Cosmos: A Personal Voyage
Cosmos: A Personal Voyage
| 28 September 1980 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    brian_m_hass The title of this television science mini series says it all. It presents the cosmos as seen from a wide variety of scientific disciplines to give the television audience a perspective on the universe. Sagan shows the relationships between physics, astronomy, chemistry, and biology to demonstrate how everything in the familiar world came into being. The series is about the universe as well as the rise of sentient beings capable of perceiving it. Re-enactments of key discoveries in science present the viewer with a historical perspective on mankind's quest to understand the universe. Carl Sagan's series uses imaginative tools to illustrate the scale of the cosmos. His journeys in the "Ship of the Imagination" demonstrate the true size of the universe. Similarly, Sagan's "Cosmic Calendar" renders the mind boggling length of time since the beginning of the universe into something more understandable by compressing cosmic history into the more familiar time scale of a single year. Both tools point to the fact that human beings and their planet make up a very small and fragile part of the cosmos.Before this series, there had never been anything quite like it on television. Before "Cosmos: a Personal Voyage," there had been many science documentaries on television; and, some of those programs were excellent. However, most of those series focused on only one aspect of science and sometimes did so in a way which seemed coldly detached. This series was unusual in that it stirred the audience's emotions and inspired a sense of awe. The audience experienced Sagan's fears and hopes for future of the human race as he shared his beliefs that humanity could realize its potential by being vigilant to avoid its self-destructive tendencies. The series is more than an ordinary science documentary but is also the presentation of a vision.This television series is a memorable viewing experience. Carl Sagan is articulate and sometimes poetic in his descriptions of the universe. The combination of Sagan's words as well as the music used in the series create an emotional viewing experience. Although some of the special effects of 1980 are somewhat dated, the visuals in the series are nevertheless stunning; and, most of the information presented in the series has managed to remain relevant in spite of the passing of decades since the series' original broadcast.This series is both awe inspiring and humbling. It provides the viewer with a greater perspective on the universe and the viewers place within it. Ever since the broadcast of this mini series, many other science mini series have attempted to follow in its foot steps; but, no other science series on television has managed to capture the imagination in the way "Cosmos" has. Carl Sagan's science mini series is still the standard by which all others are compared and is highly recommended.
    Matty Smith If you watched the original cosmos and you have a genuine interest in Science then i recommend you watch this. In-fact, i recommend anybody to watch this. If you wasn't interested in Science before then you sure should be after watching this beautiful masterpiece.This is over 30 years old and doesn't seem as old as you think while watching it. It seems far more modern than you'd think it would be. (In my opinion)Not only does Carl Sagan sum up the beauty of Science, he also shows how intrigued and mind-boggling Science is to his personal self. He explores the wonders of the universe, the wonders of the Earth, the wonders of life itself and way more.The history they show about famous scientists before modern civilization was 'built' is dramatically entertaining and kept me wanting to watch more10/10 MUST WATCHIf nobody likes this then i really do feel sorry for you.
    qasdfghj You may not learn particularly much from watching this series, but I still would recommend it to anyone seeking to be reminded of why the universe is so spectacular and worth our time to study.Carl Sagan was truly a pioneer in his times, making his profound appreciation accessible the general public. I think the true charm of this series is his own personal meanderings and philosophizing. The downside is that you feel like each episode has about 10 endings, each one a false alarm... due to his language feeling so "epic" and poetic, it's almost too much.However, the old sets are silly and fun to watch. And the questions he poses are as relevant as ever. Enjoy.
    dunmore_ego KNOWLEDGE! Not just physics, not just astronomy, not just biology, or philosophy or mathematics; knowledge from every strand of human endeavor. Astronomer Carl Sagan ties it all together in an immense library of congress called COSMOS.First broadcast on Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) in 1980, to date COSMOS is still the most widely watched PBS television series in the world. It won an Emmy and a Peabody Award and was viewed by over half a billion people.Not merely a dry, didactic statement of facts, COSMOS appeals to such a wide audience because Sagan makes every episode, every topic, every nuanced syllable as interesting as possible, using props, special effects, reenactments, shooting on location around the world - the brilliant scientist himself, turtled to the neck, the most interesting prop of all.COSMOS is also an optimistic cry to humanity; an understanding of our place in the universe; a plea that we are all in this together on a small blue rock drifting in an endless ocean of night...It has dated, yes, and the special effects look quaintly chumbly-wumbly (especially the hokey "Spaceship of the Imagination" Sagan supposedly travels the cosmos in), but COSMOS is a perfect example of what the methodology of science is: a continually-changing facility, presenting the facts from evidence gleaned up to that point, but knowing those facts will change with more precise measurements, images, monitoring, researching - and welcoming those changes. No one - not even Sagan himself - would claim this series or his book of the same name was the ultimate be-all and end-all of knowledge (matter of fact, in 2005 The Science Channel rebroadcast COSMOS with updated computer graphics, new satellite photos of our solar system's planets, and digital sound). It was a placeholder until more current facts could be verified about the nature of things.Even so, COSMOS is one helluva placeholder, Sagan bringing together strands of philosophy, sociology and science into a fascinating wrecking ball of entertaining intellectualism.