she stands behind like having thick eyebrows is some beacon of feminism that actively helps take down the patriarchy.
tangreat-bk Interesting premise but it's not intelligent enough to pull it off.
MikesIDhasbeentaken Thought this was quite a nice change and different, People go into what is really Friday the 13th, and as they realize whats happening, they try to prevent what they know happens in the movie happening to them Has a good mix of comedy and slashing and will be enjoyable to anyone that likes movies like Friday 13th and Scream
bowmanblue Okay, so it's not THAT new – after all, you still have a killer running around hacking up a selection of good-looking American teens, but – hey – it's still better than most of the recent offerings. The premise kind of reminded me of (the much underrated) 'Last Action Hero' in as much as people from our 'real' world end up getting stuck in a movie. However, instead of being the 'comedy relief' to a much-loved Austrian mega-star, our hapless teens find themselves in the traditional middle-of-nowhere setting where they're at the mercy of a fictional masked killer (who bears no small resemblance to one Jason Voorhees).Therefore, like the 'Last Action Hero,' expect all the clichés and formulas from a horror/slasher movie to be pointed out along the way (not to mention the odd gruesome kill thrown in there).There are no real stand-out performances here as, despite being a reasonably original take, the character types are pretty much what you'd expect, i.e. the good girl, the trampy girl, the best friend and so on. However, this time round it's all a little more 'knowing' and at least they're aware of their own stereotypes.There are also a few touching moments in the script towards the end that you probably wouldn't expect from a film of this genre. These actually make a welcome break from the general quips and carnage.I wouldn't have watched this film based on either the cover or the title. I should have mentioned that the 'film within a film' is set in the eighties, therefore the cover art is all pretty 'retro' and I thought it just looked like another run-of-the-mill slasher flick. Don't let this put you off. It is definitely worth a watch, but what you get out of this will depend on your existing knowledge of the genre. The more you know about masked killers the more fun you'll have here. Luckily, I seem to know a lot about them, hence I had a blast with this film.