| 27 January 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
    Wordiezett So much average
    Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
    magick013 Mmm it is true, every good show goes down the drain like Miracles, Carnivale, Dark Angel etc etc. Skeet was so good in that! It's also really annoying that England seems not to sell the box set any where and now I'm going to have to try and get the boxset off the internet hopefully that works in region 2. Hopefully though Skeet and crew will come back but that seems like a wish unlikely to come true. Apparently I can't submit a comment if I don' have ten lines so four lines to write about something 0.o....erm well if any of you haven't seen carnivale and liked miracles, you should watch it, I bought it as a random series, excellent although they did only two series never finishing off the plot ;-; why do I have to like the shows that never finish?
    kandn why do all these channels just all of a sudden decide that they no longer want a show to run. I was really enjoying watching miracles on a Thursday night, then all of a sudden it disappeared. It should be the public who decides whether or not they wish the series to carry on, not some boss sitting in an office chair, stopping the show because its not making him enough money. My Thursday nights are terrible now, I've even resorted to going to bingo !!! I love these paranormal programmes and Skeet's not bad on the eyes either. I didn't know until I looked at this site how old he was though. Cant believe hes 35. Amazing. Good luck in the future anyway skeet, and to the rest of the cast.
    Mikko_Elo_ everyone i know who's seen miracles seems to have liked the series. brutally it was canceled before ever really getting a proper chance to show where it's plot was going. the pilot is a downright classic, the rest of the episodes weren't as great, but miracles showed great promise, and once again we can only shake our heads confused with shows like earth final conflict or bold and the beautiful for example going on as long. sadly miracles joins earth 2 in the graveyard of shows that refused to be dumbed down. it's all about the money, i know, but i can't believe people honestly want to see 'reality' TV and a hundred and one different courtroom dramas instead of great thought-provoking, serious series by proper writers and directors who can be called artists.
    Lady_Madonna I loved it. I couldn't believe that ABC cancelled it. Actually, I found out by reading another comment. I was in denial this entire time. I kept checking to see if it was going to be on this week. I loved it. My parents say it's because I like strange and paranormal things, and, yeah, I'd have to agree with them, but this show was like WHOA. It had this strange plot that just got you hooked. And the actors on there I really enjoy. They did a really good job. Too bad it got cancelled.