TV-PG | 03 March 1985 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
    Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    wideawake-1 I have lived with this series on and off ever since the DVDs were released, endlessly fascinated by the kind of insights into men and women that it throws up. OK. So last night I watch Taxi Driver for the first time (I don't care for the adulation of gangsterdom). And guess what? Look at the scene where Robert de Niro first approaches Cybill Shepherd. See the David Addison smirk? See the Mattie Hayes flirtation? And what about the mohawk-ed thief in the Moonlighting pilot, wasn't that a way of signalling the separation of the New Jersey boy from the psychopath Vet? So David Addison is a Travis Bickle who skipped Vietnam and hightailed it out to the Coast instead, got himself a life and a sense of humour. And Betsy? Well, she gave up politics and got into modelling instead, and never looked back either.
    Cristi_Ciopron Gusto, this has to be the word for it—gusto, the unmatched gusto—of the series as such, of the leads' performances, of the brisk pace …. Nothing like it—ever …. And it has finesse, genuine finesse, it takes one to know one. Also the subdued blues. And Glenn Gordon Caron's brio; and by this sole man's insight we became the screwball's contemporaries-- Moonlighting's writing style. What other TV show could have this much to offer? Willis, the comedy, the sex—comedy, the screwball, 'Maddie', the leads' chemistry, the charming atmosphere, the so lively and endearing fun, the countless one—liners, the inspiration—theirs, and to us; yesterday I have seen 6 episodes—almost the whole 1st season. Willis never did anything as good. And MOONLIGHTING is tens of hours of Willis in his best shape ever …. We had screwball in the '80s—and not as a withered pastiche—but as a robust, original show, sharply written and awesomely played. The show's history demonstrates that this level was attained by work, professionalism, craft-work, etc.. The quality, and such quality, is the result of craftsmanship and professionalism, not of happy slapdash and improvisations; the series' history is therefore a lesson in how to achieve results. In a sense, this TV show has always been with me, as I have watched it at 13 yrs, then at 16 yrs, then at 24 yrs, and again now at 31 yrs; so in a sense we have been fellow—travelers, or travel—fellows. At 29—30 yrs I longed intensely for it. I have been a schoolboy, a high—school guy, a medical student, then a physician while seeing this TV series; each time, it was Willis, the comedy, 'Maddie', the unique atmosphere, the style, the charm, the fun, the jokes, the pace, the music no less, the scripts and one—liners, the urbane jazzy feel—it rocked then, it rocks now. When I was 24 yrs I used to write much about it and to me it stood as the foremost comedy; it meant, to me, THE comedy, or what a comedy means and is and looks like. After seeing this series, everything else seemed crap. At that age I began to cherish again Willis' roles. I have written once a top 10 of TV shows; Willis' masterpiece was no. 3, and perhaps it should of been no. 1 (--were it not for another two series--). What about the age this writer is at, now? Well, nowadays I'm particularly fond of Cybill's performance; her indulgent and tolerant smile when faced to 'Dave's _immaturities; also, her courage and presence of spirit and initiative, the fact that she succeeds where he fails. MOONLIGHTING is the epitome of the '80s cool (--and the characters talk a bit, now and then, about living in the '80s, etc.--)—and the '80s as passed into timelessness in an uniquely inspiring comedy. This TV series, and many of Rourke's early roles, define, for me, the '80s. On the other hand—this series was a screwball, and therefore worked best when and as a screwball—and therefore should have stayed a screwball. The screwball ought not become romance—or, worse, idyll. Yet they turned the straight screwball into a straight soap—opera, a straight romance. This was a grievous error, a mistake. Curtis Armstrong's character was and should have stayed a supporting one. The show also declined because the two stars deserted it. I loved this TV show more than it is usually allowable. When I have seen it first, I was 13 yrs old.I knew nothing about Willis—specifically, about his movie career.