Green Lantern: The Animated Series
Green Lantern: The Animated Series
TV-PG | 11 November 2011 (USA)

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    Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
    Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    btimmfan First, let me say that I am not at all a Green Lantern fan. I've never read the comics, and the character has never appealed to me before. I am, however, a huge fan of Bruce Timm and the DCAU (DC Animated Universe). Batman: The Animated Series, Batman Beyond, and Justice League/Unlimited are my favorite animated shows of all time. BTAS, in particular, had a huge influence on me as I started watching it at a very early age as a child in the 90s.When I first heard about Green Lantern: The Animated Series, I wasn't interested at all. Then when I heard that Bruce Timm was the executive producer, I thought it might be worth a try. I forgot about the series for a time, until I stumbled upon it again on Amazon. They had the complete series on Blu-ray. I read a couple reviews, and on a whim I decided to purchase it. The price was excellent for getting the complete series on Blu-ray, but I was really just taking a chance because I had never viewed an episode or talked to anyone who had. That was possibly the best Blu-ray purchase I have ever made!This series is fantastic. I went into it pretty skeptical and not at all a Green Lantern fan. All I really knew about GL was from what I'd seen on JL/JLU. The writing and dialogue is very sharp, the plot is solid, the characters are fleshed out and well developed, the music is epic, the voice cast is incredible, and everything is really top notch! The cg animation and the designs are beautiful! I wasn't sure if I would really like the cg, but it really grows on you and I have really come to appreciate it. All this to say, if you haven't seen this yet, please give it a shot. I'm not certain but it seems like this show is under-appreciated and I have no idea why. Maybe people simply don't know about it. If you like any of Bruce Timm's previous work, you will LOVE this show. Its maturity level and overall tone is right up there with the greats like BTAS, BB, and JL/JLU. This is seriously, one of the best animated series of all time!
    Anthony Castelluci This is a review for episodes 1-13, as it is one complete story arc. Easy to contrast this against a horrible feature film and say it's good. But this 1st series stands alone as good Green Lantern canon on it's own. I like that the authors assumed we know that Hal Jordan was chosen and how he became a Green Lantern. Also like the realization of Oa and the Guardians. Art direction is top notch. Writing is even better. Excellent story obviously made by fans of Green Lantern Corps. Even with the cartoony style, it packs a lot more action, drama, and humor than the lame live action movie. (granted I know you have a better opportunity to develop characters in a series than you do in film).All in all I compare this to the Green Lantern Corps comic book for it's scope and breadth. Top notch entertainment that doesn't insult your intelligence. Would like to have seen how this would do in a prime time slot on a major network. Bet it would crush stupid reality TV. People would remember..."Oh yeah, storytelling rocks!"Also, this series encapsulates the true character of Hal Jordan. He's a cocky test pilot. I mean have you ever met a test pilot or even a fighter pilot? Very similar to the way Hal Jordan is portrayed here.Another thing this series does well, is show the capabilities and limitations of the power rings. Very well done and spot on, the way it's portrayed in the comics. Not to beat a dead horse, but the recent film got it wrong on even the characterization of Hal Jordan. Ryan Reynolds comes off as a smart ass. And while this is part of a test pilot's persona, it isn't the defining factor as it is with the way Reynolds played him. I suppose I can even go so far to say Reynolds was completely the wrong actor for the film. Hal Jordan in the comic book, is mid 40's early 50's, as he's retired Air Force and now a test pilot. Should have cast someone with the silver fox sides like the way Hal Jordan was drawn in the comic books. That's my only gripe about this animated series. I suppose they expected the target audience to be 18 and under. So maybe a greying super hero was out of the question.++++UPDATE+++ Recently finished watching episodes 14-26. It's even more engaging. Still blows my mind with the amount of money that gets put into live action film and promotions for "blockbuster" movies, that no super hero film I've seen comes close to this. It's that good. Once again, when a super hero comic is obviously written by comic book fans, and not your garden variety Hollywood ego-maniacs, (granted I'm assuming the creators of this series live and work in LA), you get a better story.
    Johnathan Green Green Lantern: The Animated Series has quickly become one of my favorite television shows. I heard about it when the fan-base had just found out about the potential cancellation that it is facing, and the video clip attached persuaded me to give the show a chance. It has more than proved its worth in cartoon networks programs, and it has achieved so much in its first season alone. The plot and character development have such depth and meaning, and still manage to teach kids the moral lessons that all shows targeted towards children strive to achieve. It has taught lessons on second chances, about ignoring differences and embracing the similarities we share. Hal Jordan took Razer as a prisoner, and treated him with compassion despite the destruction and pain he causes as a member of the Red Lantern Corps. Razer grows from his pain and although he still struggles, he tries to make himself better, and has a story everyone can relate to. A story about falling down, about not getting things right the first time, or even the next time or the time after that. A story about growing up and moving forward, which is a positive them amongst all the crew and even the minor characters. This is a show that can have such a positive impact on kids, and people of all ages. The fans are struggling much like Razer, to keep their show alive for another season. For a second chance, for a show that has so much potential and such passionate viewers. For a second season that can make a difference.
    jcs_stanley Ignore any negative reviews you come across, this show is dead good. In fact it seems to completely make up for the disappointment that was the Martian Campbell steered flick that had Ryan Reynolds donning the green suit and ring before eventually fighting a giant evil black bag of literally bones with a head that could be mistaken for radiating sick if not examined closely.Unlike the Movie, This show is much better constructed. It's overall plot and premise isn't too heavily loyal to the original comics and while it does include a bunch of the old stuff from the source material, It also provides new elements and a different continuity and plot allowing it to attract old fans and bring in newer ones who are unfamiliar with Green Lantern.The animation is simplistic yet slick and cool-looking with some great special effects that range from flying spacecraft to bright Green/Red Lantern constructs created from either Willpower or anger. The humour and drama of the sneak-peak which aired on Catoon Network is balanced out nicely. It is also the first part of a two-parter Which I will guarantee will leave you wanting to know more about some of the story threads introduced in that premiere.So overall I'm asking you to give the show a chance even if you didn't like the recent Green Lantern movie (although I admit it wasn't that bad). Don't be put off by a bunch of the negative comments on this page. The Users who put those down probably had their expectations too high or they probably arn't into this sort of stuff. I'm into it. You probably will be too.