Marvel's The Defenders
Marvel's The Defenders
TV-MA | 18 August 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
    Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
    riteshshergill After having seen the defenders I would like to get those hours of my life back. Fairly generic villains with generic motivations who serve as cannon fodder for the protagonists, coupled with weak dialog and a wafer thin plot make this show one of the dumbest things I have seen on the small screen in a long long time. The first thing that rankles me is people's inability to believe that people have abilities - this in a universe where they have acknowledged the presence of the Avengers and aliens. The sheer ineptitude of the cops in this show baffles me. The Hand being a crime syndicate has somehow escaped the purview of the FBI but a day of investigating by a street level PI is enough to expose them. My second problem is with Jessica Jones whose powers seem to come and go as and when the plot demands it. She has superhuman strength in patches and the only time she uses her powers is when she has to move stuff around or block doorways. She can fly but she uses that ability once in her first season and then the writers must have yawned and decided that it was too much so she never uses that ability again. Luke trying to 'protect' the police force by not giving them details about the Hand is beguiling. I mean, sure it would have been helpful if he would have told them more but they are cops and just having a name and a location - Midland Circle should have been enough for them to find out for themselves what the defenders knew. And its laughable that they don't believe in the concept of resurrection - in a universe where Loki exists and Thor exists and super soldiers exist - and the list goes on. I mean these must the most ignorant idiots on the face of the planet. This is a ridiculous cash grab effort and I notice that the seasons are getting progressively worse along with the villians' ineptitude. Daredevil Season 1 was amazing, Jessica Jones season 1 was watchable particularly because of the villain. Luke Cage season 1 was terrible and don't even get me started on Iron Fist. And now we keep getting these generic brain dead seasons and I think its time to give up on the franchise because its too dumb and it makes my brain numb. Please avoid this show like the plague because time is precious and you dont want to be wasting it on this bilge. That cop - Misty is so dumb, I'm surprised she survived the first season of Luke Cage. I guess she's called Misty because she has really clouded judgement.
    Caglatureray I love Jessica jones. That's why I watched it. Defenders idea is good. But the execution fails in many points. Fighting (Kung-fu style) scenes are not realistic, careography is poor. They could have done more Jackie Chen style. That intro music is so annoying. Is it game of thrones that they have such a low-energy music? Action characters do so much bs talking. Iron fist character is such an emotional dude it annoys. The finale of season 1 was super annoying, still there had to be 15 more minutes of bs talking at the end until we see the twist. I give it a 7star because I like the concept. But we need something more realistic. For second season (if there's one), the producers need to decide if they want to make an emotional drama or an action series or they find a way to work it together (which obviously doesn't work now)
    annsquake Having all of the Defenders in one show was actually a really great idea and I'm glad it turned out the way it did. Yes, it's nowhere near as good as DD or JJ, but it's still very fun for any fan of the individual shows
    gatorutk The Defenders has the potential of being an amazing series with the type of fan base and longevity not seen since series of the 80s and 90s. It's not right to cut us off after one season. I get it that Netflix wants to continue to diversify its interests in each individual brand, but it just stinks for the fan to see what could have been... BOO!