The Venture Bros.
The Venture Bros.
TV-MA | 07 August 2004 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
    Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
    Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
    dcastle-27295 First of all I loved every bit of this season including episode 8. Now that I have established that I have probably watched this series at least 30+ times all the way through plus some of my favorites a few extra times. Season 6 was probably my favorite season. Episode 00 (all this and Gargantua 2)was a perfect rap up of everything up from s01- s05. I loved s06e08 but everything in this season is building to the Monarch taking down Wide Whale to become Ventures only arch and then they cut it off when he still has one to go before Wide Whale, this doesn't make since (unless he is counting Wide Whale as the 2 in the 2 he had left before Red Death (who was perfect in giving Monarch advice on how to live a real life if chooses. So with all the build up I know they love to leave cliff hangers but do you think they are saving it back for a special like All This and Garguatua 2 or saving it to explain the history behind venture and the monarch in the next season?
    Joshua Gist I've watched The Venture Bros, since I was kid and always enjoyed the series, even though I didn't completely understand the show until I was older I appreciated it for the adventurous Dean and Hank, The kill crazy, caring, and sociopath Brock Samson, and the second rate genius Rusty Venture. Over the years The Venture Bros have changed from a cliché, yet unique and similar version of an adventure show like "Johnny Quest Show" to a modern style show with secret agents, better graphics, more and new detailed characters and backgrounds. Also, along the way "The Boys" Dean and Hank Venture have not only become funnier and dynamic duo, but they've matured quite a bit and developed more distinct personality, while they still possess their child like traits. They've both grown past their previous personalities as two naive and home schooled boy genius kids. For example, throughout the series the boy's begin to interact more and more with reality and realizing their's more to the world than studying. Dean faces heartbreak and goes through a emo stage (most likely because he and Hank are the longest living venture clones, so they've had more experience with the real world. Then Dean transition into a young intellectual whose begun to find a purpose and in the world and following a path of his own, but still is that happy kid we remember him as.Then Hank starts to become more athletic and taking on the role of a young playboy/billionaire, and performs more daring and risky stunts. Each becoming more heroic and realistic instead of Hank pretending to be a Hero and is actually making it a reality. Finally, The Venture Bros take on a more modern world view because they start relating to people about college, new technologies and etc.
    Joel I may not have grown up around the time of Johnny Quest, but I clearly see the subtle jabs at the series (which are numerous) and I can't help but laugh.At first glance, I admit I didn't initially understand a lot of this series; but let's face it, how can anyone understand a series at first- glance? You have to watch further... which is what I did.The storyline is great, the characters are well put together and (aw hell, I better just say it or it'll back up on me)... Brock Sampson kicks major ass! Time has taken its toll on Adult Swim, but this definitely stands the proverbial test of time.One more thing: GO TEAM VENTURE!
    Revan DayeHawke Johnny Quest meets Scooby-Doo meets The Addams Family. Doctor Thaddeus "Rusty" Venture and his two sons, Dean (The more intelligent of the two) and Hank (Somewhat dim-witted and brash) along with OSI Super Spy Brock Samson go on a series of "mis"-adventures, meeting along the way characters from other shows such as Johnny Quest (Now a painkiller popping pill addict) or the parodied "evil" twins of the Scooby-Doo gang. This is, without any hesitation, my favorite cartoon show ever. Not only does this show effortlessly keep my attention, but also delivers each of the situational elements with flawless timing and comic genius. The characters, though some derived from the parodying of other shows, are all quite original and each brings a flare to the show that would otherwise be sorely missed. Time will seem to flow much too slowly until the beginning and release of the third season of this amazingly funny show. Remember the days that cartoons were geared towards children and the only adults to watch them were either parents or those who refused to grow up? Those days are long dead. If there is one new show in which you decide to indulge yourself in, make it The Venture Bros. You will not be disappointed! ~Revan Eli DayeHawke~ - Dusty Road Publishing