(I guess I had no notion of a favorite actor—I simply liked the TV series ….) In short, Moonlighting was likable for a kid;later,it proved to be as likable for a grown—up.For me, Moonlighting was better without Curtis Armstrong and without the enlarged part of Agnes DiPesto—who needed so much an Agnes DiPesto on her own,anyway?One has to be fair enough to admit that Willis was so good—such a Leyda bottle—that almost any other actor put next to Willis would of seemed to spoil the show;yet Curtis Armstrong was particularly, peculiarly unpleasant and he was undermining the concept of this series as well.So,I may say I liked less the numerous Curtis Armstrong episodes. Moonlighting meant,and was nonstop gags. It also had a sparklingly sexy blonde.Yet anyone else on that blessed set was absolutely eclipse by Willis' dynamism and hydraulic force and explosive drive. The series had undulations, modulations, an unequaled charm. I do not know any role better than Willis' in a TV series.His performance is a jewel of inventiveness, instinct and charm.If you want to see a comic role perfectly acted, with seemingly endless resources, watch Willis playing his David.Moonlighting had the greatest chance—that of an unrivaled male lead,Willis—another hallmark of the '80s (together with Rourke,Nolte,Gibson,etc.). Willis proved to be an unbelievably good comedy actor. Brando was as good;and,in a certain way,maybe Newman (I remember reading that Willis likes Newman's roles).It is too unfortunate that Willis' movie career did not exploit the way opened by Moonlighting—no other roles were written for Willis so that he may continue this so original and amazing line of comedy.Yet in front of some mistaken ideas,a thing must be said—Willis is completely a '80s guy,not a sophisticated Grant/Flynn/Gable (…Tracy/Cooper/Bogart/Stewart) in disguise.His persona must not be seen as an updating of Grant's heroes.Willis is charming, yet not sophisticated, nor irresistible. I hope someday I will put up some detailed reviews of liked episodes.A TV series should be like a Samuel Johnson of the cinema—as one who creates well,and who creates much, reconciling these two often divorced but equally needed qualities. It should offer many times—and in many ways—what others offer only once. (This is why we like Dickens, Balzac, Dumas, Hugo, Shakespeare, Proust, Mme. Sand, Chesterton, Scott, Doyle, Wells, LN Tolstoy—what they have to offer, they offer plentifully).
    cmw3755 My spouse gave me the DVD set for Christmas. I had forgotten how absolutely funny the program was in its earlier seasons. The yin-yang / push-pull banter between the two main characters was just hilarious and meticulously timed. The DVD set was well packaged with a good amount of commentary regarding the pilot with sensitive interviews with the stars. Seasons 1 & 2 were so special because of the tension between the two and the friendship that was nurtured without going to the bedroom. Even though the show is over 20 years old, it still seems fresh and full of laughs. Mr. Willis and Ms. Shepard were the best choice for this series
    Benjamin Wolfe I didn't pay much attention to the t.v. guide heading when this first aired. 'Who cares' I think I quipped. Al Jarreau worked with Alf Claussen and Lee Holdrige on the theme song that has been a good music staple for me for many years. I love that theme song!!! But almost twenty years later and the people in control putting this on DVD digitally remastered, for the first time, made the difference for me. I bought it, and I don't even really know why, except that I was interested in seeing it and willing to pay the price. I do remember having a cassette of the remastered VHS version that I watched, which contained only the pilot episode. I bought it in a pawn shop for, I think $3.00. I wore that one out. I turned on the first episode from the DVD and the picture and sound was excellent! I watched the pilot and then went on from there. The writers were a major talent in this no-doubt. Between the comedic fast-paced verbal sparring that these two did, to the action and the chemistry, it just all kept growing on me. I love this series, and I can't wait to buy the next DVD set!!I remember seeing a media ad for the show's up coming season back in 1986 and the two David and Maddie, looked as if they were both 'Glowing' and in love. They had this look that I will not soon forget. I thought about it, but it took years before, I would watch the show. My wife used to watch it on tuesday nights with her grandma. So now on Sunday nights we try to keep a new ritual alive. The funny part about this for me, is that every time I watch an episode, it just makes a 'time travel trip' possible. I feel like I'm there, at least point, it reminds me of when it was that year and I recall the feelings, smells, tastes of that period in my life. Amazing what a little fun can do for your life. That's where the real fountain of youth is, being able to enjoy a good sense of humor and clean living' no regrets.I just picked up season three, at a local retailer and it just keeps getting better and better, with each episode. Time has done well with this series.I recommend this sharply made comedy-drama to anyone with a sharp mind and good sense of humor (****)