Planet Earth
Planet Earth
TV-PG | 05 March 2006 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
    ortz3 The production value is absolutely amazing and is so informative. You honestly can't believe what your watching because it doesn't seem possible. The shots they do are so creative and is well worth the time. A must watch for everyone.
    jamariana What do I consider when I rate an episode of "Planet Earth"? The narration (David Attenborough may as well be God), the quality of the cinematography or scenery captured (11/10), the musical composition that gives John Williams a run for his money, or the truly intriguing glimpses into the lives of other animals? If so, "Planet Earth" is pure magic on all fronts. I'm pretty sure I cried during the first episode. I love watching "Planet Earth". I've seen the series maybe half a dozen times from start to finish. I especially love watching it in a library when everyone else is supposed to be studying because at least then people consider it to be entertainment, when otherwise they might ask me why I watch a nature documentary series in my free time (certainly not the sentiment in the United Kingdom, where we religiously watch Attenborough's nature shows, but elsewhere I have encountered inquisition over my watching of documentary programs). Anyway, the show is amazing. Truly. I have only great things to say about the show as a whole, so watch it.
    Edward Ashton This series is probably one of the best series I have ever watched. This fascinating documentary drags me in every time I watch it. David Attenborough's way of explaining of how creatures breed, eat etc is like no other before, he's the best wildlife narrator that will ever live. They spent five years on this wildlife, and I think that it was definitely worth it. It is the most expensive nature documentary series ever commissioned by the BBC, and it was the first ever in high definition. So really, it set the bar for high picture quality. The BBC did it perfectly in the way of organising it for the episodes, it just flowed perfectly. There won't be another nature documentary like this one.So if you don't watch it, you're missing out massively.
    Lin2050 Yes, there are beautiful wide-angle views of our PLANET EARTH. But they form ONLY about 15% of this documentary. The majority, about 80% of this movie, is about animals eating one another.Photographing animals is relatively easy and cheap, while photographing truly beautiful, wide-angle views of our Earth is very expensive and time-consuming. And obvious they knew it, which is why this movie is given the misleading title of "PLANET EARTH", instead of the correct title "ANIMALS ON PLANET EARTH". I don't want to call this cheating….As I said, yes, there are some great photos showing the beauty of the Earth. But even these are beginning to show signs of age. The blu-ray version of this movie is in VC-1, an old, not that HD format, now abandoned by everyone.One thing I dislike most is seeing a narrator jumping into your view and start talking nonsense, while I was in the middle of enjoying the beauty of a scene. This guy seemed to do this in many of the BBC nature documentaries. Luckily, he refrained from do it in this movie. Maybe they have spent too much money on this documentary and don't want it ruined… BTW, if you are interested in the beauty of the Earth, rather than in animals eating one another, Frozen Planet might be a better choice, although it unfortunately covers only the poles.