NR | 18 June 2013 (USA)
Prank Trailers

Harmless prank or violent revenge? Three high school students, sick of living in fear of bullies, plan the ultimate payback. But when their prank goes way too far, they come to realize that getting even can have deadly consequences. Packed with unpredictable twists and turns, this cutting-edge thriller pulls no punches and delivers a shocking conclusion you'll never forget. Just matter how sweet revenge might taste, there's always a price to pay

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
jackal12358 Funny to see that the one of the biggest gripes about this movie is that it's a found footage film. Yes there have been a slew of crap in the past few years that have tried to garner the success of the Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity series ilk, but it's unfair to lump this one in with the other hapless, pointless, and often boring as hell horror wannabes (have you seen The Devil Inside yet?) as this is a movie that actually tries to tackle a subject matter that is relevant to anyone who has ever struggled socially through high school. And it is not a feel-good story about how a kid gets bullied and he wins in the end. Oh no, you will be disappointed if you think you're in for a story that let's the underdog win. This is more like Hamlet, where your hero doesn't win, also known as a tragedy- no original Hollywood movie would ever let that happen so it should not surprise you that this is an independent film. What makes this interesting and complex is that there are no good guys and that it does not depict bullying in the conventional sense. Yes there are stupid plans hatched by stupid kids and the portrayal of The Bully is nothing new- he's a smirking, white, jock type with very limited vocabulary and has an even dumber sidekick (Oh yes, there is a bitch cheerleader thrown in there too, with perhaps the best line in the film- something about being a blond cheerleader- watch for it). What makes this complex is the interaction of the two main kids as they themselves become no better than the jerks, and it is interesting to see each of their transformation as the situation spins out of control. It starts off a bit hokey after the opening scene but it moves quickly and is pretty entertaining so stick with it.The real world doesn't seem to exist for these characters, which is accurate in how many teens can barely see beyond their self-centered existence and limited social circles. How else can they not see how ridiculous their "brilliant plan" and some of their actions are? But that is the point, isn't it? And they're annoying as hell too, which makes you kind of wish this was a slasher where Freddy Krueger eventually gets to all of them in some ways; however, if you pay attention, you'll see that this did try to be a movie with a message and that a smart theme exists.I hope that kids who watch this get the bonus message that there is more to life than high- school. You just got to get through it first. Just try not to kill anyone or get killed in the process. Don't let the DVD cover fool you- this movie is NOT about a killer clown with an iPhone.
df4205 This has got to be, without a doubt, one of the worst movies I've seen in the past decade. And I've watched some Mystery Science style D-List dreck. This movie is one big outdated stereotype after another. From the geek that watches Star Trek, to the term "flaming" to describe gays, to the thug talking black guy who's going to give you his "8 inches of Black Thunder". The characters in this movie are all stereotypes taken to the extreme. From the nerd that talks as though he's trapped in a Shakespeare play and threatens the bullies with his dancing mincing Kara-Tey deadly weapons of hands. Then we move on to the token fat girl (who isn't even that big compared to most girls these days) nick-named "Chunk". The motivations of these people are beyond comprehension, there is no explanation for the lack of involvement by authorities other than one sentence of "I told them someone would call, and it would be a prank". As if any police, school, or child services isn't going to investigate the threat of multiple murders. ::Spoilers ahead:: The nerd decides to take revenge on the bully for dunking his head in a toilet filled with poop…by toilet papering his yard….yeah that's soooo extreme. The person revealed to be the mastermind behind the prank wasn't given nearly enough back story or exposition to explain their motivations. The best friend's behavior is just beyond explanation. And have I mentioned the Star Trek hatred? It's only the focus of 90 percent of this film. You would think that the writer of this drek had been molested or raped by a Star Trek fan or cast member to explain such endless rage against a TV show. There's a scene in the move where the geek and his friend dress up in the Star Trek costumes, only you can tell these are fake. Obviously the movie couldn't get the license for the real thing. Can you blame them? You've spent the entire movie driving home the point of: Anybody that watches Star Trek is a sexless geek that wears big glasses, talks like Shakespeare, and is such a sub-human monster that their very existence needs to be purged from the Earth. If the movie had kept going, it wouldn't surprise me if the townsfolk had burned the geek at the stake for crimes against humanity for watching a TV show. Never mind the fact that Star Trek will far outlive your crap fest of a movie, it brings in billions of dollars a year, and is currently being portrayed by some of Hollywood's most popular actors. But here's a simple fact. It's just a TV show! Is there really all this need to spend your entire movie spewing such trash about it? Some people like Star Trek, some people like the Jason Bourne movies. Shall I spend almost two hours talking about how they should all be rounded up and shot at dawn by firing squad? What's really sad is, the big payoff reveal scene actually had potential ::Spoilers:: when the trash bags came to life and started moving about, that could have actually been a cool scene, but by the time you got there, you couldn't care less anymore. Plus, the big reveal scene was a fake out. This is the effect of "it was all a dream" after you fake us out, we can't invest in the movie any longer, because we can't trust that the real ending was any less fake. But to sum this all up. Save your money, save your time, save your downloads, pick another movie to watch, any other movie, this one will give you an aneurysm.
