Fruitvale Station
Fruitvale Station
R | 26 July 2013 (USA)
Fruitvale Station Trailers

Oakland, California. Young Afro-American Oscar Grant crosses paths with family members, friends, enemies and strangers before facing his fate on the platform at Fruitvale Station, in the early morning hours of New Year's Day 2009.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
ianenderby I watched this movie with the thought that it would be a good opportunity for me to see a story about people I had less in common with. It turned out to be a story about people who I was all too familiar with, which was devastating. Real people with real struggles in the real world.
Anthony El-megerhi This movie brought out tears on my cheeks , if you're looking for a real drama based on true event , you probably should watch this gem , now aside from how devised the movie is , i'm going to describe the feelings you get when the story goes on while you watching it , the movie makes you sympathize with Oscar 'Michael bb king' because of his accumulated problems and how he is willing to take responsibilities of his actions ,he did what most of people do especially the younger , which is playing music in attempt to benumb our brain from focusing and to try to escape from reality , it's also shows us how good- hearted and extrovert he was. he used to give a hand to any person who needs help , and this make you break and repeal the stereotypical notion about black people and that not all of them are gangsters as ignorants think , and displays the tormenting destiny lots of black people suffer, you notice that his mother cared about and gave him huge attention and she tried so hard to offset the troubles off his way but eventually he got shot at the place she asked him to go through , the lesson learned is whatever we do to keep us safe can't change a nano of a thing of our future because it's already written for us ''That's my opinion" , I believe the main movie point is showing us how black people are exposed to the police aggression more than any another race , the movie's earnings was fulfilling , Thanks to Significant Productions for the movie and my thank goes also to anyone who contributed to the production of this film .
Michael Maggiano In an American film industry of recycled ideas, sequels and nostalgic masturbation over things men liked as kids (comic book movies, toy movies, etc), I have to give this a 7 for its importance, its freshness and its premise of looking at the man's life from several angles in 20-24 hours. Where I have to lower it to 7: some of the acting is mediocre at best, but that may very well stem from the main problem. That problem is the writing, which is sophomoric in the irony with which it portrays everything the main character does that day. Everything is seen through a lens of "but he dies later!" in a forced or melodramatic way, such that it's hard to see the story as a true portrait.
parleon-thedon I absolutely love this movie. Honestly, I didn't know anything about Oscar Grant until I saw this movie.Positives:1. Michael B. Jordan plays Oscar Grant with effectiveness2. All of the actors in this movie feel like real people3. The directing in this movie is effective and tremendous4. The cinematography really sets the tone and it sucks you in5. The movie moves kind of slow while feeling fast paced at the same time6. Every scene in this movie feels necessary (absolutely nothing needs to be taking out or changed)7. There's humanity in this movie (example, in life we are the main characters in our own worlds; people come into our lives, they enter, and some exit; some people may change your life and it may effect you forever8. The last 15 minutes or so made me cry (I don't cry very often, especially during movies, but I felt the pain, I felt the heartache, the emotions felt real, the grieving was real, and the loss hits homeNegatives:Honestly, I can't think of any negatives for this movie, and that's very rare for meThe only negative thing is the police. The officer claims to have been reaching for his taser, but he accidentally reached for his gun, and he shot unarmed Oscar Grant in the back. The officer did go to prison, but he only got 11 months. A lot of people in the community claim that there is no justice in the justice system. Some officers get to do what they won't with no real consequences. Some people feel that police are their own gang. Some officers terrorize people and inflict fear. The police are meant to serve and protect their citizens. People are starting to die and the world is noticing that there is a chain happening here. Black communities are suffering because they don't feel safe in their own communities. civilization has evolved and we have access to more things. The accidental shooting of Grant was recorded on numerous cameras. Witnesses were around and apparently the police felt that they could do what they wanted. I don't know much about the current issues happening in the black communities; I am a black male, but I have not experienced any intentional racism myself. I'm glad that this movie was made. This movie can shed some light on the current issues we are facing.Overall, I absolutely fu*king love this movie; this movie is definitely worth checking out.Final Grade: A+