Stargate Infinity
Stargate Infinity
NR | 14 September 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
    Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
    n-rouillard I didn't think that it could be quite as bad as it was. This is possibly the worst cartoon on television at the moment. Just because it's made for children isn't an excuse not to make it well.This is quite simply a disservice to the Stargate name, and not suitable for children due to the extremely poor quality. We need decent childrens cartoons!
    Paul So bad. So so bad. The point of the show is to be historically educational for the younger set. That written let me just say that they did a lousy job doing it. I'm seeing my first episode right now and every 2 minutes or so the leader of the "stargate" adventurers spouts some bit of historical trivia. It doesn't help to throw out facts. That's not educational. That's just fulfilling an fcc requirement. The show should be ashamed of itself.
    JU5T1CE This has to be the WORST cartoon spin-off in the HISTORY of TV/Cartoon tie-ins. Set years into the future from the original StarGate SG-1 series, this first episode opens with the lamest opening music since time began. The animation is cleared drawn by colour-blind monkeys with felt-tip pens placed between their toes.For christ sake, what were you people thinking with this complete and utter waste of air-time.The only time this will play in my house again is to punish my children.Now He-Man, ReBoot and Thundercats are REAL cartoons.Write that down!
    Andy Steinberg Terrible, awful, insulting, and painful. Stargate Infinity is to Stargate SG1 as Galactica 1980 was to Battlestar Galactica. Infinity shows almost no resemblance, continuity or respect for SG1 at all. There were staff weapons, used by alien creatures that looked like recycled Thundercats mutants. The staff weapons and the other cheesy-plastic ray-gun looking-things seemed to have the ability to hit any life form with a weak stun blast (less effect than one zat gun shot), while also scorching metal walls black and cutting down stalactites easily. Reminds me of the dubbing of season 3 of Space Cruiser Yamato/Star Blazers, you could see lasers going right through people leaving burnt holes, but of course the lasers were stun beams and the people were androids. Or the "robotic" (yeah right) defense forces in Battle of the Planets. There was the token tough guy, token telepath, token alien, token shapeshifter etc etc. Add to all this, one-liner lessons of life such as "Sometimes you just gotta make a choice, go for it and deal with the consequences" made me grind my teeth and cower in horror. The theme song and music were both, um, I have no words for how awful they were. I suppose Infinity might appeal to someone whose IQ <= their shoe size, but I warn any SG1 fans out there, be afraid and run away from Infinity.