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Close to Home
| 20 September 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    smallrage1 Working 4 to midnight I don't get to watch too many shows and this show was one of them, I'm into police and legal dramas such as this one. Being able to watch prime time shows online that I might of missed when I was at work has been a great plus. Personally I am very disappointed when good shows such as this one get canceled, I wished networks would visit this site and read peoples feedback on shows.Maybe then networks would have a change of heart when canceling shows that have a cult following and that networks listen to what people like and don't like. They don't and to me its a shame, I know that networks bases for canceling shows is advertising and I fully understand that but sometimes they pull the plug on a show when it's barely has time to develop That said this was one fine show a hidden pearl among a sea of trash, yet it got pulled when it was just had started to get interesting. I would of welcomed watching another season of this show,the reason why it got axed in my opinion it's because the violence was toned down. I see no other reason why anyone in their right frame of mind cancel it other than the fact that they centered the show on the investigations, rather than showing the usual blood and gore.I really liked this show the beginning of the first season was rather slow but it picked up nicely at the end. What I did find odd who knows maybe it why it got canceled is the addition of new characters and removing others with no explanation what so ever as to why they weren't there. So the beginning of season 2 started a little weird but hang in there because once again the characters develop nicely.Which is why I find it odd it got yanked, people tend to have loyalties to actors and when they were missing they might have dropped the show. I'm sure had they explained why the characters suddenly vanished people would of warmed up the the show once more.I rate this show a 9 only because of the relationships that developed and I found Jennifer Finnigan/Annabeth Chase played a very convincing prosecutor. Yet she hasn't had many roles since then
    wolfepaw I watched this show for the first time with the premier episode of the 2006-2007 season. I watched it to see David James Elliott (of JAG fame) as the new character, ADA Jimmy Conlon. He played a very different type of character and it took me a little while to get over the fact that he was not playing Harmon Rabb, Jr. However, I really enjoyed the show and the characters and it had an unexpected twist to the ending. I never saw it coming. I like it when TV surprises me. And it's great to have DJE back on TV again. I wonder what other people think about his new character and if they think he has a long future in this show. I think he does, although I hope his character shows a bit more heart and warmth in the future. I'll watch "Close To Home" on a regular basis. It's a very good show.
    pwj27214 I watch this show every time it comes on. I look forward to it every week. It always has a surprise close to the end of the show. When you think you know who did it and why; you get surprised by who really did it or why they did it. It has a great lineup of great stars. The actors in the district attorney's office and the police department are great. They do such a great job of acting that you think you are actually there with them. If you are looking for a show that shows police work, district attorney's office and a jury trial this is the show for you. I would recommend this show to everyone. GREAT SHOW AND A GREAT LINEUP OF STARS.
    slider-9 I watched an episode of this last night, the only episode I will be watching and from the beginning it didn't flow right. The lead-in to the case was good, but from there it took a swan-dive and did a delightful belly-flop.I think it extremely unlikely that a prosecutor with a supposedly strong case would throw the entire case away by questioning a suspect after a request for an attorney has been made. Everything from there on became what is referred to as "Fruit from the Poisoned tree". Her whole case was based on this evidence, which when it came to arraignment was thrown out, except for ONE single piece of evidence which they obtained through a "seperate investigation". The last time I looked a single piece of evidence which proves intent, doesn't necessarily go beyond reasonable doubt.The main character Annabeth, appears to be written as a smartly intuitive prosecutor, who can clearly tell when a suspect wants to confess, but it appeared that once the writers got that far, they didn't know what to do next.The dialogue in it was wooden, certainly the supervisor in the Prosecutor's office appeared so wooden, he either grew on the spot or was poured from a concrete mould.It's certainly not the edgy drama with an aggressive lawyer that it was touted as, it's a lightweight trying to punch well-above its weight and it's leading with its chin.
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