TV-14 | 21 September 2006 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
    Ivana Iva I enjoy the show. Sebastian Stark (James Woods) goes from defending the bad guys to prosecuting them. And he goes with style. Yes, there are better & worse episodes, but every episode so far has been watchable, enjoyable and funny. The "little helpers" from his office might appear to be too good looking for their job but once Woods is on the scene there are all forgotten. Also, Jeri Ryan, who plays Stark's boss, for some reason shows her thin waist in every episode (at least so far). This does not really go with the position she should have but I guess it was a desire of the people who created the show. In addition, she walks like on a catwalk and it looks rather comical. Also, it was probably thought that the show will be more interesting if Shark and his team do not only take on law but also do the police work. Like in Law & Order there are at first the cops who investigate crimes and then there are the lawyers; the creators of Shark decided that Stark will do everything. That's where the show is not entirely believable. With that said I have to add that I don't mind too much, I just sit and watch :)
    jmorris-8 James Woods is a master at his craft. Any actor who can take a cliché ridden "TOUGH GUY LAWYER" SERIES and make it --not only fascinating but, current in its vibe each and every week is a master at their trade. Woods carries the weight of this series on his considerable shoulders and seems to have that uncanny ability that you only see in a very few actors, to raise the "game" of some of the younger actors on the set as well as some of the journeymen actors who appear in guest starring roles on a week to week basis.The thing that differentiates SHARK from other Lawyer series we have seen.... From Raymond Burr's 301 episodes of Perry Mason, to present day shows such as L.A.Law and Law and Order, we have seen just about every possible story line under the sun......... I mean---- come on, is there anything else to explore here??? But, James Woods explores the proverbial DARKSIDE of the Legal business. From switching sides of the aisle, transforming from a high price advocate for drug dealers, murderers and other assorted low life's in LA County, to a RULES adverse Special District Attorney, Woods shows some of the antics that occur behind the scenes in the screwed up legal system. These shows need to show the personal lives of the people involved to keep the viewer interested. Shark does not let us down in this respect. Instead of showing some fairytale life of the rich and famous of L.A.. Woods is a Divorced, single parent of a teenager, played surprisingly well by Danielle Pannabaker. The give and take between Woods and Pannabaker is an excellent sub-plot for the series and the writers of the series give Pannabaker several key story lines in the first season. Pannabaker handles these roles like a seasoned professional. She had to raise her game to fit in with Woods.All in all, Shark is wildly entertaining. You know it is a good series when you find yourself eagerly awaiting the next installment ---- or is that the next "SHARK ATTACK????
    haildevilman James Woods has played everything from cops to serial killers to politicians. His intensity makes him one to watch. Thanks to 'Shark" I can watch him weekly.Woods owns this show from beginning to end. NO one else could make this work anywhere near as well. And the best part is his supporting cast doesn't seems to mind just following along.That said, his support does a great job. And is it just me, or does Henry "Isaac" Simmons resemble WWE's "The Rock?" Woods' snarky attitude combined with the character's never-say-die motif make every scene he's in a joy to watch. And the trial scenes are a blast.Welcome to TV James. Keep the greatness going.
    chrichtonsworld What can I say about "Shark"! First I was really excited because James Woods would be the main character! The pilot episode was great in which you could see how talented he is! Only I couldn't see him working with a team! He does work with these people,but honestly I don't really care about the other team members! Since they don't add something extra to the show! One exception was episode "Wrath of Kahn" in which Cruz dies at the end. It was very dramatic and unexpected! To me it gave a boost to the show,so I couldn't wait for next episode! I was hoping for a funeral, a tribute or something! Nothing happened concerning Cruz! They just went on, only one moment they mentioned his name. Come on,in real life you at least talk about it. What about grieve! They supposed to be a close team! Also the episodes aren't that interesting! There is nothing new,it all has been done before by other shows! The only reason I still watch this show is because of James Woods. It is to bad they don't develop his character a bit more! Maybe in the future episodes things will change!