Birdman and the Galaxy Trio
Birdman and the Galaxy Trio
| 09 September 1967 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
    Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
    Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
    Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
    schimbare This cartoon had the great hanna barbera voices & sounds collection. Also the character design & the animation were very good aswell(I think Alex Toth worked on them). It is revolved around the power of science/technology, created/used by evil geniuses/terrorist organisations/underworld kingpins, who must be stopped by Birdman and his companions, Avenger and later on Bird Boy ( they always seem to add infant sidekicks characters to make the children audience get involved even more in the story as they will identify themselves with them). Bridman lives in a secretly high tech located volcano, where he gets messages from his secret services boss (falcon 7), through video conference ( he seems to be controlling some kind of computer for this & also some other few times when investigating stuff). The vilains are from a wide variety of worlds, from thiefs to mercenaries, aliens, robots, evil geniuses to evil organisations. The episodes runs in a fixed format, with Birdman working in it's volcano lair and suddendly getting a message about some weird event, behind which is suspected to be some evil. Birdman investigates, finds the source of the issue, usually gets in problem and somehow needs to be saved or get a lucky break, and finally finding a way to overcome his enemy. Sometimes,his enemies break away and don't get caught at all ( that happens quite often in fact).There are multiple enemies who return in more than 1 episodes, as a result. The episdoes are short (6-7-8 minutes) and they used to be run in pair with "The galaxy trio". An episode of "The galaxy trio' would be sandwiched between 2 episodes of birdman, that making it about 20-23 minutes segment.Great show for the kids of the time, as it was so creative, so out of this world. Even now, it would be interesting for kids to see, if they like Hanna barbera cartoons- I think HB are the goat of cartoon franchises). Too bad Birdman didn't get more credit, as Batman/Superman/Spiderman did. He was unique, although Hanna Barbera did kind of reboot him in Blue Falcon & Harvey Birdman, attorney at law.Both he/SpaceGhost were shutdown due to so called violence presented on screen. I disagree on that, I watched it when I was 4-5 and it didnt' had any negative effect on me. They fight scenes were not graphic at all.
    jamm2005us To all the people who gave a bad review, let me remind you that this is a a cartoon for kids, for God's sake! That's why I enjoyed it when I was a kid. It never was one of my favorites, but you must know at that time there were many kids' fantasies, that were so different from today's, that you get them out of the context, which is what I want you to keep in mind. I mean I advise you to see these episodes not with your adult mind, but with a kid's heart!That said, I must confess that I was kind of expecting every Thursday afternoon when Birdman was scheduled. Specially when BirdBoy appeared. As a matter of fact, even when kid, I knew this was not a special cartoon, but nevertheless, I was expecting it!
    r-c-s What really makes this cartoon loose points is bird boy. I hated the episodes he was in and no, it was notches below "Dino boy". I understand some brilliant mind wanted the audience (a show engineered for children, always remember that ) to relate to a target closer to their age, so they could dream of actually being bird boy, but I just hate it. It aged worse than other H&B cartoons in my opinion. While all H&B cartoons of sort have "segments" (E.G the "song & run" in Josie and the pussycats; the "push power band button" in Space Ghost ), bird man is more predictable and therefore less interesting. Galaxy trio is a bit better with its Star Trek feeling, and more worth watching.
    Staack117 Ever notice that the least-fit people to do a job, are many times the ones in charge? I would sooner trust Charles Manson to produce a cartoon for kids, than the people responsible for this train wreck. Retro-fanatics delude themselves. There are no excuses for something like this. Budget or technology limitations never stopped many endeavors which had thought behind these. Birdman and The Galaxy Trio is a tragedy. It's as if the most mentally void people in the world came together to make an action cartoon, or a bunch of criminal-geniuses went to great lengthes to make the WORST CARTOONS EVER. I pray for the latter. I have learned through experience that it takes a lot of work and thought to make something intentionally HORRIBLE. One has to think of every mistake, and every flaw that would annoy viewers. Birdman and the Galaxy Trio is so chock full of 'plot' holes (the plots of each episode could be summarized in about 4 words) and oversights. The animation was terrible, even compared to Space Ghost or The Herculoids. There were too many cheap liberties taken because of poor planning and writing. Unlike Super Globetrotters, The Gary Coleman Show, or Mr. T, this stupid animated series has no redeeming value. While the above are funny to watch because of it's campiness, Birdman and the Galaxy Trio should be avoided like the plague. Never have I seen an animated series that could make so many people LITERALLY ANGRY at how poor it is.