Robert W. This film is so incredibly timely given all the happenings in recent years around school violence and bullying. It also has a number of strikes against it. Director and writer are one in the same, indie low budget film, no-name actors, and a hand cam "home video" style film...its usually a recipe for a disaster. This was anything but. This film proved that there are still brilliant newcomers out there that can make a solid low budget film with a great story. The film is not a horror movie per se though it certainly has moments of genuine gore and pure terror but its also a drama/thriller revolving around two young men who have been bullied for years by the school jock. The pacing of the film was only a little off. I thought it dragged a little especially in the beginning but I understand they were trying to really establish these characters and I can't fault them for that. I have seen so many hand-cam horror flicks lately and I am sick of them. I didn't think I could possibly enjoy a film done in that style again, it has been so overdone. Well for Prank it absolutely works. My biggest issue with hand-cam films is that it is almost always ridiculous that a camera would be running all this time. However, with Prank nearly every shot makes sense. You could reasonable understand why a camera would be on for the most part. It still is a stretch in some parts but less than most films of this type.Our two lead actors are destined to be in bigger things if people see this. They were both excellent, plain and simple. They both have incredibly complex and well written characters and an incredible character arc to both of them. In the beginning I thought Nick Renaud was really stealing the show. He had this intensity and strength and stereotypical geek character that was trying to get his vengeance. Renaud was great and in the end when he shows his emotional breakdown, it is just terrific. Henry Monfries starts out as the distant, aloof sarcastic teenager and arcs into a near monster when his breakdown happens. He has easily some of the most visually brilliant scenes in the film. The blood stained "Kiss The Cook" apron is something you will not forget from this movie. The two of them together have great chemistry and a bizarre relationship that works. The supporting cast are all good and fit their roles well enough. None of them particularly stand out though Alastair Ferrie as the object of the vengeance, the bully Dax is particularly good. Gemmenne de la Peña seems like she is going to be really good but gets pulled from the film in the beginning and doesn't show up again hardly at all.Director and writer Yiuwing Lam goes immediately to my "one to watch" list. He crafts this brilliantly and the cinematography is so well done for a low budget film and a hand-cam. The film has its faults of course but considering what it could be, they are easily overlook-able. Nonetheless I did have some issues. The main characters are incredibly stereotypical, cookie cutter "nerds." The multiple Star Trek references, the tape on the nose, just the entire existence of these two boys is lifted right from every nerd stereotype. Neither one of them are very likable at any given time but you certainly feel pity for them. The only other major plot hole that really bothered me was there are no adults in this film. No parents, no teachers, no adults of any kind. At one point we see a sister but other than that...nothing. They do try to explain away on of their fathers but it still isn't enough to make you forget about it. The ending was a little more complex than I would have liked. I appreciate a good twist and it made sense but somehow it made the film seem less impactful. Still it managed to turn it around and really get under your skin. Those of you that appreciate indie film making, this is one to check out. It is entertaining and disturbing and certainly worth a watch. 7/10
pamamonfries We were pleasantly surprised and disturbed at the same time with this film. The acting makes you really feel what it must be like to be bullied over and over again for many years. The script is clever and smart and it is this that "stays" with you. The acting, filming and direction makes it seem like the events really happened. The filming is very creative but is done in a way that it seems like two kids would do it and this adds to the film's credibility. Prank is very suspenseful and keeps you on the edge of your seat and it never enters your mind to leave and get popcorn or go to the bathroom. (That's how I gauge a good film.) The way the two main characters "grow" through the events is very convincing acting by Nick Renaud and Henry Monfries. And you imagine their lives post Prank as you're leaving the theater. I'm glad we saw it and I would definitely buy it.