Broken Saints
Broken Saints
| 14 February 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Libramedi Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
    Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
    SamiCybertron What is flash? When people first think of flash they go to Newgrounds, where these days the only flash they have is just childish, immature & pointless specks of Animation of Singing dog turd, beheading celebrities & south park, It seriously looks like any form of Animation has no point anymore.Until...First came along something remarkable & unspeakable, something beautiful & outstanding beyond any measure. Around 2001, an outstanding achievement of perfection & dedication came along, a true figure of beauty and truth, and that was called...Broken Saints. The story of 4 strangers from the quiet corners of the planet, who receive an apocalyptic vision of a dark city in the west, where they have to then come together and bring forth the light and discover the truth of why they are summoned...Thats just the main plot, watch the rest and find out more.Brooke Burgess (the Creator & writer of the series), Andrew West (the lead artist) & Ian Kirby (the visual effects supervisor) have seriously brought together a masterpiece, a double sided piece of artwork with no flaw whatsoever and will bring the ultimate questions of life to a complete full circle... Why are we here? Does God exist? Where are we going? What is the meaning of life? Where are we from? When you watch this series, you would only need to do one thing...Think. About you're life, the people you know, what you have done and what you believe in and what you follow in life.You might think this is something tripped out, you might think you would need to take an absurd amount of drugs to watch this. When the truth is, you have to watch this and have a huge look at you're life and the world...Think. This is nothing well known, nothing too big and certainly nothing short of popularity...But this is special, and something you will need to watch. Also with an outstanding soundtrack composed by Tobias Tinker, the music shall provide the perfect mood to match the perfection of this double-sided piece of artwork.Along with the quotes and passages from some of the greatest authors, teachers, philosophers, musicians and scholars that the world has been blessed with...Each one of those passages speaks the word of truth.The voice actors also give the ultimate performances of their careers to bring this epic story to life, so that also shows that this is a special form of entertainment.I strongly advice you watch this series and you will learn something from its characters, homages to movies, Depth of brilliant writing & brilliant artwork...and Answer the ultimate question...What would you give to know the truth?
    welsh_ker it made every word sound like it meant something and you understood it. one of the most amazing arts iv ever seen and i think that every person on the planet should see the future of what this is. as i was doing my best not to get distracted when i watched it its not that hard to take every thing as you do because you want to no whats going and you don't wont to miss a frame. i think that it gives a big twist on life and will make you think differently on every thing. when you watch it you will have your own theory but you also agree with every one els's. the art work is amazing and how the hole thing is set out they've done thing that have never been done before. in my case I'm so glad that it wasn't band because i could see on haw it could be.
    Michael Field An interesting experiment but sophomoric and self-important. As Brooke Burgess implies, he has traveled the world and found the he seeks to enlighten us all with his vision.The writing is self indulgent and sophomoric, smarmy and preachy. It all boils down to love and God and religion and faith. BS. Just like the ending of The fifth Element, love solves everything. God is in us all. In the end we will see the light (it's all there in digital code), and the warriors will lay down their weapons and the Muslims will join with the Hebrews and Christians and Buddhists and get together and throw one big party. And the lamb shall lay down with the lion, but not without a bit of bloodshed first..,eh.The artwork is poor graphic novel style; I liked the scenes that were done in sketch work better than the stylized simplistic artwork that prevailed throughout the most of the movie. They call it flash animation but it was hardly animated.One episode of South park has more animation than the whole 12 hours or so of this movie and it's more realistic in the style.That all being said, this movie does stand up as a sci-fi kind of epic. The character developments are excellent and their interaction is well done especially the dynamic between Raimi and Oran. This was a grand experiment that the three creators conspired to. It is very geeky and was well received on the internet over the 3 or so years it unfolded. I suspect that this has a great deal to do with its current popularity; after all you don't follow a story, released piecemeal for 3 years, waiting eagerly from week to week to see the next segment, and then admit it wasn't worth the wait. The three creators, especially Brooke Burgess, are all waiting with their collective breaths held to see who will pick up their project and turn it into a movie or a TV series. They can taste the fortune. So much for altruism. With programming in this country (US) controlled by the likes of clear channel, it probably will be. For their sakes I hope that the writer and co-creators can keep their own vision intact, and not have to bow down to the almighty film industry and turn this into a more watered down and more preachy version.All in all this project was a success. I don't think it was deep and life changing as many would have you believe; but it was had to be to keep me entertained for the whole 12 or so hours.I recommend at least renting this story.
    Derek Welle What can I first say? It's fantastic? It's amazing? It is the one of the most spectacular stories I have ever seen? This would all be suitable, except seeing is always better than hearing the gossip. I have not said enough about how truly great Broken Saints is. True, I could be making it sound greater than it really is, but that is different for each person. Some people may think I'm full of crap, some people may completely agree, and hopefully some think I bought the DVD, and anyone who enjoys comics, epics, anime,or just plain good story telling ... this is definitely a keeper in your DVD collection. Broken Saints has got it all: A genuinely new style, an epic storyline, good memorable quotes and scenes, one of the best scores to a film I have ever heard, great artwork and technical direction, great writing, good moral to the story, and great characters.Also when watching Broken Saints it will just give you goosebumps all over. You get that deep awesome (awesome as in awe inspiring, not simply meaning cool) feeling when watching the "freak out" scenes. "Freak out" moments, as I call them, is when one of the characters starts seeing weird and bizarre things. Wheather they are hallucinating or dreaming or just being attacked by someone (that happens a couple of times).Broken Saints is also good for its creator. Brooke Burgess, writer and director of Broken Saints, is a definitely a good role model. He made the site completely free for anyone to watch, he did not resort to using advertisers and pop-ups to get money for his site (since it would ruin the mood that Broken Saints conveys). After Broken Saints was made big by many awards and made for DVD Brooke had many offers from Warner Bros., Universal, and Fox to convert Broken Saints into a feature film, but one of his characters would have to be changed. An Iraqi mercenary, who is very Muslim and hates Americans. This of course, many big American producers will not like, but they have a load of money. Still, their bribes could not break Brooke's integrity. Also I have e-mailed Brooke once, giving him my thanks and appreciation (since, you can already tell, I am a huge Broken Saints fan). He replied to the email personally a couple of days later and was really nice. Now come on, is there anything wrong here? NO! Broken Saints: A great story, with a creator who is not an a-hole! Hurray! So go toGo to ... so weep and bare witness, for the end is nigh!