Marvel's The Punisher
Marvel's The Punisher
TV-MA | 17 November 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
    Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
    nickrider-08833 I really wanted to like this series. Jon Bernthal is the perfect actor for the Punisher. But the Punisher this is not. It's slow paced and lacking the violent retribution that is Frank Castles trademark calling card.I was waiting and waiting hoping the series would build up to a return of the Punisher we all know and love. But episode after episode we wait and only see one minor gang conflict and mafia shoot out. I never made it to the end of the series before I gave up.A real shame and a missed opportunity. Perhaps season 2 might be a better but don't count on it.
    drhemp I'm not normally a massive Marvel fan but this action packed fast paced thriller had me hooked pretty fast. No supernatural powers, even the action scenes (and there are plenty of them) are fairly believable. Frank Castle who is superbly played by Jon Bernthal certainly takes a few for the team.The plot is not over complicated but interesting and the series has many characters with their own stories. Brutally violent, but still what shows are not these day and the fight scenes in this are great. Didn't take me long to watch all 13 episodes, it's one of those, oh just one more before I go to bed TV series and it gets better as the series progresses.
    Alejandra Wowza that was a fun ride! I absolutely loved this series. Punisher was great in Netflix Daredevil, and the character continues to shine. Lots of different plots within the main plot. All tied in well. What more could you ask for? It was fun, violent and brutally real. Great fight scenes as well. (Take note Iron Fist people. It is quite simple. Stunt fighters) any one star review should be dismissed.
    KJ Proulx I believe the Netflix shows that are based on Marvel properties can be loved if you have an acquired taste to them. If you don't like gore or slow-paced storytelling, then you're probably out of the loop on these shows and plan on keeping it that way. Personally, since the release of the first season of Daredevil, I've been hooked on the realistic approach these shows have brought to the small screen. The Punisher, released earlier this year, fits that description perfectly, falling very much in line with the tone that has been set by the previous shows in this smaller universe of content. If you haven't been a fan, this show won't do anything to win you over, but for fans of the previous shows in this Marvel/Netflix universe, this first season of The Punisher should come recommended to you.Following Frank Castle after the events of the second season of Daredevil, he is haunted by his past and learning to cope with his personal demons, when new threats and issues arise. At its core, the movie is about forgetting the past as a war hero and trying to avenge the deaths of his wife and daughter. That's definitely a thin plot line for 13 hour-long episodes of television, but there are many side plots and secondary characters that elevate it from being simplistic. For acts of terror to downright having to showcase killing sprees in order to further the plot, this show doesn't pull any punches when things start to get real. This is a brutal show at times, but I feel that it takes a little too long to get where it wants to be.Viewers rave about how these shows are incredibly binge-worthy, but that's where I find the biggest issues throughout this particular show. The pacing throughout each episode feels very slow. Most of these shows have this issue, but it stood out a little more throughout my viewing of The Punisher. When the action hits or a great character moment occurs, I always found myself sucked in and loving every second, but certain scenarios that could've easily taken place over the course of one episode will last almost the entire season. This particular season could've easily been told in the eight-episode format that The Defenders was. That being said, this is a fantastic cast that's well worth watching, regardless of any complaints.Jon Bernthal proves that he was meant to play this character from the moment he began his acting career. I don't throw that around too often when talking about performers taking on iconic roles, but he really does have some incredible moments to shine here. From his intensity to his dramatic and sombre scenes throughout this season, I was engrossed every time he was on-screen. With the addition of secondary players like Amber Rose Revah, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Ben Barnes, and Daniel Webber, the performances themselves made this show feel like it was far more elegant than it deserved to be. In particular, the character progression that Daniel Webber provides as Lewis absolutely blew me away. His character had my jaw on the floor on multiple occasions, whether for good or bad.The Punisher has received a strong first season and I can't wait to see more from Bernthal as this character, but I honestly hope the pacing is tuned up a little throughout the coming season(s) because it really bogged it down for me. I usually like to get through these shows fairly quickly, because they feel addictive, and although The Punisher does have that effect, I also found myself slightly bored at times. This is a great season with some annoying aspects that really brought it down for me, so I would recommend it to Marvel fans or fans of violent programming, but be wary of the pacing.