TV-PG | 28 February 1989 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    godmudders In my opinion, Coach was one of the all time classics. I waited for it every week and now watch it every night on Nick Classics. Hayden was the perfect character and Craig played him perfectly. The supporting cast had the whole scene down pat. I don't analyze the story line, but I do wish that they had kept it on the air. There was so much they could have done in Florida with an expansion team and Hayden and Christine being parents. Can you imagine Hayden having had a teenage son, the trials he'd have gone through? Or watching Kelly become a mother and Hayden and Christine grandparents? There was so much they could have followed up with. I really miss seeing new episodes, but I'm glad to have it in any form, even reruns. I'd love to see a Coach reunion. If they did it with the Brady Bunch, why not with a really good show. I'll be watching it until they take it off the air again, but just in case, I'm taping every episode, I mean, why take a chance? Ya know?
    dannnthemannn Parts of Coach were okay, especially the relationship building between the romantic leads. And while I'll pass on the dumber-than-humanly-possible assistant coaches, they were only minor annoyances.But the way this show treated football is outrageous. Hey - I'm not one of those zealots who thinks NCAA sports are God's own work. But the writers blew every opportunity to misrepresent anything resembling a college team. And clearly not out of ignorance - the plots that relied heavily on football completely distorted aspects of the game so as to be ridiculously unbelievable. A few times for the sake of plot development would have been okay, but just about every time out they set up one unbelievable situation after another.The worst part about this is that the main characters strutted around every episode as if they breathed and ate the game. I realize there are intricacies of any sport or job that need to get glossed over for the sake of the larger audience. But the fact remains that Nelson's "Coach" character was interchangeable with any other macho-idealized profession. He could have been a sky-diving instructor, and the show would've followed roughly the same path.The real NCAA has so many unpredictable nuances (scandals, grade fixing, gambling, kickbacks, overblown media coverage - not to mention the real excitement of the actual season) that you'd think a group of competent writers could draw enough realistic raw material for a show. But instead they copped out and removed any halfway-realistic aspect in order to make their plots work. The most egregious example comes in the show's climax - the coach's Screaming Eagles win the national championship bowl. In order to make the coach look like a genius, the writers concoct a plot where he intentionally leaves his star quarterback out of the entire game, only so he can bring him in during the last series to surprise the other team and win the game. It's not even questionable judgment - it completely distorts both the basic point of the game and the real intricate strategizing that goes into games such as these.
    Lho3323370 My dad loves sports so he has got to like this TV series. It is about a college football coach who is always bothered. Every guest star is what made the show so funny. This show should have stayed on longer. Even the ending made it funny.
    wappfalls5 The writers of Coach really had a no-win situation. The best part about the show was that he was taking a team of nobodies and trying to turn a football program around at a fictitious school that supposedly had a once great football program. Minnesota State was the underdog. They started out taking things slow. They didn't rush into making them champions. In th first season they were happy to just get a few wins. Then they made it to their first Bowl game (where they got killed in a blizzard). Then Hayden beat his mentor and won his first Bowl game. This culminated in the team winning the national championship.That is where the trouble began and the producers knew it. Where do they go from there? Sure, the team trying to defend their championship was enough to sustain one season. But that was it. The main reason for the shows existence was gone.So what did the writers do in a last ditch effort? They give Hayden another bunch of underdogs, an expansion NFL team. It just didn't work. Coach (the show) was about Minnesota State. Not Florida. The shows really lost a lot of quality after that move. It was a classic example of a show that should have gone out on top a season or two earlier.