Xiaolin Showdown
Xiaolin Showdown
TV-Y | 01 November 2003 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    ashleyzfyang I remember this show growing up. It had enough going for it that I have a positive view of it years later. Some may say there weren't many shows that stood out in the early 2000s, but I think this is a show with style that sets it apart. Other shows like Jackie Chan Adventures had a similar style of Asian culture mixed with American animation, and this one definitely shares some similarities (heck, both shows came out from the same network). However, I really enjoyed this type of style, and while the characters and story aren't the selling point, the imagination put into some of the concepts got me hooked. It works well in the show, and there's even significant character and plot development moving along (such as the writers bringing back a certain plot point in the past), which is definitely something I really appreciated.
    TheLittleSongbird Xiaolin Showdown is not a perfect show, but it is very good. I feared it would not be my thing and that it would be lacklustre, that it would fail at any attempts at humour or that it would have obnoxious characters. It was a really nice surprise that it had neither of those negative traits.The animation is actually pretty good with interesting use of colour and character designs. The music is funky and cool, especially the theme tune, while the story ideas are a lot of fun and have originality and energy. I agree the writing can be a tinsy bit poor and predictable at times, but it does have a good balance of intelligence and humour. The characters are engaging, the title character for example while flawed is brave and loyal while the villain Jack Spicer is more comedic than threatening, but when he is amusing he is amusing. Another strength is the rock-solid voice acting from the likes of Danny Cooksey, Tom Kenny and Wayne Knight.In conclusion, interesting show, and quite clever and fun. 8/10 Bethany Cox
    gelziabar Despite teaming together very stereotyped characters (on purpose), Xiaolin Showdown does offer a very enjoyable viewing experience except during certain times when the humor is disgusting. The animation isn't exactly top of the line but the action sequences are pretty good, meaning that the animation is within sufficient standards. The humor can sometimes be clichéd and lame but is enjoyable most of the time. There are some visible faults as well. Jack Splicer started off as a pretty cool character but the writers made him increasingly stupid and pathetic as the show progressed. What this series really lacks is a good soundtrack.
    VoodooChicken I am surprised by how much I enjoy this show. It does have its flaws, but this initial order has so far been better than most other first seasons launched by Kids WB, including my fav, The Zeta Project which died an angonized death.Omi is hilarious, Clay is admirable, Kimiko is sweet without annoying the fudge out of me, Master Fung floors me, and Jack Spicer is a good arch nemesis.I have problems with Raimundo, Katt Nappe, and that ghost lady with Jack however. Fortunately, the last couple episodes have been Katt free. Best of luck to the show!!