Cold Case
Cold Case
TV-14 | 28 September 2003 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
    Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
    ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
    Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
    KBirminghamkid when you look at the crime stats..and then you watch this show,its obvious there is an anti white many cold cases with black opposed to the rampant black crime wave in reality...end of.....maybe fox can do a series on black Channon Christian,Christopher Newsome murders..Eve Carson..Ann Pressly..Lauren Burke..Megan Boken..Emily Haddock...etc....this is part of the mainstream medias deliberate denial and hiding of these and other crimes..and shows such as this carry the deception on.just one point what does the big black guy actually do..would still love to be able to buy it on DVD...for the few episodes that are actually touching..
    kenhe So now the old slanders are dragged out, Viet Nam veterans as rapists, baby killers, and the murderers of mothers, grandmothers, and little girls. And of course, when a Viet vet fails to show enough patriotism, well another Viet vet murders him! Well folks, I am a Viet Nam War veteran and I never saw American soldiers commit a single atrocity, but I have seen the innumerable atrocities and war crimes committed by North Vietnamese soldiers and Viet Cong. And on this ridiculous show, Cold Case, I have seen political atrocities carried out on American TV against brave and heroic Viet Nam War veterans like myself and my fellow vets for no other reason than to pump a TV show and perpetuate the vicious libels and slanders that have plagued American Viet Nam War veterans by empty headed liberals who happen to have a public TV platform. This episode about the Viet Nam veterans sickened me, and should disgust any decent and moral American citizen.
    Lev TV Never again had I seen a show like that when I started watching this a long time ago.A beautiful cast,a perfect combo of crime solving mysteries (crimes that occurred in the past and were left unsolved) with drama , over the top soundtracks and the "ghosts" of the dead appearing to produce heart breaking feelings ! If compared with anything of its genre it will get the number 1 prize for me.Absolutely amazing!I really wish they team up once more to create a movie,would gladly pay to watch it.
    mrsowenwilson I love this show for several reasons...First,I grew up in Philly. They get the names,places, ethnic backgrounds etc, SPOT ON.The story lines are terrific. Most unusual for a cop show, the majority of their interviews are non-confrontative, leaving the detectives to piece out what happened based on a combination of matching discrepancies, gut instinct, and often the perp's desire to just have it over with after all these years. The music often lends an additional level of sadness and poignancy. I'm not sentimental by nature, but I confess there were several endings that left me in tears, like "The Runner" when Lilly brings back the old addict to the woman whose late husband wanted to adopt her. I tear up just thinking about it.And this may seem an odd point, but it's actually a compliment. Unlike, say, CSI Miami, these people don't look like they just stepped off a modeling shoot. Kathryn Morris is quite pretty, but not so much that it would intimidate your average woman to go get botoxed: she's just naturally cute. Ditto Danny Pino; he's attractive but not to the point where more regular-looking guys wouldn't invite him out for a beer. They also lead more regular lives than most TV characters: a few have or had wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, and kids. In addition to work, they also deal with the same stuff most of us do every day.In short, the show works beautifully and is truly original. Great acting, writing, and consistency. Suurprised no Emmys have come its way.