Bloodsucking Bastards
Bloodsucking Bastards
NR | 04 September 2015 (USA)
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A down on his luck cubicle worker and his slacker best friend discover their new boss is a vampire who is turning their coworkers into the un-dead.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Seth_Rogue_One Okay I've seen worse, but yeah not too impressive movie and takes far too long time for any bloodsucking to commence, first half of the movie is pretty much a (mostly mean-spirited) office comedy with mostly unlikeable characters.The second half, or to be correct the last 30 minutes is rather entertaining and action-packed but we had to sit through 50 minutes of (mostly) unfunny jokes and little plot to get there, and you have to judge the movie on a whole not a good last third.Horror in the office can be done well 'NOT SAFE FOR WORK (2014)' with Max Minghella is a good example of that, or if you need a bit of comedy in your office-horror 'INHUMAN RESOURCES' aka 'REDD INC. (2012)' is a much better alternative than this.
Scott LeBrun Mildly amusing, lightly entertaining horror comedy puts forth the idea that if a company's employees were made into vampires, they might actually be more productive. And so it goes in this goofy story of Evan (Fran Kranz, "The Cabin in the Woods"), a dutiful worker at a soul sucking corporation who yearns for a management position. Instead, his old college nemesis Max (Pedro Pascal of 'Game of Thrones') gets the gig. Soon, Evan and his indolent chum Tim (Joey Kern, "Cabin Fever" '02) are among the select few who must do battle with their former co-workers who've all been turned into creatures of the night - or of the poorly illuminated building.This so-so movie does have its moments. Essentially playing like 'The Office' or "Office Space" with vampires added, it does deliver some modest chuckles. The pace is quick and the energy level pretty respectable. It's a little silly and tiresome at times for this viewer, but it does improve as it goes along, and eventually delivers a decent amount of splatter and a high body count. It does get a bonus point for being filmed in the 2.35:1 aspect ratio, which always helps smaller movies like this to have a bigger feel.The cast approaches their material with a healthy amount of enthusiasm. Kranz is a likable lead, and Pascal is a hoot as his smug adversary. Emma Fitzpatrick ("The Collection") is an appealing leading lady. Joel Murray ("Hatchet", "God Bless America") is fine as the jovial boss. Offering funny supporting performances are Justin Ware as Andrew and Marshall Givens as Frank the Security Guard.Agreeable enough entertainment for 84 minutes.Six out of 10.
MattyAndAnnika Bloodsucking Bastards (2015) is a beautifully put together comic based vampire flick packed with laughter, bloody gore, and did I mention laughter. Wow, the dark comedy of this film kept everything rolling as it brought in the "Shaun of the Dead" style feel to it. The graphics were great, the storyline was remarkably funny; and well constructed; the cast were on point all the way through it. This is a very well put together film, highly recommend if you're looking for a good laugh.Finally a movie that has all of the perks to enjoy it! I'm a fan of vampire films, and I really love dark comedy; this film has it all. It was completely enjoyable, and following the characters as they each come into light it was more like living at my job; great stuff.
bournemouthbear Bloodsucking Bastards (2015)If the film's title Bloodsucking Bastards hasn't given you a clue as to what to expect here then maybe the tagline 'Work it sucks the life out of you' will. Yep, this a vampire comedy horror billed as 'Office Space meets Shaun of the Dead'. By comparing itself to two cult flicks where laughs are high sets an awfully high precedent for director Brian James Connell's movie. It is a level that it fails to reach but that doesn't mean that his premise, where the bosses are literally sucking the staff dry in order to improve a company's performance, is without any charm or fun along the way.It's initially difficult to warm to our lead character Evan (Fran Kranz). He's no Shaun, as in Shaun of the Dead. Sure Shaun is put upon at work, has a slobby best mate and girlfriend issues, but his circumstances are more or believable, and therefore more relatable. Evan is too much of a victim. for the most part, so it's no easy to emphasis with him.Evan has messed up with HR director Amanda (Emma Fitzpatrick), with whom he is romantically entangled, or was until he responded badly to her saying she loved him one evening. Evan finds solace in believing that a forthcoming promotion to Sales Manager will be his only to find it offered to a company outsider. The outsider is smarmy, slimy, slick Max (Pedro Pascal), an old rival of Evan's. No sooner has Max made himself known co-workers start disappearing and/or change into a more aggressive persona with Evan's colleagues slow to pick up on the changes.Obviously filmed on a budget, but filmed and played with enthusiasm and glee, Bloodsucking Bastards overcomes its shaky start - it takes awhile to warm to the characters - and never overplays the vampire angle with puny related puns. Some visual panache is called for rather than the static camera-work on offer and it's also slow in finding its feet. The screenwriters clearly enjoyed dispensing the earlier 'witty' and crude insults, failing to realise that their script works better with the lighter asides - such as colleagues asking what the character Dave actually does each day at work aside from going around telling people they owe him money.Fran Kranz (Evan) will be familiar to genre fans as the stoner from the overrated The Cabin in the Woods however the real stars in Bloodsucking Bastards are Joey Kern, as Evan's laid-back best friend Tim and David F. Park as Dave who seems to have no real function in their workplace. Things get suitably bloody come the climax and the earlier reservations are completely forgotten. Bloodsucking Bastards plays like Shaun of the Dead, albeit with vampires and not zombies, and whilst it's not in the same league is does pick up halfway through and becomes a lot of fun.Check out more of my reviews at