Vanishing on 7th Street
Vanishing on 7th Street
R | 18 February 2011 (USA)
Vanishing on 7th Street Trailers

A mysterious global blackout yields countless populations to simply vanish, leaving only their clothes and possessions behind. A small handful of survivors band together in a dimly-lit tavern on 7th Street, struggling to combat the apocalyptic horror. Realizing they may in fact be the last people on earth, a dark shadow hones in on them alone.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Blazehgehg Conceptually, this is a cool movie: all of a sudden, the world is plunged in to darkness. Those that vanish in to the night are never seen again. And those that survive to see the sunrise find that even the sun itself is beginning to disappear, bit by bit."Vanishing on 7th Street" is presented to maximize confusion and to scare the pants off you. With a high-contrast visual style where light sources are constantly blown out, it definitely has a unique look all its own, and the whispering, living darkness will make you think twice about sleeping with the lights off.Here's the problem: adrift in an ocean of style, the movie barely gives you anything to hold on to. Some of it is being cryptic on purpose, and that's fine, but other parts of it just don't have enough meat on their bones. Or, like, uh, any at all.Vanishing on 7th Street doesn't have any characters. This should be obvious enough, as the lights go out barely even five minutes in to the film without establishing anything or any one. It's not until almost halfway through the movie that anything really begins to solidify in to a coherent narrative, and even then, the cast of characters we're given mostly exists as the same "scared survivor" clichés that have become so common in zombie movies: the traumatized orphan, the hardened curmudgeon, and so on. Hope gets lost, nerves get frayed, guns get pointed, and should we leave him? I DON'T KNOW, MAN! WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE! LET'S GO! The movie throws out vague ideas about what *could* be going on, but they never amount to anything more than just suggestions. And so, our characters of one-dimensional stereotypes move from light source to light source, running from shadows, and doing incomprehensible things that jeopardize their own safety for no other reason than to manufacture fake tension.It all feels a little thin -- a spooky concept that just needs to be fleshed out a little more. I'm not asking for it to over-explain itself to death, I'm just asking for it to explain literally anything at all even a little. It doesn't.
Mark In short, this was a disappointment. Other reviews have captured the lack of a plot "pay-off" as you never really learn what is going on. There was another well-thought-out review that asked to view the movie with some understanding of subtext. I admittedly agreed with the gist of that review. However, there is nothing in the movie to really suggest to the viewer that there is a deeper meaning, if there really is. That said, what you are left with is unending suspense that has been perpetuated by a suspension of disbelief that awaits an answer. Unfortunately, you never get the answer. So, you end the movie feeling unsatisfied. Just to counter the goal of the subtext, if it was deliberate...I find it confusing that the solutions to the problem (which is our dependence on oil, technology, etc which make us a shadow of ourselves) end up being Promethean fire and (dwindling?) solar energy (which is a technological advancement)? Hmmm...the mixed message gets lost as you wait for the cool M Night Shamylan-esque twist that you never get.
Floated2 Vanishing on 7th Street is another non mainstream supernatural thriller. However this film is a disappointment. Director Brad Anderson's film is a conventional genre exercise, but the choices he and screenwriter Anthony Jaswinski make cripple the exercise right off the bat, and the film never overcomes the built-in handicaps. In short, the menace the film is built around is never menacing, and that's not because of the concept so much as the execution. There's something creepy about the notion of evil that hides itself in any shadow in a world where light is slowly slipping away, and there are a few moments in the film that suggest just how a subtle, creepy version of that film might play. Although there are some moments of unintentional comedy played by Hayden Christensen as the other members, Vanishing doesn't provide much or anything new. As pointed out by many, the ending seemed to be unfinished as it wraps everything up with many unanswered questions.
bejancamelia87 This movie is interpretable as the director want it to be.It has religious elements about life and what we do do it as long as we walk in the light of good,as long as we are enlightened.Our sins and bad acts create dark to our life,to our soul.. Why at the end only the children has remaining and ride a horse?Because children are sinless and animals too are creation of God even animals doesn't have soul,than biological breathe.It is twisted-mind by the way and every character has his own good play that sends to watcher a strong feeling of mystery,something not found that keeps your mind searching and searching for any explication.