The Kids in the Hall
The Kids in the Hall
| 24 October 1989 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Steineded How sad is this?
    filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
    Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Syl I have been a Saturday Night Live fan since I first saw it as a child. So it doesn't surprise me that it's originator Lorne Michaels who is also a proud Canadian has contributed by producing a homespun all male revue featuring the hilarious, obviously homosexual Scott Thompson in the cast. Dave Foley is better here than on Newsradio because he can expand his comedy styles. There are others here are who equally important but there are no women. Instead of kids in the hall, it should be called boys in the hall. They don't mind getting dressed up as women. It's hilarious with Mark McKinney as the chicken lady, Kevin MacDonald, and Bruce McCullogh in the cast. I love Thompson playing Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth addressing Canada. I love Canada and I love seeing snow outside. God Bless Canada and this wonderful troupe of entertainers.
    K (moviesweetie1) This show is amazing. The comedy is hilariously ahead of its time. How could anyone not love the amazing comedian/actors David Foley, Bruce McCulloch, Kevin McDonald, Mark McKinney and Scott Thompson. They are truly masters of their crafts and full of spontaneous energy as the comedy troupe, The Kids in the Hall. And I think that they are a perfect combination of sketch comedy at its best. So what if they dress as women, sometimes people can't tell their men in dresses! No matter what, DVD sales of season one and season two (and hopefully more to come) show proof that the Kids in the Hall is an award-deserving and fun show for many. I hope that this show provides laughter for audiences to come. At least, give them a try. They're amazing!
    velvet_love The Kids in the Hall is possibly one of the greatest shows, ever! It's brilliantly funny and it's such a shame that I can rarely find it on TV. Right, it's great and if you ever get a chance to catch it on the telly--I highly recommend it!
    krebstar9300 There are three types of people: Those who love KITH, those who hate KITH and those who have never seen KITH. There are no shades of grey, it seems.Those who love it, live by the brilliant catchphrases ("A whole lotta MILKAH!" or possibly "Thirty Helens agree...") and can quote whole skits at a moments notice.Those who hate it, either don't get it or prefer non-abrasive humour. I certainly wouldn't want to find my grandmother glued to a Buddy Cole sketch.Those who haven't seen it, must.