The Two Coreys
The Two Coreys
| 29 July 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    Gareth The shows is great, I know it is proper fake but at least they honest about. I find it entertaining. The show is at its best when the two Corey's are joking about and having friendly banter. I don't like the Susie character she is so annoying and I get real bored of the whole situation of her breaking up the Corey's. They should show more stuff of the two Corey's messing around and being themselves because they have such good chemistry. I don't like the fake stuff, I don't think they really need it. But in general the show is funny. I've read some bad comments about the show but people should understand that this guys have been in some classic films, sure they might not be the best of actors but I grew up with their films and I really hope they go back to their routes and make a cool 80's movie.I hope lost boys two is good, the original was great.Haim is the man, he is so cool. I Bet the Corey's threw the best party's back in the day.
    Shaun I suppose I'm in that weird age group that sort of grew up with Haim and Feldman, and yet not really. I am of that weird niche group that came just after their mega success and caught the "HBO" and "CABLE" rerunapalooza of "License To Drive" "Dream A Little Dream" and so on and so forth. I have over the years seen every one of the films these two guys have been in, some great "Lost Boys" "Licence To Drive" some awful "Busted" and "Last Resort", but no matter how horrid the script is or even sometimes how down right painful the acting can be there's still something fun about watching these two guys. I suppose they're the Crosby-Hope or Martin-Lewis of my generation. You knew even the crappy roads movies were going to be watchable because of the chemistry between Bing and Bob, and I have to say the same about Haim and Feldman. They're OK to watch separately, but together it's a complete set. I can't really explain why, it's just the way of the world. Unfortunately They're not on that same page. So, when I heard they'd be back together on TV(!) I was super excited. I was unaware that the show was scripted and because of that the show had an oddness to it...however once you realize it's totally scripted, it's really funny. They are so over the top at times that you can't help be laugh, were as if it were real, it's just totally uncomfortable to watch...I have to say that every ep. has it's ups and downs and that Suzie is so One dimensional that she's annoying to watch and listen to, they turned her into an unsympathetic character that seems spoiled and pampered. However, it's the moments, like when they're playing pool, or shopping, that you realize why you watch the's fantastic. I just wish, they would have put just a little more effort into a convincing storyline...drew out the characters a little more and fleshed out...well everything. It's sort of sad in away, they only gave us enough to wet the appetite and now it's all over...damn you A&E!!! I only hope that the Coreys can put their differences away and come out with a second season, and this time leave Suzie at home with the kid.
    laciebug15 ***It's not like a sitcom or a drama so I don't think I'm spoiling anything, but I do quickly mention some situations from the show*** Moving on--I understand why people might not enjoy the show, because I'm not a big fan of reality shows myself, but from what I know of the Coreys I was curious and gave in to an episode. I wasn't too sure what I thought from that experience so I checked out some episodes "On Demand" and on You Tube, and now I am hooked. Haim's life confusion (a.k.a dependency issues with Corey Feldman) mixed with the Feldman's life organization and slight O.C.D just makes for interesting conflict and I can't help but want to see what comes of it. If you watched an episode and weren't too sure how you felt, or are just curious about the show, I definitely believe its worth giving it a chance--between speed dating, going to a "sweat lodge" in an attempt to stop smoking, and an old flame of Haim's visiting from England, it definitely has it's moments.
    I_Am_The_Taylrus SPOILERSFirst of all, you know a show is not good when the television show the Soup will not even talk about it. Really, though, I can not really describe this show. It definitely falls into the "So bad it is good" category of entertainment, and I will have to agree with that, but that still does not make this show great.Here is the plot of this show. Corey Haim has a troubled life so he moves into his childhood friend Corey Feldman's house. Feldman has a wife now, and is a vegetarian, and Haim is that exact opposite, so mayhem will obviously ensue as Haim and Feldman try to agree on things and more.Overall, this is not a great show, yet it is not a bad one. This is the Odd Couple of reality show, and it is oddly entertaining. You should at least try to watch one episode.5/10