Dead Set
Dead Set
TV-MA | 27 October 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
    Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
    Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    Sane Review Was recommended this series after watching Black Mirror and I think that affected how I experienced it. Black Mirror is leagues ahead of this show but damn its actually a really good series with a very to the point mediation on the zombie like nature of humans and the consumption of pop media in the UK. I felt like there could've been more commentary as the story developed but for the length it does it's job as a zombie series well. Definitely rather watch this rather than Walking Dead. Character development can be a bit blunt with inexplicably difficult character but it leads to a cathartic conclusion.
    Dennis Carrier I gave this a chance but after the third episode I was tired of it. I realized that I didn't like or identify with any of the characters. The ones that were incredibly stupid became simply annoying. In the face of horror, much of the dialogue was off-base. They're having nonsensical chats in the middle of hell. In other words, they're not focused completely on their predicament. At least it doesn't show in their attitudes and behaviors. But what was most annoying about it was the constant arguing about everything. Arguing before the apocalypse gets started, arguing as it gets started, arguing constantly as it continues. That's unrealistic. People would be too scared to argue so much in such a predicament. Or do all British people argue constantly and cuss at each other? The British accents and slang left me at odds, also. If you like your characters cussing and yelling at each other and constantly arguing in British accents, then this is the show for you. Me, I'm to watch a movie now where the characters are not so surly and stupid.
    Dan Ashley (DanLives1980) What's not to like about a sudden zombie apocalypse trolling the attention seeking celeb wannabe contestants of a burned out reality TV gameshow? What's even better was that they used Channel 4's Big Brother and its original host to completely and utterly take the mick out of the tragically useless stereotypes that get picked for this show every year. Kevin Eldon did a fantastic job especially, portraying the miserable armchair politician type with a crush without a hope.Dead Set takes a few good actors, a few television comics, and a brilliant special effects workshop and makes one of the best British efforts in horror there's been since 28 Days Later.The great cinematography lends a lot of suspense and atmosphere, all in the right places (when it's taking itself seriously). The gore is fantastic and well executed, and the whole film - even the funny parts - are bleak.What cheapens it for me is how quickly survival leads good characters into the clichéd survival mode reserved for Americans in B-movies. That ultimately leads to the movie's predictable ending with people dying stupidly where they don't die horrifically, but the comedy element somewhat balances that with equal measure.I don't know if it was supposed to have some message at the end, but the one I took away was along the lines of "good, Davina's dead, let's put something else on the telly!" Never happened.
    MrGKB Given the stunning success of "The Walking Dead" over the past several years, someone's really missing a trick not getting a quality Region 1 release into the pipeline. Yes, I've learned there's an all-regions edition out there, but I don't believe it's been distributed widely, and in any case it certainly hasn't been promoted very well. "Dead Set" is a fine, fine little apocalyptic adventure centered on the travails of a reality-TV cast and crew beset by ravenous zombie hordes ala "28 Days Later." Yep, we've got "zoombies" here, but strangely enough, despite being a purist who distinctly favors Romero-style shamblers, I didn't have a problem with that. The acting is solid, especially lead Jaime "Made in Dagenham" Winstone and primary antagonist Andy "Kick-Ass 2" Nyman, the plot and pacing quite good (ignore the ADHD namby-pambies who whine that the set-up is too long), and the production values of a piece, especially for what is essentially low- budget TV. Any zombie fan worthy of the name should enjoy this one, and, yes, I'd love to see a follow-up of some kind. Recommended.