Elimination Game
Elimination Game
| 04 December 2014 (USA)
Elimination Game Trailers

In the wake of a shocking civilian massacre in a foreign war zone, disgraced Navy SEAL Rick Tyler is sentenced to rot in a maximum security military prison until he is offered the opportunity to put his life on the line to win his freedom. A one-man force of nature, Tyler will have to take-on and take-down some of the world's most ruthless killers in some of the world's most brutal locations to win the game, obtain his freedom and find out why he was set up. The question is, can he accomplish all of this before Game On is Game Over?

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Micransix Crappy film
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
bullockrj-83768 I would have given this movie a 0/10 if I could. This could be, quite possibly, the worst movie I have ever seen. Just awful. The Character development is horrible and you don't feel anything for them. Very formulaic. As soon as I saw the character "Gillian Wilson", I openly said, she's gonna sleep with the main character... Sure enough. No nudity though. The scenes are cut just horribly, and changes what we just saw... an example, he his running from the police, with no-one chasing him on foot. The next scene it cuts to, there's a cop right behind him. Another example, they talk about getting into a hospital that is guarded to the teeth and impossible to get to the guy he wants in there... do you see him getting past all these obstacles? Nope (not that you'd really want to). The next scene is him in the hospital room that he was trying to get to. Same goes for when he escapes out of that hospital. Save your money, even if it's in the dollar store. The DVD is good for 1 thing only, a coaster for your cold drink while you watch another movie. It truly is the worst movie I have ever seen, and that includes "Plan 9 from outer space", except this movie takes itself seriously.I cannot imagine anyone enjoying this movie. If you see a good review, it was written by someone who has shares in the company.
David Roggenkamp First things first – this movie centers around a marine; his motive? Serve his country and take out a sovereign nation's dictator. Easier said than done right? He is frames and spends the rest of the movie fighting for his life against other killers – all for the sake of bumping up a show's popularity while he is hunted down and eventually killed. This doesn't happen and instead he seemingly manages to avoid danger and kill off every last one of them. Not only does he manage to save the day, he clears his name and manages to be the ultimate fighting machine.The plot works easily enough – but it has a few things that are a bit off. For one, we've never had a woman president in our nation's history – this is a huge stretch when they throw it in the movie, even though it looks like a nice nod in that direction. Another girl, a more prominent member of the military and of higher rank is also present – this is uncommon and also a stretch of the imagination – it is obvious she is here purely as eye candy. The movie is non-stop action, but the overall sequence of scenes often doesn't make sense – despite the movie's pacing being consistent throughout. In one scene we're following with typical movie theatrics, but then we're in the middle of a reality television show with blurbs on the current progress of the main protagonist; it is further thrown into disarray by throwing in numerous angles via security cameras. This is surely a novel concept – the new Robocop did it, but it made far more sense in that movie, here it just looks redundant.The movie is good if you need to kill some time, and it is surely better than many 'bad' movies out there. What I did like was the included documentary with the 'RedBox' DVD, which I feel does more than the movie set out to accomplish.Originally posted to Orion Age (http://www.orionphysics.com/? p=9737).
puffydawg Whilst we are in the season of remakes galore, i stumbled across this remake of the original turkey shoot. Whilst this movie does try to do good and stick to a well known story of person gets caught, person get sent to prison, corrupt officials put person into TV game show for ratings, it just feels well lacking. it does pay homage to some of the originals characters ie thatcher the main antagonist in the original and to actor steve railsback it also is showing the original playing on a TV actually in the movie but no where near as good. go see the original turkey shoot, very controversial and was an R20 when it came out and was extremely violent.
in1984 7.4 of 10. While not equivalent or parallel to the Hunger Games (it's something that could easily be happening now as opposed to sometime in the future), it does involve a reality TV game show with what modern society considers attractive media personalities where the participants are being hunted by each other, aka an "Elimination Game", all in a world where war is being heavily promoted and the show's primary heroes are vets.The cast works well. Nobody seems obviously out of place. Available technology also is believable for a parallel Earth type of fiction.Fortunately, it's not a film trying to setup sequels. It functions and wraps up nicely as a single, complete film. Unfortunately, there's a little too much equivalent of pro wrestling bullet dodging and inexhaustible bullet supplies at times.