Marvel's Agent Carter
Marvel's Agent Carter
TV-PG | 06 January 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
    Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
    Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
    FilmBuff1994 Agent Carter is a great television series with very well written episodes and a stellar cast. It is a consistently enjoyable and entertaining series that takes us back to the 1940s following Agent Peggy Carter from the point that we left her in Captain America: The First Avenger. It has broad, luxurious sets, really taking us in to and having fun with its 40s' setting, a lot more than the film that it is spun off from did.I did find that series did have some dull moments, some episodes that simply did not strike as hard as others and, quite honestly, dragged on, there is not many of these but the ones that are stick out in a negative way. The cast is all around terrific, Hayley Atwell shines, as always, as Carter and owns this lead role in an effortless manner, while James D'Arcy is top notch as Jarvis, and Dominic Cooper steals every episode he features in as Howard Stark. Great fun and action packed. Featuring a dedicated cast and stellar writing, it is a shame Agent Carter did not last as long as it could have, but it certainly enjoyable while it lasts and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a good drama or action series.Peggy Carter is enlisted to clear the name of Howard Stark. Best Performance: Hayley Atwell
    thegrv I really loved watching it. I made my own chronological order of watching all of marvel cinematic universe including the TV Shows and Movies. I watched the first avenger and then this amazing show. Acting was impeccable. Story was meh. I just liked coming back to watch one more episode to see what Peggy was up to. Also, while watching this show I became a fan of marvel comics. I am reading daredevil now. So, this show and Captain America opened up a 'new world' for me. Love this show! And those little feminism references, I love it!
    lucasnasci I'm just gonna say this: I loved this series!!!! Agent Carter is now my favorite character in Marvel Cinematic Universe. Hayley Atwell is amazing in the role. Such a lovable character.Jarvis, Stark, Dottie, Whitey Frost and others are awesome characters. The cast is great too. It's too bad the show was cancelled. We need more of Peggy.Maybe, Netflix can pick up the show. We need a season 3!!!!! Just to tie some loose ends. I want to know if Jack live or die. Was the shooter Michael Carter?????? I'm dying to know what would happen next. Please, save this series!!!! Long live Peggy Carter!!!!!
    nicholasdem This is a review for those who decided to cancel this show. Who ever decided to cancel Agent Carter is a jackass!Maybe Agent Carter didn't capture the imagination of young viewers, but Agent Carter is worth the taste of watching an actual hero, a war veteran and a women that inspires other women accomplishing their goals. Agent Carter is for the sophisticate spectators who has taste in vintage and sci-fi. Agent Carter is more than the obvious, it is a series that must continue on to explore the imagination and wonder of women and men being in a real relationship. If you can not offer at least that it is not worth continuing the series. Awaiting the masses to be charmed by something they do not understand and appreciate is a major mistake and so is canceling Agent Carter.