Free the Nipple
Free the Nipple
| 12 December 2014 (USA)
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An army of passionate women launch a revolution to "Free the Nipple" and decriminalize the female body. Based on a true story, this mass movement of topless women, armed with First Amendment lawyers, graffiti installations and national publicity stunts, invade New York City to protest the backwards censorship laws in the USA.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
randomepic person This is a great and inspirational film. I've seen people complain about this film due to poor quality and i think they forget that film makers have budgets. Also their is a complaint that their aren't enough breasts in this film but i don't think they considered the fact that their might be a limit to nudity timings depending on factors like age certificates. Personally i think this is an amazing film. Its inspirational and helps raise awareness for an issue that should be addressed. It has skillfully talked about this issue and showing the strong views and stories of people from free the nipple i love this film. It truly makes you think.
frba55 This is a movie that everybody, not just women, should watch. It teaches how common people, armed mainly with their will and determination, can positively affect society and contribute to changes in everyone's view of the world. We all are too influenced by the traditional, monotheistic religions and their misogynistic and oppressive agenda. The courageous women in this movie show to all that something can and should be done to affirm the beauty of our bodies and the ugliness of repression and inhibition. I can only assume that the low ratings that appear in IMDb come from people who hate the message that this movie want to communicate. This is a very uplifting story: don't be influenced by some bigots. Give this movie a chance and it will not disappoint you.
Morris Ma There are many things in the society are considered as "rule of thumb". In the modern society, we are still using the moral standard from our ancestors back into the feudal society. If you think about it, it doesn't make sense especially on sex. Another related controversy would be should mothers cover their boobs when breastfeeding their babies in the public area. Some people may accuse the behaviors simply because it will make them feel uncomfortable. But who would like to be covered while eating? My guess is normal people won't like it. Despite the purpose of this movie, the story tells a clear idea of looking at things in a different angle.
acleancut I love the movie... Don't listen to the critics. It's a new film for the new world ! The message was clear and concise. I wish more movie makers would deliver such a brilliant message in their movies. I think the world needs more movies like this one. Please, if you haven't seen this feature go and check it out. It will enlighten you about the oppression of women. Please go and see this movie. Your opinion of how you feel about women and their rights will be changed forever in good way.I think the main character really embodied the type of female role models that most women should look up to in today's society ! If you haven't seen this movie, go and see you it. You'll be glad you did.