The Maxx
The Maxx
TV-14 | 08 April 1995 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    Dotbankey A lot of fun.
    Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
    La Gremlin I knew I was going to need something good and strong to wash off "Snowed in at the House of Mouse" today, so I rented "the Maxx". I saw bits of it when Mtv aired it as a mini-series and was taken in by the excellent visuals and believable -almost pitiable- cast of characters. But before I gush, a little history is needed here.Some time in the mid-90's, Mtv actually had a few good shows. No kidding. At the time it pained them to interrupt the music videos (!!!???!!!) for a while to show them, but that's another rant in itself. They had an animated mini-series block called "Oddities". One of these was the grotesque, overplayed "the Head" and the other was "the Maxx".So what would you say if I told you now that this cartoon is darker, more complicated, and better written than any of the live-action movies in the new release shelves the past three weeks?Go rent it tonight. This is going to stay with you for a long time.
    brutalpink it truly seems like every time MTV nails something, they throw it away. I fully attribute this to the ever sickening growth of pop culture, and the way that MTV as well as many networks, feel a need to bathe in the conformity of "cuddly" entertainment. in my experience most things being "cuddly" are in actuality extremely non-entertaining. this series/film is a beautifully disturbing piece of art. even as an animation, it is much more a reality then half the rubbish being churned out today. where did it all go?
    Snoogins I loved this series! Having been a huge comic book fan, I had heard about Sam Keith's Maxx characters several months before they premiered on MTV's Oddities series. I was very impressed with the performances of the voice actors, especially Barry Stigler as Mr. Gone. Kudos to everyone involved, this cartoon got me so interested that I had to read the rest of the series in comic book format, and I was very disappointed that the second season never made it onto television. Hopefully, someday in the future, the first season will arrive on DVD or some other collectible format because this show deserves better than to just fade into obscurity.
    slvrquee Sam Keith's dark epic about the struggles of a hurting young woman told in the brilliance of little creatures, alternate planes, and a purple clad alter-eog hero who she called the Maxx. Her name is Julie Winters, a freelance social worker and also the jungle queen of a land call Pangea. Maxx, nevermind how, is trapped in her soul and drifts between the real world and her spirit world where he battles the villian Mr. Gone and his armies of dark and light Isz.Beautifully told, this is one of those DEEP stories. It takes several times through to understand what is really happened. But its one heck of a ride. The voices and art are fab, and so are some of the lines. I personally like the Isz myself. This is definitely worth checking out.