TV-14 | 14 October 1995 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
    Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    JohnLeeT An uninspired and creatively disastrous sketch comedy program that should have been canceled following its first horrendous season. Obviously an attempt to counter the superb Saturday Night Live, MADtv lacked on-screen talent of any consequence and writing that was hardly worthy of broadcast, even on this amateur level show. With uniformly unfunny cast members and humor that was rarely comprehensible in addition to being unlaughable, the title seemingly had nothing to do with the brilliant MAD Magazine. This has to rank as one of the worst television programs in the history of the medium and it is almost impossible to recall anyone who went on from this debacle to do anything of consequence. Oblivion was the fate of nearly all participants and the writers most likely took up another line of work after MADtv limped to an unnoticed, decade overdue cancellation. All involved should be embarrassed by their participation and if they somehow remain active in the industry, must leave this abominable trash off their resumes and live in constant fear of being discovered as once being responsible for such horror. MAD Magazine did serious damage to its prestige by associating itself with something like this and it will take many years for the wounds inflicted upon the astonishing literary satire that was MAD, the beloved and much acclaimed magazine, to at last heal. Unfortunately, that nightmare association, so unneeded, so ugly, and so mercenary, may never be forgiven until several generations have passed and such painful memories fade into the mists of time. Two stars are granted here in honor of the excellent skilled technicians who labored untiringly and offered a magnificent effort to make this so-called "show" watchable in spite of the abysmal final product that so relentlessly violated our television screens.
    videorama-759-859391 While not every skits funny, where some truly misfire, and aren't funny at all, depending on the viewer's sense of humor, the majority of the ones that succeed, are. Some of them are so smartly concocted, it's pure genius. This skit show based on that legendary magazine, takes digs at Michael Jackson (especially love those), Seagal, Stallone, Arnie, from a bunch of gifted comic actors who really know they're impersonations, some who have got it down to a tee, like Michael Mcdonald and Frank somebody, (love his John Madden digs) even though I've never seen the real guy, who at first was fictional. No celebrity is safe. My favorite though is that crazy Asian, acting great, Bobby Lee. This comedy sketch show is right out there. Saturday Night Live on crack.
    lulany-422-298678 I watched this show from the time it aired to the end of it's run with the original cast and it was terrific. I especially loved David Herman who never failed to make us laugh out loud with his spot on imitations and colorful characters. Later I tried watching the new cast and no matter how much I tried I could never get used to them because they simply could not compare to the original group. I just found the sketches boring and even cringe inducing. I gave the show a rating of 6 because the original cast made it a 9 in my view but unfortunately, the current cast and where the show headed afterward couldn't rate more than a 2 or 3 IMHO.
    mas151990 MADtv is the best comedy show i have ever seen!It always had great cast members and characters MADtv will stay alive for a very long time. MADtv already beat InLivingColor. InLivingColor only lasted four years with five seasons. MADtv has been out since 1995 and is still on today. The show is already up to its 13th season and will still always dish out the laughs. MADtv is the greatest show i have ever watched! Saturday Night Live is getting very dumb. I have not been laughing at anything of Saturday Night Live. It used to be funny i don't know how it is up to its 33rd season. Saturday Night Live was out since 1975 and it's getting really dumb. MADtv will stay funny forever!