The Ex
The Ex
PG-13 | 01 December 2006 (USA)
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When his lawyer wife, Sofia, becomes pregnant, chronic underachiever Tom Reilly must take a job at his father-in-law's advertising firm. Tom has to adjust to the demands of a very high-powered job, and he finds himself in an increasingly hostile office rivalry with Chip, Sofia's paraplegic former lover.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Python Hyena The Ex (2006): Dir: Jesse Peretz / Cast: Zach Braff, Amanda Peet, Jason Bateman, Charles Grodin, Mia Farrow: Comedy about difficulties. Here is a comedy that some may relate to for it hits a raw nerve. It stars Zach Braff who loses his chef job and reduced to working for his father-in-law. To complicate matters he is supervised by his wife's wheelchair bound high school boyfriend. Background setup followed by typical cat and mouse schemes between the two competing males until reaching a conclusion of fair consequence. Director Jesse Peretz fails to establish humour. Two scenes involve pointless insults or profanities. Braff and Amanda Peet play out their roles with appeal. Braff in particular must deal with the threat without coming up on the losing end. Peet is reminded of her past but naïve to the intentions of her ex. Jason Bateman plays the scheming ex to a tee. It is the most interesting role in the film and Bateman plays off innocence and deceit expertly with great consequential payoff. Charles Grodin plays Peet's father that is mainly defined by random profanity but he sure steals the moment. Mia Farrow plays the mother, and while she worked well with Grodin in Rosemary's Baby, they are not interesting here. The humour misfires and the sets are cheap but male viewers may draw on realities. Theme regards defending your own from predators. Score: 5 ½ / 10
jtindahouse This movie, without any exceptions really, gets steadily worse and worse until the point it becomes simply tedious to watch and frankly insulting. The clichés rattle out thick and fast, the predictability is so straightforward you don't even feel good when you get it right 10 out of 10 times and the character decisions are so ridiculous you'd be let down if you saw them on a nickelodeon show for 5 year olds.The saving grace is certainly Zach Braff, who we've learnt from Graden Sate and quite a few occasions in Scrubs, has a great ability to serious things up brilliantly whilst still having us consistently at fits at his antics and excellent line delivery. He can make the most straightforward line seem absolutely hilarious, Scriptwriters must love him. He has few chances to shine on this occasion but the chances he gets he ceases hole-heartedly. Amanda Peet and Jason Bateman were less than impressive and everyone else was just plain awful. It wasn't their fault mind you. They were given next to nothing to work realistically with.It can be tricky with these sorts of movies to keep the humor up and the story believable so the odd slip up is more than excusable. But not to this extent and particularly not when it's not even that funny. Braff fans are the only ones who will benefit from this movie and even they may feel slightly let down. Everyone else would be well advised to avoid at all costs.
orangeisthenewawesome What an utterly formulaic piece of garbage that wastes the talents of Zach Braff and Jason Bateman, two very funny guys on TV. There are some great supporting characters too and even they can't put lipstick on this pig. The directing is bad and the writing is just poor. Not a funny joke in the whole film! Usually a formulaic film can rise above average writing with great performances and great directing. This poor cast just had nothing to work with.Amanda Peet is her usual bland, boring self, and she's the only one who belongs in this. Everyone else is wasted. It's a bummer.Do not see this, even if you have the opportunity to see it for free. It's that much of a waste of time.
MLDinTN Tom and Sofia are a couple in the city when Tom looses his job. They decided to move to Ohio where Sofia's parents are and Tom takes a job in the family owned ad business. He's working under Chip, a guy in a wheelchair that Sofia used to date. Chip doesn't really care for Tom and is always trying to make him look bad, such as in a wheelchair basketball game. Tom becomes suspicious of Chip, is he really paralyzed? There really isn't many laughs in this. It's rather boring and most of the jokes fall flat.FINAL VERDICT: I'd skip this one.