Jim Jefferies: This Is Me Now
Jim Jefferies: This Is Me Now
| 13 July 2018 (USA)
Jim Jefferies: This Is Me Now Trailers

The gleefully irreverent Jefferies skewers “grabby” celebrities, political hypocrisy and his own ill-advised career moves in a brash stand-up special.

Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
pre I watched this on my computer and after like 25 minutes I moved it to my 2nd monitor and decided to do something else primarily. The jokes are okayish, but not very original. There wasn't a single moment where I actually laughed or, you now, exhaled air through my nose loudly. I watched his TV show exactly once and turned it off after 10 minutes. It was pure garbage, non-funny and nowhere near the old Jim stuff. Of course there is a difference between a stand up and a weekly show (is it weekly? no idea). But then again he has writers for that show. Anyways, he seems more tame, maybe life wore him down. Maybe he has to do specials, but doesn't really want to. The party in Hollywood stuff where he met de Niro: Is it just me or did he tell this somewhere else already? Because I knew the part, I knew he would pretend to be a director, I knew his agent would jump in etc. Maybe he told this in some YouTube video, but that must've been at least 4-6 months old, because I didn't really watch any Jim stuff recently.Overall it was a 4/10, but he is still likable, so 5/10
kmi58746 I've been a fan of Jim jefferies long before he became an American political sheep. I love all his old stand ups and his legit tv shows. All so fresh and unpolitically correct. Since freedumb, which I did like a bit, I started seeing the change in him. And his latest tv show, which I stopped watching after s01e04, I can see why his new special is called this is me now. Such a shame. I even signed up to imdb and gave my first ever review just to let you, and all your fans of old, know just how disappointing an unknown Australian comedian has become corrupted by popular American media and fame. I hope you realise all this when trump is re-elected by the majority of the American people for what he has actually achieved for America rather than what mainstream and social media and you have portrayed him as. By the way. I'm Australian, and we need someone like trump here.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Granted I haven't really been a fanboy here, but I have watched some of Jim Jefferies previous shows, and yes I have been quite amused by those. So when I found this 2018 "This Is Me Now" on Netflix, I did of course give it a chance.Well, I must start right off by saying that the spark is fading. This show was nowhere near his previous shows in intensity, in humor, in stage presence, or even in enjoyment. It felt like he was running on auto-pilot and was doing a half-hearted attempt at delivering jokes based on material which wasn't all that funny to begin with.I was only laughing twice throughout the entire show. Those times was during the scene with the son and the toilet, and the second time was with the Al Pacino segment.Aside from that, then this was a very bland experience. And I must admit that I was actually sitting with my phone and playing Uno on Facebook during the show, and just listening to him stumble about on the stage. Yeah, the show had that little appeal.
Gizmo I really liked the first couple of Jim Jefferies stand-up specials, he was a fresh, edgy and rambunctious new voice when he first appeared, but living in LA and hosting that awful chat-show seems to have tamed him and given him no time to come up with any quality material. He really doesn't have anything new to say and what he does have to say isn't all that funny. There are no great set-pieces or even any lines you'd want to remember to pass on to anyone else. I laughed precisely twice. Some of the bit about Trump was moderately amusing but so safe and predictable, and nothing that the average man in the street couldn't have easily come up with himself. The Al Pacino story was nice but didn't lead anywhere, or add up to anything, it was just some stuff that happened. Unless it was simply a contractual obligation, I can't actually see why Jefferies wanted to put this show out at all. Really just a disappointment.