R | 16 October 2009 (USA)
Triangle Trailers

When Jess sets sail on a yacht with a group of friends, she cannot shake the feeling that there is something wrong.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
westpowerbuy Let me help everyone out complaining about logic and plot holes. THIS IS A DAMNATION MOVIE. Not a time travel movie. Once you accept that, the movie is on a whole different level. Which helps explains the wide swings in user review. Most either being a 1 or a 10. The only parts that are real is the mother abusing the autistic son and getting into the car crash that kills them both on the way to the pier. And we only see that part on a subsequent loop. Her punishment, much like Sisyphus, is to forever try to save herself to get back to her son. The movie is finely crafted and filled with symbolism. Everything from her battling her evil self to trying to cheat death. One of the few movies that will have you thinking about it for days. Destined to be a future cult classic.
cristea1 I was ready to give up on this movie after the first 20 minutes or so, as it seemed to be the most generic and boring horror movie. I gave it another chance and was not disappointed. It was less horror than expected and more of a psychological thriller.First of all, the acting is terrible. All of the actors are mediocre but the main actor stands out by being awful. The script does not help either and her character is too simple, expressing the same emotion for the whole movie. The visuals are not great but i don't care too much for such a film, however, better sound would have helped here.The idea and concept is where the movie excels, and except for the first part, the plot is very intriguing until the very end. Like a proper psychological thriller it's ambiguous at first and makes you discover the story piece by piece, tying reasonably well, with a logical, satisfying ending.It reminded me very much of Memento, the director was probably quite ispired by that movie.
sachintendu04 I understood the movie only after watching it 3-4 times. Phenomenal work by the director, Christopher Smith. The main crux of the movie is to understand that there are two types of Jess that board the ship Aeoles, one with a broken memory and one with memory. That's the only spoiler I would give.Finally I would say this - I will never forget this movie till I die! Really!!
strupar-66747 The lead actress is the most annoying actress I have ever had the misfortune to watch. Nothing makes sense and the ending is ridiculous. No wonder it is on netflix, netflix is going downhill very fast.