Teen Titans
Teen Titans
TV-Y7 | 19 July 2003 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
    ducvu-81773 It's likely for Season 6 to come, if Cartoon Network brings back Season 6, then those two million views who are watching Teen Titans GO, will watch the season 6 telling more of their relatives or friends and they will even get more views than before because its better, it has more action in it. Also if you keep emailing Cartoon Network about it, they will get annoyed and will bring it back to make us stop sending them those kind of emails. Email Cartoon Network at least two times a day with different emails, not using your same email address: http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/feedback/ and contact@cartoonnetwork.co.ukSo it's likely. There's a petition with about 20000 approx people signed for a season 6, if we make it to 25000 or even more then Season 6 will come with you emailing Cartoon Network at least two times a day. Sign the petition: http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/get-a-6th- season-for-teen-titans/sign.html Petition signatures: http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/get-a-6th- season-for-teen-titans/signatures.htmlEmail Cartoon Network at least two times a day with different emails, not using your same email address: http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/feedback/ and contact@cartoonnetwork.co.ukAlso the cast (like Scott Menville who voices Robin and the rest of the cast want the series back, they wished Hollywood would work that way. So actors can decide, instead of Cartoon Network). Also the David Slack (writer of the entire series) wants the series back! Source(s): I AM A DIE HARD FAN OF TEEN TITANS! Well it's also on Wikipedia about Derrick Wyatt saying possibility of Season 6 returning.
    Mina Houraisan I love everything about this show! The action. The drama. The characters. The animation. The voice acting. Everything is just so good! 1- The action. I like super hero shows. I like action shows. How couldn't I love this show? The action is enjoyable, epic and it even has suspense sometimes making me wonder if the Titans will win.2-The drama. Some of the things the Titans will face are certainly interesting. I won't say much because spoilers, but I really like some of the drama and the scenarios the Titans will be in.3-The characters. Most of the characters were so likable in this show. They were well-developed, interesting, diverse. My favourites were probably Starfire and Raven.4-The animation. The animation is a lovely mix of Japanese and Western. While I'm not a huge fan on anime, the animation still appeals to me. And it doesn't look like a knockoff either.5-The voice acting. All the voices fit the characters in this. And the VAs all gave an excellent performance.Overall, I would Definitely recommend Teen Titans. Watch this show. Not Teen Titans Go.
    Movie Buff Let me start by saying I am NOT an anime fan, not in the least. I have never watched an anime cartoon, EVER. That being said, I should have been turned off by this show from the very beginning just because of the anime influence. But I wasn't. 1. If you watch the show, there really isn't THAT much anime. It's an American show with Western-style animation occasionally throwing in some anime.2. Many people were complaining it isn't clear which incarnation of Robin this is, Tim Drake or Dick Grayson. I repeat, WATCH THE SHOW. There are plenty of anvil-sized hints throughout the show clearly indicating that this is Dick Grayson. (i.e, Robin mentioning he has a father then showing the camera panning up to bats flying away, a quick reference to Dick Grayson's 1940s "Boy Wonder" introduction, even the FREAKING Flying Graysons (Dick's late parents) are shown at one point.) You cannot get more in your face than this. 3. Humor. The humor is pretty darn good. At least I laughed quite a few times. It's very varied, ranging from self-referential to deadpan to snark. 4. Like any TV Show, there are hits and misses. There are really good episodes and there are weaker episodes.5. CHILDISH? It's a kid's show for crying out loud! Stop complaining. I swear, sit down and try to watch what is on nowadays. You will balk at what is considered "humor." Watch Sanjay and Craig for five minutes, I dare you. You will run away crying.Bottom line, this a pretty, pretty good show. I enjoy it very much. It's fun and I feel like it usually has the right mix of humor, action and occasionally drama. Most people who have been hating on this show watched the first episode and stopped. You can't determine the quality of a series just from watching ONE episode. Check it out, give it a chance. Don't knock it till you've tried it.
    James Teen Titans is a great show with a perfect combination of being comical and being serious. It shows the true angst of being not only a teen with regular teen problems but with the trouble of having to keep an entire city safe from self-appointed super villains. The episodes each season are a mix of serious stories that progress the main story and silly filler episodes to lighten up the mood.This show is very character driven. The leader - Robin, is the most serious of the group only rivaled by Raven. He strives to prove himself worthy since he is the only one without powers. The second in command is Cyborg. He is half human and half robot which is a story all it's own. He is one of the strongest and most intelligent in the group. Also he is very proficient with automobiles and computers making him very reliable to the group. The comical one is Beast Boy. He is usually cracking jokes but is not to be taken lightly. His powers include the ability to transform into any animal, including ones that are extinct or not even from earth. One member of the group that is often misunderstood by her friends is Raven. Her powers include telepathy, flight and the telekinesis which requires lots of meditation and control over her emotions. The last member of the Teen Titans is Starfire. She is an alien who has traveled to earth from her home planet of Tamaran. She is a lot of the time out of the loop when it comes to Earth's culture and sayings and is often confused by it. Her powers include being able to fly and shoot green energy projections from her hands. Each character is necessary to the group and has his or her own purpose in the group.I very much recommend this series if you are a fan of the teen titans, comic books, or just animated series in general.