TV-G | 12 January 1966 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    Hotwok2013 If you read the reviews here on on the IMDb for Batman you will get a huge number of, apparently, critical words used to describe it. Daft, silly, absurd, idiotic, ridiculous & camp etc. All are true but that didn't stop just about everybody loving the show. ME TOO!. I loved it as a 15 year old boy when it first aired back in 1966 & I still love it today 50 years on. Adam West & Burt Ward who played Batman & Robin respectively always kept straight faces no matter how ridiculous the situations they were in, (& some of them were totally mad), but somehow or other it all just worked. Great too were Alan Napier playing the dynamic duo's butler Alfred, Stafford Repp playing Irish police chief O'Hara & Neil Hamilton as Commissioner Gordon. What really made the show, however, were the villains & villainesses some of whom were an absolute hoot!. Frank Gorshin's Riddler, Burgess Meredith's Penguin, Vincent Price's Egghead, Cesar Romero's Joker, Victor Buono's King Tut (playing the ancient Egyptian Pharoah Tutenkhamun), Julie Newmar's Catwoman & Zsa Zsa Gabor's Minerva (who just played herself really, dahlink) were amongst the most memorable although I could go on, & on & ON. In fact practically everyone who had any kind of name in Hollywood at the time made at least one appearance on the show. As the show progressed into its third season the villainous characters just got more & more nuttier. One of my favourites was Barbara Rush playing Nora Clavicle who was flanked either side by two statuesque beauties Evalina & Angelina played by June Wilkinson & Inga Nielsen respectively. Another really dopey character was created for Liberace named Chandell. He was a kind of musical villain & was surrounded by a trio of gorgeous ladies who played the bag-pipes called Doe, Rae & Mimi. (See, I told you how nutty the show became!). Our bag-piping ladies were played by Marilyn Hanold, Edy Williams & Sivi Aberg respectively. Given the fact that Liberace was well-known as a raving homosexual as well as being a brilliant pianist I am sure there was some kind of in-joke going on by the shows producers who surrounded him with hot babes!. As I say the show was very often an utterly hilarious blast!. ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!.
    adonis98-743-186503 The Caped Crusader battles evildoers in Gotham City in a bombastic 1960s parody of the comic book hero's exploits. I always thought that George Clooney as Batman was a bad choice well Adam West is even worse he isn't playing Batman he just plays an annoying cosplay of The Dark Knight and let's not talk about Robin which says the same thing like every 5 minutes or less. This show also ruined The Joker and every other villain long before Schumacher if you want to turn off your brain and sit in front of a screen and watch this be my guest but if not go watch Batman: The Animated Series or Batman Beyond or even better The Justice League: Unlimited. Batman the 1966 - 1968 TV Show gets a 6 out of 10.
    perkinsj-25121 At this point in the 60's, batman was still a more underground character (mostly popular with comic book readers). But when this show came along it changed everything! It brought batman and all of his villains/sidekicks into the mainstream. And with it being on television, it got more attention then if it was a film, since at the time television was taking over film. Also, batman was in COLOR!! Which was a very big deal and probably got a lot of people to buy color televisions. Now I have to talk about the show. The show itself is very colorful, and to me that's great! I love how it looks like a comic book literally came on to the small screen. There was always cliff hangers at the end of episodes which made you want to come back next time. Now...lets get it out of the way. The camp factor. Yes, the show is a bit campy, but I think that's the appeal of it. It can resonate with both children and adults alike! I love films like the dark knight and batman 1989, but watching the 66 show is a completely different experience. A fun, colorful, enjoyable experience. Without this show we without a doubt wouldn't have any batman movies now....or, maybe we wouldn't even have any superhero movies.
    Danny Blankenship Over the years from time to time I would watch old episodes on classic late night rerun cable or digital TV of this series one that was way before my time yet my mother grew up on and watched as I remember her telling me stories about the old "Batman" TV series. I for one grew up in the 80's and my best "Batman" memories are the Tim Burton ones. And still this 60's series is a watch it's funny and a little silly with parody and spoof and gags and the action sounds float along with music played and the sounds of bang! pow! zap! and other one liners are shown just like they were in the early "Batman" comics. The episodes are all centered in Gotham City and involve the duo team of Batman(Adam West) and Robin(Burt Ward) fighting their many villains as it's always important to keep the city and it's people safe. Many episodes and stories involved fights, explosions, and action with robberies and heist many times a lot of female actresses were held hostage or kidnapped by the villains as they were damsels in distress often being tied up and gagged! Near fear Batman and Robin would always come to save the day even if it meant facing the "Mad Hatter". The villains were well done and mean with Cesar Romero giving an adequate turn as the laughing "Joker" and the class act Burgess Meredith playing "The Penguin" to form and Julie Newar was sexy and a class act as "Catwoman". Overall early and entertaining fun spoof parody like comic book series that always had you asking same "Bat" time same "Bat" channel for next week!