Bad Johnson
Bad Johnson
NR | 02 May 2014 (USA)
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Women are practically throwing themselves at Rich and he can’t seem to control himself. But he continually blames his penis, which seems to have a mind of its own. After ruining yet another promising relationship with Jamie, Rich has finally had enough and wishes his penis would just leave him alone. The next morning, Rich wakes up to find his wish has come true and his johnson is no longer on his body. Even worse, Rich is shocked to discover that his penis has taken human form...

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
SeeQuant Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Tss5078 Some comedies are hilarious, others are down right stupid, and then there is the story of Rich Johnson (Cam Gigandent). Like most men, Rich only thinks with his penis, and it often gets him into trouble, so one night, Rich makes a wish that his penis would leave him alone, and that's exactly what it does. Rich's penis detaches, and comes to life in the form of a walking, talking, human being. In the beginning, this film is an absolute riot, but how many penis jokes can you squeeze into a 90 minute film? Eventually Bad Johnson deteriorates into an eighth graders favorite movie, and becomes really tiresome, but in the insanity, something emerges, (besides Rich's penis), Cam Gigandent. I've seen Gigandent around, and he's usually playing the good looking guy, who's roles really doesn't have much substance, until now. As is the case with most actors, it takes time to find their niche, but Gigandent's may very well be comedy. He was the level headed one, who really blurts out the hysterical line when it is sorely needed, and he was far better than Nick Thune, the man who literally was playing a penis. Bad Johnson isn't the kind of film you'll want to see twice, the jokes are old before the film is even over, but if you're looking for a few good, cheap laughs, this film is absolutely perfect.
FilmFlaneur First off: this is a low budget, high concept film with no real pretensions, so don't come looking for deep meanings or Oscar-worthiness here. Second off: despite the frattish central conceit this isn't at all bad, and even manages to suggest, and comment about, matters of male sexual morality etc which much bigger, more earnest productions miss, or labour out of existence with good taste. 'Rich' Johnson, the titular hero, starts off as a helpless philanderer, losing a succession of girlfriends due to his inability to control himself. (He is however not entirely to blame, as one encounter demonstrates). After the most recent occasion of betrayal by him and the ending of another promising relationship thing rather personal separate and Johnson and his johnson have to learn to live with and then apart from one another.The interesting thing about Bad Johnson is that Johnson's johnson is made human and not just a comic talking appendage. (It could for instance have been portrayed like 'Tonguey' in Kung Pow). Instead what we have is like that old Star Trek episode when the 'good' and the 'bad' Kirk co-exist after a transporter malfunction. The effect of this is to make the change less of a joke which runs out of steam after a few crude scenes, and the situation more susceptible to social comment, as the film ambles from its un-PC beginnings onto something more regular. Ultimately johnson shows himself in his newly independent form as a element of Johnson's ego (significantly this separate existence does not effect Johnson's libido)which is revealed as sometime-objectionable part of the male character. As Johnson gets along without his friend, so does his relationship with women improve and, surprise surprise, he becomes a much more likable fellow. Even if the words he later utters about the need to "say 'no'" seemed to this viewer to take the case against active sexuality a little too far, it is clear that the film does manage to pose some interesting questions about how much of stereotyped maleness is down to selfishness and a lack of self control and yet how both the good and bad parts of Johnson are together necessary for things ultimately to work.The cinematography and direction are perfectly fine, and the cast acquit themselves well. I had a smile on my face throughout and, for a film like this, its all better than you'd expect.
bsant54 Yup, he lost his Johnson and Johnson was a ho and evil to the core about getting laid. Our hero becomes a normal person in the end and is reunited with Johnson...there are a lot of great lines in the movie, crude, but I howled throughout. No point being a prude and worrying what others think, we have all heard this before in our private indulge, have fun, laugh out loud and enjoy this juxtaposition of a movie (guy and his private part). The Johnson actor made the movie and the eye candy Gigandet for once was just a foil (feel sorry for him as most of the roles he gets are RomCom, I think he is a more capable actor than that). Enjoyable up to the end and yes, the ending was predictable but who could have guessed an erectile dysfunction drug would triumph over all things bad...too funny. BTW, midway or more in the movie, when Johnson enters a young man's car (having just been rejected by his date) the advice he gives is hilarious and SO bad you have to laugh out loud.
Moses Bernard The premise of this film is entertaining... I mean, a sex mad bloke with no respect for women loses his penis (who itself becomes a sex mad bloke) leading to the original penis owner getting in touch with his descent side. OK, we get it... But riddled throughout the films dialogue are random unnecessary comments that are simply appalling.An example being at the 48 minute mark. The penis, wearing a hoody, gets into a kids car. The kids thinks he is being robbed and shirks in shock/fear, to which the penis says "Relax, I'm white", resulting in the kid feeling immediately relaxed. I mean please.. I took offense to this straight away and thought enough was enough.Slyly enforcing stereotypes of this nature is just petty and aids the erosion of faith in an entire demographic of society. Are we really saying that all carjackers are black... Not funny... not funny at all!!! Needless to say... I stopped watching at this point!!!